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Anti-bullying policy development (2) Diversity & Inclusion Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Anti-bullying policy development (2) Diversity & Inclusion Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anti-bullying policy development (2) Diversity & Inclusion Team

2 Objectives To discuss what constitutes bullying and begin to agree an acceptable definition To encourage participants to focus on the role they themselves can play in preventing bullying in their school To begin to set procedures and guidelines for dealing with bullying incidents

3 Definitions of bullying Video: ‘Sticks and Stones’ Feedback Key elements of bullying

4 Vulnerable groups Looked After Children (LAC) Traveller Children Racism Homophobia Children with disability Children with SEN Are there any further issues that now need to be considered in terms of a definition of bullying/developing a policy?

5 Definition of bullying Handout ‘Definitions of bullying’ (from ‘Guidelines for developing Anti-bullying policy and practice in Manchester schools’) An example of a School Council’s definition: (what the pupils, who are ‘likely perpetrators’ as well as ‘victims’, see as bullying behaviour) deliberately trying to hurt a person damaging or taking another person’s property deliberately saying things which are intended to hurt another using eye or body language to make someone unhappy writing things about a person which are abusive mimicking someone’s speech or actions

6 Roles in preventing bullying Permit, Promote or Prevent (PPP) Look at bullying from 3 perspectives Children/young people Parents Staff Useful exercise to use with parents to focus on role of parents in encouraging and /or preventing bullying

7 Permit, Promote, Prevent Permit Ignore victim/inadequate supervision/ dismissive/not listening/encourage retaliation/lack of time/lack of policy/ no procedures Promote Dismissive/poor classroom management/no discipline/ undervalue less able children/aggressive role model/no limits/not listening/ unapproachable/insensitive Prevent Raise self-esteem/listening/fairness/celebrate differences/promote social skills/preventative strategies/tell the school/boost confidence/ assertive/listening/Anti-bullying policy/procedures/immediate action

8 Policies and procedures for dealing with bullying In groups examine case studies Identify: Issues within the situation What would you do immediately? What could you do to prevent this happening again? Feedback ideas so that they can be used to help devise procedures for the Anti-bullying policy

9 Next steps Discuss the next steps Actions

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