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“Stronger, Higher, Faster- the challenges ahead” Hertfordshire Governors’ Annual Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "“Stronger, Higher, Faster- the challenges ahead” Hertfordshire Governors’ Annual Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Stronger, Higher, Faster- the challenges ahead” Hertfordshire Governors’ Annual Conference

2 The Challenge of Challenging Children Dr Rona Tutt BST CAF EAL ECM ESC G&T IDP LAC MECSS PRU SEN

3 Stronger, Higher, Faster or Weaker, Lower, Slower

4 Content of the Workshop The meaning of challenge Who are the challenging children? Meeting the challenge? What are we doing? What more might we do? The governors’ role

5 Definitions: A Challenge: A summons to take part in a contest or trial of strength A demanding, difficult or stimulating task

6 Challenging Children: demanding difficult stimulating

7 Challenging Children: who are they? Aggressive and violent Bullying and bullied Excluded 1.

8 Challenging Children : Who are they? SEN and/or disabled Gifted and talented 2.

9 Challenging Children: who are they? Disaffected Truants School refusers (phobics) Travellers 3.

10 Challenging Children: who are they? EAL LAC / Carers Vulnerable / at risk Wrongly placed 4.

11 DISCUSSION Which groups challenge our schools?

12 Meeting the challenge 1.Support from the Government Every Child Matters / The Children Act Inclusion Development Programme Back on Track

13 Meeting the challenge 2. Support from the local authority Children, Schools and Families Alternative provision Specialist provision Advisory services

14 Meeting the challenge 3. Support from schools Partnerships Outreach services Specialist schools

15 DISCUSSION Steps taken already Steps to consider taking

16 Governors’ Roles and Responsibilities Being informed School policies SEN, G&T, LAC Governors

17 Outcomes Weaker, Lower, Slower become Stronger, Higher, Faster.


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