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Cell Membranes & Walls. Types of Cells Prokaryotes Archaebacteria Eubacteria * Eukaryotes Plants * Animals * Fungi Protists.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Membranes & Walls. Types of Cells Prokaryotes Archaebacteria Eubacteria * Eukaryotes Plants * Animals * Fungi Protists."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Membranes & Walls

2 Types of Cells Prokaryotes Archaebacteria Eubacteria * Eukaryotes Plants * Animals * Fungi Protists

3 Why do cells have a membranes/walls?

4 Functions of Cell Membrane 4 Separates & protects cell from its surrounding environment Protein molecules inside the cell membrane act as channels & pumps that move different molecules into & out of the cell. Receptor proteins in cell membrane allow cells to detect external signaling molecules such as hormones

5 Evolution of Cell Membrane 4 Current Theory: 1st prokaryotic cell membrane was a single layer of lipids

6 Phospholipid Hydrophilic Head (Polar) : Polar Group + Phosphate + Glyerol Hydrophobic Tail (Non Polar) : 2 Fatty Acid Chains

7 To Try... 1.Use a disposable pipet to place a drop of water on the 2 different kinds of spoons 2.Sketch & Describe what you see

8 Phospholipid Bilayer When phospholipids are placed in water they usually form a sphere.

9 To Try... 1.Fill a petri dish halfway with water 2.Use a disposable pipet to drop oil onto the water 3.Sketch and describe your observations

10 Modern Bacteria Cell Membrane Phospoholipid Bilayer

11 Cell Membrane Proteins Protein functions: Transport nutrients, waste, gases, etc. Chemical Receptors for the cell

12 Cell Membrane Characteristics Semi-permeable: the membrane allows the movement of some, but not all particles

13 Cell Membrane Characteristics Fluid Mosaic Model: it is a lot of small components that together make the cell membrane

14 Bacteria Cells 7 Gram Positive & Gram Negative Cell Wall & Membrane

15 Bacteria Cells Gram Positive: Phospholipid Bilayer + Thick Cell Wall (Peptidoglycan) Gram Negative: Phospholipid Bilayer + Thin Cell Wall + Phospholipid Bilayer

16 Gram-positive Cell Wall 8 & 9 Cell Wall: made of peptidoglycan (murein) = polymer of sugars & amino acids Cell Membrane: Phospholipid Bilayer is made of phoshates and lipid molecules

17 Gram-Negative Cell Wall What is different?

18 Gram Staining Protocol: 1) Apply a primary stain (crystal violet or methylene blue) to bacteria 2) Add Mordant (Gram's iodine) & let stand for 10-60 seconds, then pour off excess 3) Rapid decolorization w/ alcohol or acetone, rinse after 5 seconds (TIME CRUCIAL) 4) Counterstain w/ safranin or basic fuchsin for 40- 60 seconds, wash excess

19 Gram Staining

20 Gram Positive: Purple Gram Negative: Pink

21 Endosymbiotic Theory 5 Organelles orginated as seperate prokaryotic organisms which were taken inside the cell as endosymbionts Mitochondria developed from proteobacteria Chloroplasts evolved from cyanobacteria

22 Endosymbiotic Theory 6

23 Eukaryotic Cell Membrane 1

24 Eukaryotic Cell Membrane 2 What is similar between this cell membrane and the bacterial cell membrane?

25 Plant Cell Wall 10 Cell Wall thick & rigid prevents enlargement of the plant cell helps the plant absorb, transport, & secrete substances Cell Membrane

26 Plant Cell Wall Pectin: Hemicellulose: Cellulose Microfibril:

27 Sources 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

28 Cell Membranes are like Bubbles... Challenge: 1.Get a paper clip through the bubble without popping the bubble 2.Get a pencil through the bubble without getting it wet

29 Soap Membrane How does the soap membrane compare to the cell membrane?

30 Soap in Action Captures the lipid

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