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The Cell What it’s all about. 7–1Life Is Cellular A. The Cell Theory B. Basic Cell Structures C. Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes 1.Prokaryotes 2.Eukaryotes.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cell What it’s all about. 7–1Life Is Cellular A. The Cell Theory B. Basic Cell Structures C. Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes 1.Prokaryotes 2.Eukaryotes."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cell What it’s all about

2 7–1Life Is Cellular A. The Cell Theory B. Basic Cell Structures C. Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes 1.Prokaryotes 2.Eukaryotes Section Outline

3 Life is Cellular The door to discovery opened when the microscope was invented 1665-Robert Hooke looked at cork **Called what he saw “cells” Anton von Leeuwenhoek was exploring the microscopic world –He is credited with ‘inventing’ microscopes, all he did was improve them

4 Dead science guys of cytology 1830-Matthias Schleiden –All plants are made of cells –Botanist 1840 Theodore Schwann –All living things are made of cells –Zoologist 1850 Rudolph Virchow –New cells must come from pre-existing cells

5 The Cell Theory All living things are made of cells Cells come from cells Cells are the basic units of structure and function

6 Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes “Pro” means before, “eu” means true and “karyon means nucleus Prokaryote: smaller and simpler Genetic material not contained in a nucleus ex: bacteria Eukaryote: larger and more complex highly specialized genetic material separated from the rest of the cell highly diverse

7 Prokaryotic Cell Cell membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus Organelles Eukaryotic Cell

8 Section 7.2 The Eukaryotic cell is like a school Certain jobs for certain people (organelles) Organelle-”little organ” Cellular organs Eukaryotic cell has 2 parts: –Cytoplasm-portion of the cell outside the nucleus –Nucleus

9 7–2Cell Structures A.Cell Wall B.Nucleus 1.Chromatin and Chromosomes 2.Nucleolus 3.Nuclear Envelope C.Cytoskeleton D.Organelles in the Cytoplasm 1.Ribosomes 2.Endoplasmic Reticulum 3.Golgi Apparatus 4.Lysosomes 5.Vacuoles 6.Chloroplasts 7.Mitochondria E.Organelle DNA F.The Cell as a Factory G.Comparing Cells Section Outline

10 The Cell Wall-Officer Ben PROTECT AND SUPPORT THE CELL In plants, algae, fungi and many prokaryotes Outside the cell membrane Semi-permeable Made of carbo’s and proteins Cells walls of plants-cellulose!

11 Cell Membrane-Walls of the School PROTECT AND SUPPORT Selectively permeable Lipid bilayer with proteins

12 The Nucleus-The Office Has almost all the DNA Codes for making proteins Surrounded by nuclear envelope *Double membrane with pores Chromatin * DNA bound to protein *condenses to form CHROMOSOMES Nucleolus *Ribosome assembly starts here

13 Ribosomes-the kitchen MAKES PROTEINS One of the most important jobs Particles of RNA and protein Follows “recipe” from the nucleus

14 Endoplasmic Reticulum-The hallways Lipid (fat) components of the cell membrane and proteins are assembled in the ER Rough ER synthesizes proteins *Ribosomes are on the surface Smooth ER has enzymes for special tasks *detoxification of drugs *liver cells have lots of these

15 Golgi Apparatus-Loading Dock Modify, sort, package proteins and other material from the ER for storage or secretion “Ships” materials to other parts of the cell or outside the cell

16 Lysosomes-The Custodians Clean-up crew Filled with enzymes Digest lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins for the cell to use Break-down useless, old organelles Tay-Sachs traced to malfunctioning lysosomes

17 Vacuoles-Storage Closets Store water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates Plants have one HUGE vacuole *liquid pressure helps to support leaves and flowers Single-celled organisms use it for locomotion…contract it to force water out to move

18 Mitochondria and Chloroplasts- Power Source Mitochondria convert chemical energy from food into things the cell can use –Mitochondria comes from Mom –Double membrane Chloroplasts capture sun’s energy and convert it into chemical energy via photosynthesis –Double membrane

19 Organelle DNA Chloroplasts and Mitochondria have own DNA Lynn Margulis (you go GIRL!) –Endosymbiotic theory Ancient prokaryotes lived inside eukaryotes, working together Evolved to be mitochondria and chloroplasts

20 Cell membrane Endoplasmic reticulum Microtubule Microfilament Ribosomes Michondrion Figure 7-7 Cytoskeleton

21 The Cytoskeleton Network of protein filaments that help cell keep its shape and helps unicellular critters move Only have known about it for about 30 years –Microfilaments Threadlike structures made of actin Helps amoebas move –Microtubules Hollow structures made of tubulins Cell division, form mitotic spindle In animal cells-makes centrioles that organize cell division Build flagella and and cilia for motion

22 Cell membrane Ribosomes Cell wall Nucleus Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus Lysosomes Vacuoles Mitochondria Cytoskeleton Animal CellsPlant Cells Lysosomes Cell membrane Ribosomes Nucleus Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus Vacuoles Mitochondria Cytoskeleton Cell Wall Chloroplasts Venn Diagrams ProkaryotesEukaryotes

23 Centrioles Nucleolus Nucleus Nuclear envelope Rough endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Mitochondrian Cell Membrane Ribosome (free) Ribosome (attached) Figure 7-5 Plant and Animal Cells

24 Nuclear envelope Ribosome (attached) Ribosome (free) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Nucleus Rough endoplasmic reticulum Nucleolus Golgi apparatus Mitochondrian Cell wall Cell Membrane Chloroplast Vacuole Figure 7-5 Plant and Animal Cells


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