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Political Ideology and Political Parties. Ideology v. Political Parties IDEOLOGY: the different approaches or beliefs people use to influence how they.

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Presentation on theme: "Political Ideology and Political Parties. Ideology v. Political Parties IDEOLOGY: the different approaches or beliefs people use to influence how they."— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Ideology and Political Parties

2 Ideology v. Political Parties IDEOLOGY: the different approaches or beliefs people use to influence how they approach public policy POLITICAL PARTY: an organized group of people who share similar political views and work to influence the government

3 What is a Spectrum? A person’s views on the issues help determine where they fall on the political spectrum (range). The labels used on the spectrum are not pure categories, but they make up a continuum. Citizens and politicians fall somewhere on that line depending on what they believe.

4 Political Parties on the Spectrum Democrats Independents Republicans Radical Liberal Moderate Conservative Reactionary Two key indicators: – Role of government (more or less) Has changed over time – View on change (fast, slow, no change) c

5 What is a Radical? Seen as being on the far left of the political spectrum, radicals call for wide- sweeping rapid change in the basic structure of the political, social, or economic system. They may be willing to resort to extreme methods to bring about change, including the use of violence and revolution. Eugene V. Debs entered the presidential race several times in the early 20 th century as a Socialist.

6 What is a Liberal? Liberals believe that the government should be actively involved in the promotion of social welfare of a nation’s citizens. They usually call for fast, peaceful change within the existing political system. They reject violent revolution as a way of changing the way things are, often called the status quo. Ted Kennedy (D-MA), also known as “the Lion of the Senate,” has had a major impact on modern liberal legislation

7 What is a Moderate? Moderates may share viewpoints with both liberals and conservatives. They are seen as tolerant of other people’s views, and they do not hold extreme views of their own. They advocate a “go-slow” or “wait-and-see” approach to social or political change. Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT) is generally seen as a moderate.

8 What is a Conservative? People who hold conservative ideals favor keeping things the way they are or maintaining the status quo if it is what they desire. Conservatives are usually hesitant or cautious about adopting new policies, especially if they involve government activism in some way. They feel that the less involvement of the government there is, the better. They agree with Jefferson’s view that “the best government governs least.” Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) lost his campaign for the presidency in 2008 but continues to be a powerful force in the Senate

9 What is a Reactionary? Sitting on the far right of the ideological spectrum, reactionaries want to go back to the way things were—the “good ol’ days.” Often reactionaries are willing to use extreme methods, such as repressive use of government power, to achieve their goals. Senator McCarthy led a campaign to purge the government and Hollywood of communists in the Second Red Scare

10 American Political Parties are Broad Based Coalitions

11 Two Major Parties: Republicans v. Democrats Both parties want: Strong Economy Stable Government Military security Both parties believe in: Capitalism Democracy Third parties: – Often promote values that are on the extreme ends of the political spectrum

12 Party Policies Democrats Support Affordable Care Act Restrict ownership of assault rifles Regulate businesses to promote environment Reform immigration policy Legalize same-sex marriage Republicans Repeal Affordable Care Act No restrictions on gun ownership and use Reduce national debt and deficit by cutting gov services Expand oil industry in America Reduce taxes, especially on rich

13 DISCUSSION QUESTION Who do you think is more effective at passing laws in the legislature, legislators on the ends of the political spectrum (Radical/Reactionary) or legislators in the center of the political spectrum (Liberal/Moderate/Conservative)? Why?

14 Quick Fire As you look at each of the following charts/graphs, write one observation about the data in the chart. – What does the information say about voting patterns in the U.S.?

15 Party Coalitions Today 2013


17 AGEDEMOCRATINDEPENDENTREPUBLICAN 18-24295417 25-34304921 35-44324028 45-543533 55-64373825 65+363133 Party ID By Age

18 2012 Presidential Election – Obama v. Romney

19 Political Party Identification

20 Third Parties A third party is one that enters the electoral contests (without having a realistic chance of winning an election). -However, at times these parties do affect the outcome of the contest between the two major parties (Ross Perot in 1996 & Ralph Nader in 2000) Why are third parties formed? – 4 types of third parties: Single-Issue - prohibition, women’s rights, environment, etc. Economic Protest – Populist, Greenback Party Ideological – Communist, Socialist, Libertarian Splinter Groups they are an offshoot, a splinter group, of a major party (Teddy Roosevelt’s Progressives or Strom Thurmond’s States’ Righters [Dixiecrat]) a popular person wants to run who is dissatisfied with the two major parties and is unable to win a major party’s nomination (Ross Perot in 1992 and 1996)

21 Third Parties Third parties often bring new groups into the electorate and serve as “safety valves” for discontent. Why don’t they get elected? No $ No media coverage Two-party system too strong

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