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Did the black power movement hinder the struggle for civil rights? L.O. = I can explain the methods and consequences of the black power movement I have.

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Presentation on theme: "Did the black power movement hinder the struggle for civil rights? L.O. = I can explain the methods and consequences of the black power movement I have."— Presentation transcript:

1 Did the black power movement hinder the struggle for civil rights? L.O. = I can explain the methods and consequences of the black power movement I have clear understanding of what a good answer looks like.

2 After 1965, esp. SNCC (1966) and CORE (1967) radicalised and expelled white members. Stokely Carmichael, chairman of SNCC, and many others advocated “Black Power.” Similar to Black Nationalism: African Americans should seek autonomy in political and economic matters and reject all dependence on whites.  most whites associated Black Power with violence, although it was not as such a violent ideology.

3 Complete the 2 mark exam question – even if you don’t know anything about the topic, you should be able to get 2 marks from looking at the source!




7 “We were truly love in action, we were feeding people that were hungry, we were clothing people that didn’t have clothes, we were housing people that didn't have a house, we were taking seniors to the centres that didn’t have a way to get there, we were busing people to prison that didn’t have a way to get to the prisons to see their loved ones.” Fredrika Newton, who joined the party as a youth member and later married founding member Huey P. Newton.

8 Did the black power movement hinder the struggle for civil rights? Read the evidence on the cards, sort them into: Evidence to show the black power movement helped black Americans gain civil rights. Evidence to show the black power movement hindered the struggle for civil rights.

9 How significant was the Black Power movement in helping to achieve equal rights for black Americans? 8 marks


11 The radical Black Panther Party advocated Black Power and socialism. Active in black ghettos, community programs against poverty and crime. But also violent confrontations with police that tried to bring down the Panthers and assert control.

12 1965-68 - a series of devastating race riots erupted especially in northern cities, but also in some southern and western ones. E.g. - Watts riot in LA in 1965. They were often sparked off as violent reaction to police harassment. Looting, arson, especially of white-owned businesses, street battles with the police.

13 1968 = worst year; Assassination of MLK, also Robert Kennedy, the civil rights movement’s strongest Democratic ally. Massive police crackdown on rioters. Many white people moved out to the suburbs Some inner cities, like Detroit, became almost all- black.

14 Who was to blame?

15 Fred Hampton Stokely Carmichael Black Power 1968 1965 Black Panthers Huey Newton  Riots  Breakfast clubs  Malcolm X  Chicago

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