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Analyzing Transportation Models And Introducing A Double-entry Accounting System In Bekasi.

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1 Analyzing Transportation Models And Introducing A Double-entry Accounting System In Bekasi


3 Background – Gresham Population: 91,000 Suburb of Portland, Oregon Primary Industry: Manufacturing – electronics, fabricated metal products, printing and publishing, food products

4 Problem Statement – Transportation Traffic jams clog city streets and major arteries in and out of the city Vendors contribute to traffic problem by blocking streets Transportation terminals are not strategically located Time lost to commuting is an economic, environmental, and public health problem

5 Problem Statement – Finance Mechanisms for accounting are outdated No mechanism for tying revenues to expenditures and expenditures to performance Need to comply with central government requirement to upgrade budget and accounting systems

6 Project Description Partnership with Gresham focused on two key issues for Bekasi: Transportation and Land Use Planning Upgrading Accounting Systems

7 Key Steps – Transportation and Land Use Planning Review, refine and confirm the existing transportation plan and identify and prioritize transportation projects needed Implement transportation modeling in a pilot area Evaluate project alternatives

8 Key Steps – Upgrading Accounting Systems Improving the financial data gathering process Determining revenue sources Developing a method to link revenues to expenditures Walk through Budget development process To determine new sources of revenue/improve revenue generation

9 Key Steps – Upgrading Accounting Systems Accounting: Sharing information on Gresham’s accounting system and discussing the applicability to the situation in Bekasi. Providing training on double-entry accounting Identifying account classifications and fund types Learning recording, posting and balancing procedures Preparation of basic financial statements Discussion of internal control objectives and procedures (i.e. segregation of duties)

10 Key Steps – Upgrading Accounting Systems Financial Reporting: Examining existing financial reports/charts of accounts and determining how they were produced Determining reporting requirements Work through production of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

11 Results – Transportation Transportation data now analyzed through software program Over 100 million person-hours of commuting time saved through retiming of traffic lights. Strategic location for bus terminal identified Special area reserved for street vendors Traffic management control room

12 Results – Upgrading Accounting Systems On-going training and internships on double-entry accounting for city staff Beginning to implement double-entry accounting system in some departments Departments implementing new system have noticed improvements

13 Lessons Learned – Transportation and Land Use Planning Reliable data is critical to being able to analyze traffic patterns and address existing and potential problems Simple solutions can yield tremendous results Smooth flowing traffic can improve the economic, environmental, and public health aspects of citizens’ lives

14 Lessons Learned – Upgrading Accounting Systems Reliable data is critical Socializing the training helps to prevent information loss caused by staff transfer Improved accounting can lead to improved management and improved service delivery

15 Sustainability – Transportation and Land Use Planning Dedicated staff and area for transportation management Implementation of traffic management software Successful pilot project – traffic light timing

16 Transfer – Transportation and Land Use Planning Local governments with traffic issues Suburbs of major cities – Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, etc. Local governments with vendor issues Local governments with limited budgets that cannot absorb mistakes in transportation and land use planning

17 Sustainability – Upgrading Accounting Systems Socialization of accounting training to all department of Bekasi Continued e-mail contact between Bekasi and Gresham National mandate to upgrade accounting standards

18 Transfer – Upgrading Accounting Systems All local governments will need to upgrade accounting systems as mandated by the central government

19 Contact Walikota: Achmad Zurfaih Address : Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 100 - Bekasi Tri Adhianto – Dinas Perhubungan Bekasi E-mail: Phone: 62-21-880 2823 Fax: 62-21-8834 2723

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