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Mrs.Jenkins’ 5 th Grade Classes Welcome, parents!.

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1 Mrs.Jenkins’ 5 th Grade Classes Welcome, parents!

2 All About Mrs. Jenkins  I grew up in Gwinnett County with my parents and older brother.  I graduated from Brookwood High School.  I am married to my best friend Scott Jenkins and have an amazing and beautiful son Charlie who is in the 3 rd grade.

3  I received my B.S. from Appalachian State University.  I received my M.Ed. in Special Education from Georgia State University.  This is my 15 th year teaching. I’ve taught Resource K-5, Self Contained ID and SLD. I have been at CES for 7 years.

4 Our Goals  To give your children the academic and social skills needed to progress to sixth grade.  To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment.

5 Writing and Grammar  Writers Workshop  Writing genres: narrative, opinion, and informational  Research projects  Technology use  Grammar Workshop  Grammar  Usage  Capitalization  Punctuation  Spelling

6 Writing

7 Math  Math Workshop  Operations and Algebraic Thinking  Order of operations, expressions, graphing numerical patterns  Number and Operations in Base Ten  Whole number multiplication and division  Reading, writing, rounding, ordering, and comparing decimals  Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals  Numbers and Operations: Fractions  Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions

8 Math (con.)  Measurement and Data  Convert among different measurement units  Line plots  Cubic unit and volume  Geometry  Coordinate grid systems  Attributes and classification of 2-D shapes  Transition Standards  Compare fractions, add and subtract mixed numbers  Other things we’ll be covering  Factors, multiples, prime, composite, divisibility rules, area of triangles, parallelograms, and circles, circumference of a circle

9 Calendar Math

10 Reading  Reader’s Workshop  Focus on nonfiction  Practice reading strategies to improve comprehension.  Guided Reading  Small group instruction  Assessment

11 Word Study  Root recognition to develop vocabulary.  Analysis of word patterns to help improve spelling.

12 Science  Classification of plants and animals  Parts of a plant and animal cell  Microscopes and microorganisms  Genetics and inherited trains  Constructive and destructive forces  Object is sum of its parts  Chemical and physical changes  Magnetism and electricity

13 Science

14 Social Studies  Civil War  Reconstruction  Turn of Century (inventors, cattle drives, transcontinental railroad  World War I  Great Depression  World War II  Cold War  Civil Rights  1975 to Present

15 Fifth Grade Standards and Expectations for Gwinnett County  Our curriculum is guided by the AKS (Academic Knowledge and Skills), which are based on the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS).  AKS website – mainweb01.nsf/pages/AcademicKnowledgeandSkills(AK S)  CCGPS website - Policy/AskDOE/Pages/Elementary-School.aspx

16 Retest (2 nd chance) policy  Math – 2 nd chance given (after remediation) on all classwork grades lower than 80%. The highest grade is kept.

17 Homework and Agenda Books  There will be Math, Reading, Science/Social Studies, and Grammar homework every night, Monday- Thursday.  It is the students’ responsibility to write their homework down each day in their agenda book.  Agenda books will be initialed each day by the homeroom teacher with the students conduct.  Parents are expected to sign the agenda book each day.

18 Discipline  We use the following codes to communicate behavior concerns to parents in the agenda book 1.Disrespectful 2.Incomplete work/participation 3.Talking 4.Not paying attention/off task during instruction 5.Not following directions 6.Lack of self control 7.Missing/incomplete homework

19 Consequences  For each behavior concern students have 5 minutes of his/her recess taken away.  The only exception is for incomplete work or homework – both of these infractions result in the student spending recess in study hall.

20 Daily Conduct  E = no behavior concerns  S = 1-2 behavior concerns  N = 3-5 behavior concerns  U = 6 or more behavior concerns  Students who receive an N or U for daily conduct will be placed on a 3 Strike Card and parents will be notified.  After 3 strikes an administrator will call parents to discuss the students behavior and assign a consequence.

21 School Procedures  Attendance is one of the keys for success at Centerville.  No student is to be dropped off at school before 7:50 AM.  Late arrivals (after 8:15) need to check into the office.  Class starts at 8:20 AM.

22  Early check outs – parents should go to the office and the office will call the classroom  All visitors must sign in at the office first.  Ice cream is for sale for all students on Friday. The cost is $1.  Student/Parent Handbook

23 Report Cards and Grade Reports  Report cards are sent home every 9 weeks on the following days: 10/12, 1/4, 3/15, and 5/22  Midterm grade reports will not be sent home this year.  Parent Portal

24 Conferences  Conferences are scheduled for October and February, but we can arrange conferences throughout the year if needed.  October dates: 10/1 - 10/5  February dates: 2/25 – 3/1

25 Standardized Assessments for 5 th Grade  CogAT: September 17 -19  ITBS: October 22 – 26  Writing Test: March 6  CRCT: April 22 – 26  We will also take county benchmark tests at the end of every nine week period.

26 Class websites  CES websitewebsite  I’ll show how to get to my website from the CES site.

27 Contact Info   Centerville office number: (770) 972-2220

28 Let’s Have a Great Year!

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