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1 Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Grant Program Performance Reporting Module 3: Annual Performance Report (APR)

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Presentation on theme: "1 Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Grant Program Performance Reporting Module 3: Annual Performance Report (APR)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Grant Program Performance Reporting Module 3: Annual Performance Report (APR) Overview, APR Table 1 and APR Table 2 April 2012

2 2 Presenters  Adrian Barrett, Federal Project Officer, Office of Special Initiatives and Demonstrations, Atlanta Regional Office  Sharon Leu, Workforce Analyst, Division of Strategic Investments- National Office  Kristen Milstead, Workforce Analyst, Division of Strategic Investments- National Office

3 Quick Links  The main TAACCCT grant program page is available at One-Pagers SGA and Amendments

4  This is the third of three TAACCCT performance reporting modules in our orientation series.  You can view the other two modules at Workforce3one: Module 1 (General Reporting Requirements Overview, Data Collection, Tracking and Follow-Up, and the Quarterly Progress Report): 5/info 5/info Module 2 (Participant and Comparison Cohorts and Comparison Cohort Pilot Study): 2/info 2/info Performance Training Overview

5 Contents of this Module  The Annual Performance Report: Overview  The Annual Performance Report: Table 1  The Annual Performance Report: Table 2 5

6 The Annual Performance Report: Overview 6

7 Annual Performance Reporting Schedule Year Period Covered Due 1 Oct 1, 2011-Sept 30, 2012 Nov 15, 2012 2 Oct 1, 2012-Sept 30, 2013 Nov 15, 2013 3 Oct 1, 2013-Sept 30, 2014 Nov 15, 2014 *Should the due date of the reports fall on a Saturday or Sunday, the report is due the Friday before. NOTES -Submit participant data in aggregate -Consortia submit only one APR

8 Annual Performance Report  Comprised of two separate tables: Table 1: aggregate count each year for all participants in grant-funded programs Table 2: longitudinal data on participant cohort(s) and comparison cohort(s) for each grant-funded program  Each table also contains additional narrative information about yearly progress on specific areas of interest 8

9 Who counts as a participant?  A participant in TAACCCT is an individual who: meets the criteria that grantees used to identify who “participants” are in their statements of work (SOW); enters or enrolls in a “grant-funded” program that was developed, delivered, offered, or improved in whole or in part by grant funds, or a course that is part of such a program; attends the program or course more than once.  For more information, grantees should review “TAACCCT FAQ #1: Participant Reporting” 9

10 APR Year 1  Year 1 reporting exception It is the expectation and design of the TAACCCT program that the first year of funding will primarily be used by grantees to build capacity based on priorities identified in the SOW.  Therefore, data submitted in the Year 1 APR is likely to reflect minimal, if any, participant data  However, if participants have been served during the first year, they must be reported in the Year 1 APR. 10

11 Annual Performance Report Data Tracking  Extensive tracking process and system is needed to capture all data elements!  Demographic and outcome data reported in both tables should be based on individual-level participant data maintained by each individual grantee and each member of a grantee consortia Tracking of students selected for your participant cohort(s) and comparison cohort(s) will also be necessary  DOL will release an optional tool to help correctly track individuals into the correct for reporting purposes 11

12 The Annual Performance Report: Table 1 12

13 APR Table 1 – Time Period to Capture  Snapshot for the year (not cumulative or grant-to-date) Year 1 APR will provide data for Year 1 only (October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2012) Year 2 APR will provide data for Year 2 only (October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013) Year 3 APR will provide data for Year 3 only (October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014) 13

14 APR Table 1  Section A: Grantee Identifying Information  Section B: Participant Outcomes  Section C: Participant Summary Information  Section D: Achievements and Successes  Section E: Implementation and Evaluation of Evidence-Based or Technology-Enabled Strategies  Section F: Services and Outcomes for TAA Eligible Individuals 14

15 APR Table 1: Section A  Section A: Grantee Identifying Information Grantee Name Grant Number Program/Project Name Grantee Address Report Year End Date Report Due Date 15

16 APR Table 1: Section B 16 Performance Items Year 1 (A) Year 2 (B) Year 3 (C) B. CUMULATIVE PARTICIPANT OUTCOMES (ALL GRANT PARTICIPANTS) 1. Unique Participants Served/Enrollees 2. Total Number of Participants Who Have Completed a Grant-Funded Programs of Study 2a. Total Number of Grant-Funded Program of Study Completers Who Are Incumbent Workers 3. Total Number Still Retained in Their Programs of Study (or Other Grant-Funded Programs) 4. Total Number Retained in Other Education Program(s) 5. Total Number of Credit Hours Completed (aggregate across all enrollees) 5a. Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours 6. Total Number of Earned Credentials (aggregate across all enrollees) 6a. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - Less Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6b. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - More Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6c. Total Number of Students Earning Degrees (aggregate across all enrollees) 7. Total Number Pursuing Further Education After Program of Study Completion 8. Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion 9. Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion 10. Total Number of Those Employed at Enrollment Who Receive a Wage Increase Post-Enrollment

17 APR Table 1: Performance Outcome B.1  Unique Participants Served/Enrollees (B.1) The total number of individuals for the year who entered any of the grant-funded programs offered to date (including certificate or degree programs or other training activities). Participants should only be included in the first year they are enrolled, even if their program lasts more than one year. Participants should only be included once, even if they enroll in multiple programs. 17

18 APR Table 1: Performance Outcome B.2  Total Number Who Have Completed a Grant- Funded Program of Study (B.2) Completion is defined as having earned all of the credit hours (formal award units) needed for the award of a degree or certificate in that program of study. Participants should only be included once, even if they complete multiple programs. 18

19 APR Table 1: Performance Outcome B.2 (continued)  Total Number Who Have Completed a Grant- Funded Program of Study (B.2) This includes: The total number of unique participants from B.1 who completed any grant-funded program within any reporting year to date. 19

20 APR Table 1: Performance Outcome B.2a  Total Number of Incumbent Workers Who Have Completed a Grant Funded-Program of Study (B.2a) The total number of participants employed at enrollment who completed any grant-funded program to date (during that reporting year). Completion is defined as having earned all of the credit hours (formal award units) needed for the award of a degree or certificate in that program of study. Participants should only be included once, even if they complete multiple programs. 20

21 APR Table 1: Special Definition – Incumbent Worker  An incumbent worker is anyone that is employed at the time of enrollment into the program Can be employed full-time OR part-time Can be served, consistent with your SOW Should NOT be included in employment outcomes (B.8, B.9) Should be included in outcomes such as credit and credential attainment (B.5, B.6) Wage replacement (B.10) 21

22 APR Table 1: Performance Outcome B.3  Total Number Still Retained in Their Program of Study or Other Grant-Funded Program(s) (B.3) The total number of students who were still enrolled either in their original program of study or a different grant-funded program of study. Subset of the total number of participants enrolled (B.1) that year who have NOT completed their programs. Any participant counted in B.2 should not be counted again in B.3. 22

23 APR Table 1: Performance Outcome B.4  Total Number Retained in Other Education Program(s) (B.4) The total number of enrollees who dropped out of a grant-funded program of study that reporting year, but have enrolled in another education program not funded by the grant at the end of the reporting year. A participant counted in B.2 or B.3 should not be counted in B.4. 23

24 APR Table 1: Example One, B.1-B.4 Florence Night enrolls in a TAACCCT-funded nursing certificate program in Year One. 24 If on September 30, 2012:Year One Report: Completed program; Earned certificateB.1, B.2 Completed program; Continuing in any other program of studyB.1, B.2 Has not completed program; Continuing in ANY grant-funded program of studyB.1, B.3 Has not completed program; Continuing in a NON-GRANT FUNDED program of studyB.1, B.4

25 APR Table 1: Performance Outcome B.5  Total Number of Credit Hours Completed (B.5) The total number of credit hours to date that have been completed by participants in grant- funded certificate and degree programs. This number should be reported in aggregate across all enrollees, even if the participant is no longer enrolled in the grant-funded program of study or did not complete the program. 25

26 APR Table 1: Performance Outcome B.5a  Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours (B.5a) The total number of students who have enrolled that have completed any number of credit hours to date. This number should be reported in aggregate across all enrollees, even if the participant is no longer enrolled in the grant-funded program of study or did not complete the program. 26

27 APR Table 1: Performance Outcome B.6  Total Number of Earned Credentials (B.6) The total number of degrees or certificates earned to date by participants for grant-funded programs. This number should be reported in aggregate across all enrollees and could include multiple degrees from the same participant. 27

28 APR Table 1: Performance Outcome B.6a  Total Number of Students Earning Certificates (less than one year) (B.6a) The total number of students who earned certificates designed to be completed in one year or less. A student should be counted only once in this field, even if multiple certificates of less than one year were earned. 28

29 APR Table 1: Performance Outcome B.6b  Total Number of Students Earning Certificates (more than one year) (B.6b) The total number of students who earned certificates designed to be completed in more than one year. A student should be counted only once in this field, even if multiple certificates of less than one year were earned. 29

30 APR Table 1: Performance Outcome B.6c  Total Number of Students Earning Degrees (B.6c) The total number of students who earned degrees. A student should be counted only once in this field, even if multiple certificates of less than one year were earned. 30

31 APR Table 1: Example Two, B.5-B.6 Ed Thomas enrolls in a TAACCT-funded program to earn an AS in Electrical Engineering. This program requires 45 credits, taken over a period of 18 months. Ed earns 30 credits during Year One, 15 credits during Year Two, and the AS in Year Two. 31 Year 1 Report:Year 2 Report: B.1 – B.4B.1, B.3B.2 B.5 – Total Credit Hours Completed3015 B.5a – Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours11 B.6 – Total Number of Earned CredentialsN/A1 B.6a – Total Number of Students Earning Certificates (less than one year)N/A B.6c – Total Number of Students Earning DegreesN/A1

32 APR Table 1: Example Two, B.5-B.6 Ed Thomas enrolls in a second TAACCT-funded program to earn a Certificate in Computer Electronics. This program requires 8 credits, taken over a period of 8-weeks. 32 Year 1 Report:Year 2 Report: B.1 – B.4B.1, B.3B.2 B.5 – Total Credit Hours Completed3015 23 B.5a – Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours11 B.6 – Total Number of Earned CredentialsN/A1 2 B.6a – Total Number of Students Earning Certificates (less than one year)N/AN/A 1 B.6c – Total Number of Students Earning DegreesN/A1

33 APR Table 1: Performance Outcome B.7  Total Number Pursuing Further Education After Program of Study Completion (B.7) The total number of individuals to date who entered another program of study (grant-funded or not) out of the total number of participants who completed at least one grant-funded program. 33

34 APR Table 1: Performance Outcome B.8  Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion (B.8) The total number of individuals who: 1. Completed at least one grant-funded program of study (B.2) 2. Were not employed at the time of participation 3. Obtained unsubsidized employment in the 1 st quarter after completing a grant-funded program of study. 34

35 APR Table 1: Special Definition – Entered Employment  Not the same as the definition of Entered Employment used by other ETA programs  Exit is defined as being no longer enrolled at the college in any program of study. This includes formal withdrawal, expulsion, graduation, and other reasons.  If student pursues further education before exiting (reported on Line B.7), you should not count them as having entered employment until exit occurs. 35

36 APR Table 1: Performance Outcome B.9  Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion (B.9) The total number of individuals who: 1. Completed at least one grant-funded program of study (B.2) 2. Were not employed at the time of participation 3. Obtained unsubsidized employment in the 1 st quarter after completing a grant-funded program of study 4. Remained employed in the 2 nd and 3 rd Quarter 36

37 APR Table 1: Special Definition – Retained Employment  Not the same as the definition of Retained Employment used by other ETA programs  Not applicable to incumbent workers  A participant counted in B.9 must be counted in B.8  A participant does not have to be retained in the same position or by the same employer, as long as they are employed during those two quarters. 37

38 APR Table 1: Performance Outcome B.10  Total Number of Those Employed at Enrollment Who Received a Wage Increase Post-Enrollment (B.10) Incumbent workers only! The total number who receive an increase in their wages at any time after enrolling in a grant- funded program. 38

39 APR Table 1 Outcomes Summary  All about tracking what happens to the participants after they enter the TAACCCT program  Designed for reporting a variety of positive outcomes not normally captured in ETA performance reporting  Think of each participant’s path through participation. 39

40 40

41 Section B – Example Three, Part I William Gate enrolled in an accelerated Information Technology Management program during Year One of the grant. William completed this program, earning 18 credits, a certificate. Question: In your Year One report, where will William be counted? Answer: Lines B.1, B.2, B.5, B.5a, B.6, B.6a 41

42 Section B – Example Three, Part II After obtaining his certificate, William decides not to continue his education and instead has found a job. Question: Where do you report these outcomes? Answer: It depends!  If not employed at enrollment: Line B.8, not B.7  If employed: Line B.2a and B.10 42

43 Table 1 - Special Outcomes (B.10) B.10 – Total Number of Those Employed at Enrollment Who Received a Wage Increase Post-Enrollment Reported for all incumbent workers, whether they completed a program, are still enrolled, or have dropped out. Incumbent workers can never be counted in B.8 or B.9 (employment and retention). 43

44 Section B – Quiz #1 Jerry Yang enrolled in the IT Project Management program during Year One. The program is 18 months in length. Question: On which line is Jerry counted in Year One- B.2, B.3, or B.4? Answer: Line B.3 Question: On which line is Jerry counted in Year Two? Answer: It depends! 44

45 Table 1 – Changes from Reporting Year to Reporting year  Since Table 1 is a snapshot of that year, participants will sometimes leave some cells and move into another others. Example: During Year One, Jerry Yang enrolled in an 18- month grant-funded nursing program, completing during Year Two.  Year 1: Reported in Line B.3  Year 2: Completed program – B.2 45

46 Table 1 - Special Outcomes (B.5 and B.6)  B.5 – Total Number of Credit Hours Completed Reported for all enrollees for the reporting year, whether they have completed, dropped out, or are still enrolled in any program  B.6 – Total Number of Degrees/Certificates Reported for enrollees who have completed any grant-funded program, even if they later dropped out or were reported in a previous year as still retained. 46

47 Section B Quiz #2 Clara Barton enrolls in a TACT-funded nursing assistant program. She completes the program earning 30 credits. Clara continues on to earn her LPN before leaving the college. Clara has been working as a nurse for the last 3 months. Question: How do you report her progress in the Year One, Year Two, and Year Three reports? 47

48 APR Table 1: Section C 48  Participant Summary Information: Demographic characteristics for all participants enrolled in a grant-funded program Gender Race Ethnicity Full-time or Part-time school status Incumbent Worker status Eligible Veterans Age Disability Status Pell-Grant Eligible Status TAA Eligible Status Other Demographics (basic skills deficient for Priority 1 grantees)

49 APR Table 1: Section D  Achievements and Successes Narrative description of most innovative achievement or greatest success story from reporting year 49

50 APR Table 1: Section E  Implementation and Evaluation of Evidence- Based or Technology-Enabled Strategies For grantees who received funding that exceeded the award amount ceiling only! 50

51 APR Table 1: Section E  For evidence-based (Strategy #1): Narrative description of how grantee has replicated strategies based on strong to moderate evidence Narrative description of efforts grantee has undertaken to conduct a rigorous evaluation or identify the impact of the strategies on outcomes 51

52 APR Table 1: Section E continued For online technology-enabled (Strategy #2):  Narrative description of how the grantee has taken online and technology-enabled courses beyond the community level  Narrative description of how the grantee is enabling the wide-spread use of program materials and improving learning outcomes 52

53 APR Table 1: Section F  Services and Outcomes for TAA Eligible Individuals Narrative description of how the program has served TAA-eligible individuals  Number of TAA-eligible individuals enrolled  How many enrolled obtained credentials  How many enrolled did not obtain credentials  The average duration of training and whether the duration was longer or shorter for these participants than non-TAA eligible participants 53

54 The Annual Performance Report: Table 2 54

55 APR Table 2  Table 2 of the Annual Performance Report will include data for program participant cohort(s) and corresponding comparison cohort(s) of students 55

56 56

57 Participant Cohorts  Each program of study that is funded by the grant should have its own participant cohort on which data are reported in Table 2.  A program of study is broadly defined as an educational program in which a degree or certificate is granted. Example: Grantee A is planning to build or expand a program in Nursing and a program in Advanced Manufacturing with grant funds. Therefore, Grantee A should select and report on two distinct participant cohorts, one for each program.  Grouping of some programs with similar educational material or occupational outlook may be allowed. 57

58 Selecting Students for Participant Cohorts  Participants in the cohort must: Be in a grant-funded version of the program of study Start training on the same date (or within the same quarter, with ETA approval) Be in the training program with the same length of time to completion 58

59 Comparison Cohorts  Individuals in the comparison cohort(s) must be enrolled in programs that are not funded by TAACCCT.  Each participant cohort should have its own corresponding comparison cohort. 59

60 Selecting Students for Comparison Cohorts  The comparison cohort must match the participant cohort on the following characteristics: Program of study Length of the training program Percent male Average age Information collected Duration of time in cohort Reporting intervals 60

61 Reporting for Two Programs of Study 61 PARTICIPANT UNIVERSE: Tracked in Table 1 of APR Program of Study 2: Participant Cohort (Tracked in Table 2 in its own section) Program of Study 1: Participant Cohort (Tracked in Table 2 in its own section) Program of Study 2: Comparison Cohort (Tracked in Table 2 in its own section) Program of Study 1: Comparison Cohort (Tracked in Table 2 in its own section) NON-TAACCCT-FUNDED UNIVERSE MATCHED

62 Cohort Resources Available  Please refer to the following ETA resources for additional information: Recorded Webinar -- Module 2: Participant and Comparison Cohorts FAQ #2 – Participant and Comparison Cohorts Complete Project Inventory for Cohort Development If you have follow-up questions about the cohorts, please contact your FPO. 62

63 APR Table 2 – Time Period to Capture  Cumulative for the cohort* Year 1 APR will provide data for Year 1 only at the end of Year 1 (October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2012)  Or data on the comparison cohort pilot study Year 2 APR will provide data for Years 1 and 2 at the end of Year 2 (October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2013) Year 3 APR will provide data for the entire grant period of performance at the end of Year 3 (October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2014) *with the exception of data element B.7 63

64 APR Table 2 – Year 1  Comparison Cohort Pilot Study For Year 1 (Column A), grantees may report information available on the participant cohort if available, but must report information on a comparison cohort as a test for running the cohort (see Module 2 for a description of the Comparison Cohort Pilot Study). 64

65 APR Table 2 Sections  Reported for both participant and comparison cohorts: Section A: Acceleration of Progress for Low- skilled and Other Workers Section B: Participant Progress by Program Section C: Summary Student Information  Section D: Comparison Cohort Description *Remember, Table 2 should be repeated multiple times: once for each program of study! 65

66 Differences Between Table 1 and Table 2 Tracking and Reporting Table 1  All participants  Completed once annually  Year-to-year snapshot  Tracks program retention in any TAACCCT-funded program  Incumbent worker outcome  Entered employment outcome is exit-based Table 2  Participant and comparison cohort students only  Completed multiple times annually, depending on number of cohorts  Cumulative for same cohorts  Tracks program retention in same TAACCCT program only  Outcome for average earnings  Outcomes for low-skilled workers  Entered employment outcome is completion-based; employment reported for two racial/ethnic categories 66

67 APR Table 2: Section A  Section A: Acceleration of Progress for Low- skilled and Other Workers Required for grantees whose SOW indicated they would focus on Priority 1 (“Accelerate progress for low-skilled and other workers”) Required for grantees who already have procedures in place whereby all students are assessed for basic skills or academic preparation to succeed in college 67

68 APR Table 2: Section A  Section A: Acceleration of Progress for Low- skilled and Other Workers Number of Students Enrolled with a Basic Skills Deficiency (A.1a) Number of Students with Demonstrated Skills Gains Toward a Certificate or Degree (A.1b) Number of Students with Success in Credit- Bearing Courses (A.1c) 68

69 APR Table 2: Section A  Number of Students Enrolled with a Basic Skills Deficiency (A.1a) The total number of students who are identified as basic skills deficient Basic skills deficiency is defined as not academically prepared to succeed in college- level courses toward a degree or certificate 69

70 APR Table 2: Section A  Number of Students with Demonstrated Skills Gains Toward a Certificate or Degree (A.1b) The total number of students identified as basic skills deficient who demonstrate skills gains towards a degree or certificate Skills gains toward a degree or certificate may either be determined by demonstrated skills gains on a valid, reliable, and standardized assessment or by success in a college-level course towards a degree or certificate 70

71 APR Table 2: Section A  Number of Students with Success in Credit- Bearing Courses (A.1c) The total number of students previously identified as basic skills deficient who complete at least one college-level course in a program leading to a degree or certificate 71

72 APR Table 2: Section B  Program and Cohort Identifying Data Elements (B.1 to B.5) Degree or Certificate Program (B.1) Colleges Offering the Program (Consortia Only) (B.2) Typical/Expected Length of Program (B.3) Cohort Start Dates (B.4) Total Number of Students in Cohort (B.5) 72

73 APR Table 2: Section B  Twelve Performance Outcomes Total Number of Students Completing This Program (B.6) and Total Number of Incumbent Workers Who Have Completed This Program (B.6a) Total Number Still Retained in This Program (B.7) Total Number Retained in Other Education Program(s) (B.8) Total Number of Program Credit Hours Completed (B.9) and Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours in This Program (B.9a) Total Number of Earned Degrees/Certificates (B.10), also reported separately as the number of certificates of less than one year (B.10a), certificates of more than one year (B.10b) and degrees (B.10c) Total Number Enrolled in Further Education After Program of Study Completion (B.11) Number of Non-Hispanic White Graduates Employed After Program Completion (B.12) Number of Non-White (Hispanic or Non-Hispanic) Graduates Employed After Program Completion (B.13) Entered Employment Rate for this Program (B.14) Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion (B.15) Employment Retention Rate for This Program (B.16) Average Program Graduate Six-Month Earnings (gross) (B.17) 73

74 APR Table 2: Performance Outcome B.6  Total Number of Students Completing This Program (B.6) The total number of students enrolled on the cohort start date (B.5) who completed this program to date. Completion is defined as having earned all of the credit hours (formal award units) needed for the award of a degree or certificate in this program of study. 74

75 APR Table 2: Performance Outcome B.6a  Total Number of Incumbent Workers Who Have Completed This Program of Study (B.6a) The total number of participants employed at enrollment who completed any grant-funded program to date. Completion is defined as having earned all of the credit hours (formal award units) needed for the award of a degree or certificate in that program of study. Participants should only be included once, even if they complete multiple programs. 75

76 APR Table 2: Performance Outcome B.7  Total Number Still Retained in This Program (B.7) The total number of students who were enrolled in the cohort start date (B.5) who have not completed the program but are still enrolled at the end of the reporting year. A participant counted in B.6 should not be counted again in B.7. 76

77 APR Table 2: Performance Outcome B.8  Total Number Retained in Other Education Program(s) (B.8) The total number of enrollees enrolled on the cohort start date (B.5) who dropped out of this program of study, but have enrolled in another education program. A participant counted in B.6 or B.7 should not be counted in B.8. 77

78 APR Table 2: Performance Outcome B.9  Total Number of Program Credit Hours Completed (B.9) The total number of credit hours to date that have been completed by students in the cohort for this program of study. This number should be reported in aggregate across all cohort students, even if the participant is no longer enrolled in the grant-funded program of study or did not complete the program. 78

79 APR Table 2: Performance Outcome B.9a  Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours (B.9a) The total number of students who have enrolled that have completed any number of credit hours in this program to date. This number should be reported in aggregate across all enrollees, even if the participant is no longer enrolled in the grant-funded program of study or did not complete the program. 79

80 APR Table 2: Performance Outcome B.10  Total Number of Earned Degrees/Certificates (B.10) The total number of degrees or certificates earned to date by cohort students in this program. This number should be reported in aggregate across all cohort students. 80

81 APR Table 2: Performance Outcome B.10a  Total Number of Students Earning Certificates (less than one year) (B.10a) The total number of students who earned certificates in this program designed to be completed in one year or less. A student should be counted only once in this field, even if multiple certificates of less than one year were earned. 81

82 APR Table 2: Performance Outcome B.10b  Total Number of Students Earning Certificates (more than one year) (B.10b) The total number of students who earned certificates in this program designed to be completed in more than one year. A student should be counted only once in this field, even if multiple certificates of less than one year were earned. 82

83 APR Table 2: Performance Outcome B.10c  Total Number of Students Earning Degrees (B.10c) The total number of students who earned degrees in this program. A student should be counted only once in this field, even if multiple certificates of less than one year were earned. 83

84 APR Table 2: Performance Outcome B.11  Total Number Enrolled in Further Education After Program of Study Completion (B.11) The total number of cohort students who completed the program who entered another program of study (grant-funded or not). 84

85 APR Table 2: Performance Outcome B.12  Number of Non-Hispanic White Graduates Employed After Program Completion (B.12) The total number of individuals who were identified as white and who did not identify themselves as Hispanic or Latino and who completed this program who entered unsubsidized employment in the first quarter after the quarter in which the program of study was completed. Completion is defined as having earned all of the credit hours (formal award units) needed for the award of a degree or certificate in this program of study. A participant counted in B.12 may be counted again in B.15 (if the participant retains employment for the proper duration of time). 85

86 APR Table 2: Performance Outcome B.13  Number of Non-White (Hispanic or Non- Hispanic) Graduates Employed After Program Completion (B.13) The total number of individuals who were identified as American Indian or Native American, Asian, Black or African-American, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, multi-racial and/or Hispanic or Latino who completed the program and who entered unsubsidized employment in the first quarter after the quarter in which the program of study was completed. Completion is defined as having earned all of the credit hours (formal award units) needed for the award of a degree or certificate in this program of study. A participant counted in B.13 may be counted again in B.15 (if the participant retains employment for the proper duration of time). 86

87 APR Table 2: Special Definition – Entered Employment  Participant cohort students compared against comparison cohort students, not outcome targets provided in Statement of Work Completion-based (as opposed to exit-based in Table 1) Pursuing further education (reported on Line B.11) does not “stop the clock” for being counted as having entered employment. 87

88 APR Table 2: Performance Outcome B.14  Entered Employment Rate for this Program (B.14) The number of students from the program that obtain employment during the first quarter after the quarter in which the program of study is completed (B.12 and B.13) divided by the number of non-incumbent workers that completed the program (B.6 - B6a). 88

89 APR Table 2: Performance Outcome B.15  Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion (B.15) The total number of students who were employed in the second and third quarters after program completion out of the total number of students who were employed in the first quarter after the quarter in which the program of study was completed. A participant counted in B.15 should be counted in either B.12 or B.13. 89

90 APR Table 2: Performance Outcome B.16  Employment Retention Rate for this Program (B.16) The number of students from the program that retained employment during the second and third quarters after the quarter of program completion (B.15) divided by the number of students that entered employment in the first quarter after the quarter of program completion (B.12 and B.13). 90

91 APR Table 2: Performance Outcome B.17  Average Program Graduate Six-Month Earnings (gross) (B.17) The average gross earnings from the second and third quarters after program completion for all students who were employed in the first, second, and third quarters after program completion (B.15). 91

92 92

93 Changes From Reporting Year to Reporting Year – Table 2  As individuals in your cohorts complete the program, they will leave some cells in Table 2 and enter others. Example: At the end of Year 1, Participant Q was still enrolled in this same program of study and will be reported in B.7. At the end of Year 2, Participant Q has completed the program, so will no longer be reported in B.7 but will instead be reported in B.6.  Table 2 will track the individuals in your original cohort. New enrollees into this program of study will not be counted or tracked in Table 2, because they are not part of your original cohort. These enrollees, however, will be tracked in Table 1, which provides information about all of your TAACCCT enrollees. 93

94 Quiz Time: Scenario 1  Johnny was unemployed at program enrollment and is in the participant cohort for the TAACCCT-funded nursing degree program, which starts in Year 1. He stays enrolled until he graduates with a Nursing degree in Year 3. *In what data elements will Johnny be counted in Years 1, 2, and 3? 94

95 Answers – Scenario 1  Year 1: B.5; B.7; B.9 as appropriate; A.1a, A.1b, and A.1c as appropriate  Year 2: Johnny would be counted in the same data elements as in Year 1.  Year 3: B.5; removed from B.7 and placed into B.6 instead; B.9; B.10; B.10c; B.11 as appropriate; B.12 or B.13 as appropriate; B.15 and B.17 as appropriate; A.1a, A.1b, and A.1c as appropriate 95

96 Quiz Time: Scenario 2  Melissa is an incumbent worker who is in the comparison cohort for the nursing degree program, which starts in Year 1. Before Year 1 ends, she leaves this program without completing it and enrolls in a criminal justice program that is also funded by TAACCCT. In Year 2, she decides to switch back to the nursing degree program after all. She completes the nursing degree program in Year 3. *In what data elements will Melissa be counted in Years 1, 2, and 3? 96

97 Answers – Scenario 2  Year 1: B.5; B.8; B.9 as appropriate; A.1a, A.1b, and A.1c as appropriate  Year 2: B.5; removed from B.8 and placed into B.7 instead; B.9 as appropriate; A.1a, A.1b, and A.1c as appropriate  Year 3: B.5; removed from B.7 and placed into B.6 instead; B.9; B.10; B.10c; B.11 as appropriate; A.1a, A.1b, and A.1c as appropriate 97

98 APR Table 2  Gender  Race  Ethnicity  Full-time or Part-time school status  Incumbent Worker status  Eligible Veterans  Age  Disability Status  Pell-Grant Eligible Status  TAA Eligible Status  Other Demographics (optional) 98  Section C: Summary Student Information- Participant and Comparison Cohorts  Demographic characteristics for all students on the participant and comparison cohorts

99 APR Table 2  Section D: Comparison Cohort Description First year of cohort enrollment: Narrative description of…  How programs of study have been grouped and the justification for the groupings  How the comparison cohort has been identified and selected  For a current cohort, how it will be tracked during Years 2 and 3 of the grant  For a recent cohort, list when the students were enrolled and what the start and end dates for reporting are for these students Subsequent year(s) of cohort reporting: Narrative description of…  Progress on tracking both the participant and comparison cohorts through the programs, including challenges and problems resolved. 99

100 APR Table 2: Final Section  Final Section: Report Certification/Additional Comments Report Comments/Narrative Name of Grantee Certifying Official/Title Telephone Number E-mail Address 100

101  If you have any questions or would like to obtain copies of the reporting technical assistance resources, please submit your request to your FPO, who is your first point of contact.  If you have feedback on the best way that the National Office can assist you with this material, please submit it to the TACT mailbox at Don’t forget to copy your FPO! Contact Information

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