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June 2012 Exchanging knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation.

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1 June 2012 Exchanging knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation

2 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 2 Non-political, not-for-profit organisation established in 1909. Holds Consultative Status within the United Nations Economic and Social Council since 1970. World Road Association (PIARC)

3 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 3 PIARC ? Permanent International Association of Road Congresses Name of the Association between 1909 and 1995, now the World Road Association

4 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 4 Mission Organise international forums Disseminate best practices Promote efficient tools for decision making Special emphasis for Developing Countries and Countries with Economies in Transition

5 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 5 Members National Governments Regional Authorities Collective Members Individual Members

6 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 6 118 Member Governments 33 32 31 22 Non Member Country Member Country Member Country with a National Committee

7 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 7 National Committees Promoting the work of PIARC 37 countries (April 2012) Algeria, Argentina, Australia*, Austria, Belgium, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, Canada-Quebec, Chile, Congo, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Madagascar, Mali, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand*, Portugal, Romania, Senegal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United-States, Uruguay, * Austroads

8 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 8 Executive Committee 2009-2012 situation as at June 1st 2012 President Anne-Marie LECLERC (Canada-Quebec) Past President Colin JORDAN (Australia) Vice Presidents Keiichi INOUE (Japan) Members Fausto BARAJAS (Mexico), Jim BARTON (United Kingdom), Dongchang DAI (Peoples Republic of China), Mario FERNANDEZ (Chile), Hreinn HARALDSSON (Iceland / Nordic Road Association), Joseph HAULE (Tanzania), Menno HENNEVELD (Australia), Tchona IDOSSOU (Burkina Faso), Judin Abdul KARIM (Malaysia),Sung Hwan KIM (South Korea), Josef KUNZ (Germany), Bojan LEBEN (Slovenia), Gheorghe LUCACI (Romania), Carlo MARIOTTA (Switzerland), Hicham N'HAMMOUCHA (Morocco), Julio Cesar ORTIZ ANDINO (Argentina), Jeffrey PANIATI (USA), Christophe SAINTILLAN (France), Skirmantas SKRINSKAS (Lithuania / Baltic Road Association), Claude VAN ROOTEN (Belgium), Jane WELDON (Canada). National Committees Representative Friedrich ZOTTER (Austria)

9 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 9 Strategic Plan 2012-2015 : Strategic Themes Strategic Theme 1: Management and Performance Strategic Theme 2: Access and Mobility Strategic Theme 3 : Safety Strategic Theme 4 : Infrastructure 18 Technical Committees and 2 Task Forces regrouped in one of these 4 Strategic Themes. Committee on Terminology.

10 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 10 Strategic Plan 2012-2015 Strategic Theme 1: Management and Performance TC 1.1Performance of Transport Administrations TC 1.2Financing TC 1.3Climate Change and Sustainability TC 1.4Road Transport System Economics and Social Development TC 1.5Risk Management

11 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 11 Strategic Plan 2012-2015 Strategic Theme 2: Access and Mobility TC 2.1Road Network Operations TC 2.2Improved Mobility in Urban Areas TC 2.3Freight Transport TC 2.4Winter Service TC 2.5Rural Road Systems and Accessibility to Rural Areas

12 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 12 Strategic Plan 2012-2015 : Strategic Theme 3: Safety TC 3.1National Road Safety Policies and Programs TC 3.2Design and operation of Safer Road Infrastructure TC 3.3Road Tunnels Operations TF 1Road Safety Manual Task Force TF 2Security Task Force

13 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 13 Strategic Plan 2012-2015 Strategic Theme 4: Infrastructure TC 4.1Management of Road Assets TC 4.2Road Pavements TC 4.3Road Bridges TC 4.4Earthworks and Unpaved Roads

14 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 14 Cycle 2008-2011: 56 technical reports were produced by the technical committees. Some of them are available on

15 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 15 Website: Services available : Knowledge Base Virtual Library Terminology Detailed information on the Association and its activities

16 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 16

17 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 17 Terminology Technical Dictionary of Road Terms 5 languages, 8 th edition Online consultation of multilingual technical dictionaries and lexicons

18 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 18 International Seminars Exchange of knowledge in developing countries and countries with economies in transition 26 seminars and 7 workshops organised during the 2008-2011 cycle Presentations available online via the PIARC Website Opening session with Minister of Highways of India Reducing carbon footprint in road construction Joint PIARC/IRC Int seminar. Delhi 17-19 Feb. 2011

19 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 19 Routes/Roads Bilingual quarterly magazine Articles cover emerging road and road transport issues 5700 copies, readership in more than 140 countries

20 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 20 National Committees Newsletter Information on the activities of the National Committees Quarterly (March, July, September, December) Published in three languages (English, French, Spanish)

21 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 21 International Congresses

22 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 22 International Winter Road Congresses 1969 – 1st Congress in Berchtesgaden, Germany 1969 – 1st Congress in Berchtesgaden, Germany A congress every four years A congress every four years Maintenance and roads operations in winter Maintenance and roads operations in winter Tromsø 1990 Seefeld 1994 Luleå 1998 Sapporo 2002 Turin-Sestrières 2006 Québec 2010 Andorra 2014

23 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 23 XIVth International Winter Road Congress 4-7 February 2014 in Andorra la Vella, Principality of Andorra.

24 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 24 World Road Congresses 1908 – 1st World Road Congress in Paris, France A congress every four years Share knowledge and experiences on roads and road transportation Brussels 1987 Marrakech 1991 Montréal 1995 Kuala Lumpur 1999 Durban 2003 Paris 2007 Mexico City 2011 Seoul 2015

25 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 25 26-30 September 2011 Mexico City (Mexico) Mobility, Sustainability and Development CONGRESS REGISTRATIO Congress registration : 4,814 delegates from 106 countries attended the Congress. attended the Congress. LATIN AMERICA 3,230 delegates NORTH AMERICA 164 delegates EUROPE · 817 delegates AFRICA · 273 delegates ASIA · 280 delegates OCEANIA · 50 delegates XXIVth World Road Congress in Mexico City World Road Congress in Mexico City

26 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 26 XXIVth World Road Congress in Mexico City The DVD of the proceedings of the XXIVth World Road Congress is now available. You can order it on line :

27 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 27 XXVth World Road Congress The XXVth World Road Congress will take place on 2-6 November 2015 in Seoul, Korea.

28 Échanger connaissances et techniques sur les routes et le transport routier / Exchange knowledge and techniques on roads and road transportation 28 Email: Internet: Contact us! Become a member of the World Road Association…. La Grande Arche - Paroi Nord -Niveau 2 92055 La Défense Cedex - France +33 (0) 1 47 96 81 21 Fax +33 (0) 1 49 00 02 02

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