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 Just curious do you know about Ernest Everett Just? Yeah what I thought “ no.” He is not a world wide star like Martin Luther King or Michael Jordan.

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3  Just curious do you know about Ernest Everett Just? Yeah what I thought “ no.” He is not a world wide star like Martin Luther King or Michael Jordan but, Ernest sure did make a impact on life. I hope you enjoy my PowerPoint about Ernest Everett Just.

4  Ernest attended 4 years at Dartmouth College where he got a degree in biology in Hanover, New Hampshire.  Ernest attended 2 years at the University of Chicago.  Ernest taught biology at Howard University located in Washington D.C, District of Columbia

5  Accepted who he was.  Became a science writer, cell biologist, marine biologist, zoologist, biologist, and physiologist.  Entered a new field of biology that not many African- Americans had entered before.

6  Mrs. Just, Ernest’s mother, wanted Ernest to be a teacher because, she was a homeroom teacher.  Mrs. Just sent Ernest to a all – black boarding school in Orangeburg, South Carolina at age of thirteen  Than, Mrs. Just thought that black schools in the south were less informal so, his mother signed him up for Kimball Union Academy in Meriden, New Hampshire at age of 16.

7  Did you know that Ernest died of Pancreatic cancer in 1941?  Ernest was a highly respected scientist.  Ernest was born in Charleston, SC.  Ernest married Ethel Highwarden and had 3 children.


9  Websites for report:      

10  In all, I think Ernest Everett Just should be remembered for his great work and how he entered a field of biology with confidence that not many African- Americans had entered before.

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