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STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING 21 ST CENTURY SKILLS TO TOMORROW’S COLLEGE STUDENTS OELMA Conference October 13, 2011 Ken Burhanna, Joanna McNally, Jennifer Schwelik.

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Presentation on theme: "STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING 21 ST CENTURY SKILLS TO TOMORROW’S COLLEGE STUDENTS OELMA Conference October 13, 2011 Ken Burhanna, Joanna McNally, Jennifer Schwelik."— Presentation transcript:

1 STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING 21 ST CENTURY SKILLS TO TOMORROW’S COLLEGE STUDENTS OELMA Conference October 13, 2011 Ken Burhanna, Joanna McNally, Jennifer Schwelik & Ann Marie Smeraldi

2 Presenters  Ann Marie Smeraldi First Year Experience Librarian Cleveland State University 216.687.5020  Kenneth Burhanna Associate Professor Head, Instructional Services Kent State University 330.672.1660  Joanna McNally School Librarian Orange High School 216.831.8600 x2431 / x2432  Jennifer Schwelik PreK-12 Technology & Professional Development Manager WVIZ/PBS & WCPN/NPR ideastream 216-916-6342 Academic and high school librarians working together.

3 Professors’ Expectations Video created by Okanagan College, Canada Ideally, what research skills would you like 1st Year College Students to arrive with from high school (that they currently might lack)? Essential Questions

4 Current Research  More than 25 percent of the students mentioned they chose a Web site because the search engine listed it as the first result, suggesting to the student there was considerable trust in the Web search via the search engine. EszterHargittai, Lindsay Fullerton, Ericka Menchen-Trevino and Kristin Yates Thomas, Northwestern University, “Trust Online: Young Adults’ Evaluation of Web Content” International Journal of Communication 4 (2010), 468–494.

5 Current Research  They (students) tended to overuse Google and misuse scholarly databases. They preferred simple database searches to other methods of discovery, but generally exhibited “a lack of understanding of search logic” that often foiled their attempts to find good sources. Reporting on Ethnographic Research in Illinois Libraries (ERIAL) Steve Kolowich, Searching for Better Research Habits, Inside Higher Ed, September 29, 2010

6 Current Research  Librarians were tremendously underutilized by students. Eight out of 10 of the respondents reported rarely, if ever, turning to librarians for help with course-related research assignments.  “They’re basically taking how they learned to research in high school with them to college, since it’s worked for them in the past,” Alison J. Head. “Lessons Learned: How College Students Seek Information in the Digital Age,” Alison J. Head and Michael B. Eisenberg, Project Information Literacy First Year Report with Student Survey Findings, University of Washington's Information School, December 1, 2009

7 Current Research Digital Natives – Wired Generation 2007 Educational Testing Service (ETS) Results from 2006 Study: Students adept at using computer for entertainment BUT o Ability to access, manage and evaluate information is weak o Only 50% can judge objectivity of a website o Only 40% knew how to use multiple terms to narrow search Study included: 1,016 high-school students, 753 community college students, and 4,585 four-year college and university students.

8 21 st Century Skills  Mastery of core subjects  Learning & innovation skills  Information, media and technology skills  Life & career skills The Partnership for 21 st Century Skills

9 Essential Information Literacy Skills for First Year College Students A Review of College Assignments  Narrow topics  Brainstorm keywords and synonyms  Use library research tools (catalog, research databases) to locate sources  Evaluate sources and select the most appropriate  Distinguish between primary/secondary and popular/scholarly sources  Determine if a source is fact or opinion  Recognize / avoid plagiarism; use proper citing techniques

10 Visit an Academic Library  Build a rapport and collaborate with teachers  Work with classes and students  Research techniques  Use library/scholarly sources. Students who understand and are fluent in the use of OWL resources will have an advantage in college.  Citations – understanding how (avoiding plagiarism)  Advanced Google search  Familiarize yourself with nearby universities willing to partner with high schools  Select a target group  Plan, plan, plan  Field trip  Type of research  Goals/outcomes  Product  Evaluate / get feedback

11 College Goes to High School Create a College Experience in the High School Media Center  Transitioning to College   Video Conference visits  Know How to Go   Mapping Your Future   Interviews of recent graduates and/or college professors  Preparing a College Research Paper  Searching the College Library Catalog – Library of Congress System  Reviewing College Library Databases (INFOhio - EBSCO Academic Search) Virtual Experiences Classroom Experiences

12 Assessment  Assessment for learning  Occurs during learning and teaching process  Inform/guide instruction  Feedback for student; adjust behaviors  Ongoing  Example: Know/Want to Know; Exit Slips  Assessment of learning  Occurs at end of learning and teaching process  Evaluate overall progress  One point in time  Example: TRAILS  FormativeSummative

13 Presentation Lib Guide

14 Ask a question... Share an experience.... Offer an idea! We are in this Together Thank you for attending our session.

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