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Environmental Response Resource Registry (ER3) Project Exchange Network Conference 2012 May 30 – June 1, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Response Resource Registry (ER3) Project Exchange Network Conference 2012 May 30 – June 1, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Response Resource Registry (ER3) Project Exchange Network Conference 2012 May 30 – June 1, 2012

2 Topics Team Introductions Project Drivers & Background Solution Overview Data sharing: ER3 Application UI & Web Service Submissions Data Discovery & Data Discovery: EN Browser Upcoming Timelines Acknowledgements Q/A

3 Team Introductions Stuart Eddy Great Lakes Commission Mike Beaulac Bruce VanOtteren Sara Raja Mike Beaulac Bruce VanOtteren Sara Raja Michigan DEQ Tom Aten David Woodbury Steve Sisbach Tom Aten David Woodbury Steve Sisbach Wisconsin DNR Tony Jeng Daniel Jeng Yu Wang Tony Jeng Daniel Jeng Yu Wang enfoTech

4 ER3 Project Drivers & Background Project Drivers: A System Tool to Support Oil Pollution Act Oil/Chemical spill planning and remediation Project Background Environmental Response Resource Registry (ER3 ) will be a Database for the spill response community: A data sharing project being piloted for the Great Lakes Region An inventory to be maintained by the response community Spill Responders Equipment vendors Government agencies To help with response planning To help quickly locate resources when needed

5 Project Objectives and Goals Leverage existing EN technologies & common tools to help: Publish response resources Organization, Contacts, Subcontractors Equipment Skills Discover resources Query response resources Analyze resources After piloting ER3 with the Great Lakes region, explore feasibility to: Scale out for nationwide implementations Scale up for other data exchange such as large aquatic ecosystem (LAE)

6 Solution Overview Online Data Entry Web Service Submission 12 -OR- Data Sharing Data Publication ER3 DatabaseER3 Node

7 ER3 System User Interface

8 EN Browser: Data Discovery (1/2) Using the EN Browser, data consumers can discover ER3 data…

9 EN Browser: Data Discovery (2/2)

10 EN Browser: Data Analysis (1/6) Using the EN Browser, data consumers can analyze ER3 data via a GIS map…

11 EN Browser: Data Analysis (2/6)

12 EN Browser: Data Analysis (3/6)

13 EN Browser: Data Analysis (4/6)

14 EN Browser: Data Analysis (5/6)

15 EN Browser: Data Analysis (6/6) Use the point-radius search feature to search for all response resource sites within a specified radius

16 Upcoming Timelines Sept 2011June 2012 We are here! UAT has been completed (placeholder) The project team is targeting to deploy a production-ready version by the end of June 2012

17 Acknowledgements US EPA … E-Teams … US Coast Guard … EN Browser Integrated Project Team (IPT)

18 Questions and Answers

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