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S PORT O RGANISATION - A UDIT Q UESTIONS Prepared by Graeme Murphy Executive Officer Sunshine Coast Sports Federation 21October 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "S PORT O RGANISATION - A UDIT Q UESTIONS Prepared by Graeme Murphy Executive Officer Sunshine Coast Sports Federation 21October 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 S PORT O RGANISATION - A UDIT Q UESTIONS Prepared by Graeme Murphy Executive Officer Sunshine Coast Sports Federation 21October 2013


3 R EASON FOR E XISTENCE Why does your organisation Exist?(Purpose?) Why would someone want to be a member and participate in your organisation?(Benefits?) Will they get value for money? (Cost v benefits)

4 P ROMOTION AND M ARKETING How do people know you exist? How do people know what you offer? Do you know how you compare to your competitors?

5 P ROMOTION AND M ARKETING What happens when someone contacts you? What will happen to the person if it is out of season or it has already started? Do you have enough suitably trained people to service your current membership? Do you provide a consistently excellent service to your members?

6 L EADERSHIP Do you have a vision for our organisation? Do you comply with policies, law and regulations that apply to your organisation? Have you developed and communicated appropriate policies, rules and guidelines? Do you operate in a way that reduces the risk of injury, damage, or loss to people, facilities and finances? Do you provide open and transparent opportunities for everyone in your organisation to contribute and give feedback on how you operate?

7 P LANNING Do you have a written plan that is current and regularly used to monitor the organisations performance? Do you have system of managing your finances that is linked to your plan? Do you have an appropriate level of resources to meet your objectives in the plan? Do you regularly collect accurate information about your organisation? Do you use this information to make evidence based decisions to achieve your objectives?

8 P EOPLE M ANAGEMENT Do you use a Human Resource Model to recruit and retain capable staff and volunteers? Do they understand clearly their roles and responsibilities? Do you show them you value them through positive feedback, training and recognition? Do you listen and respond to their feedback about the organisation?

9 M EMBER F OCUS Do your objectives and how you operate show a member focus across the organisation? Do you undertake regular marketing activities to promote your organisation? Do you have systems of seeking and acting upon member feedback?

10 O RGANISATIONAL P ERFORMANCE Do you have appropriate measures on how well you are meeting your objectives? Do you regularly review and evaluate your organisations overall performance? Do you openly, transparently and frequently report to your members on what the organisation has achieved and how it has performed? Is your organisation sustainable for the mid to long term?

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