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APUSH at West – Unit 1, Day 4 1.Quiz 1.2 – bring out yer notes 2.Get computer and log on 3.Finish reading Cahokia 1.How did you take notes? 2.What questions.

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Presentation on theme: "APUSH at West – Unit 1, Day 4 1.Quiz 1.2 – bring out yer notes 2.Get computer and log on 3.Finish reading Cahokia 1.How did you take notes? 2.What questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 APUSH at West – Unit 1, Day 4 1.Quiz 1.2 – bring out yer notes 2.Get computer and log on 3.Finish reading Cahokia 1.How did you take notes? 2.What questions do you have? 3.Find examples of each of the 5 HTSs we studied already 4.Lecture on Africa and Europe 5.Moving and stretching 6.Introduction to the NHD project 1.Open in important course docs, link to NHD 2.Read National History Day Research Project overview, directions and due dates – put due dates in your calendar 3.Open Theme Description – What are the themes and how do they relate? 4.Analyze a couple of ideas for all three themes 5.Analyze the sample topics sheet on NHD page and identify those related to US history Unit 1 Key concept: On a North American continent controlled by American Indians, contact among the peoples of Europe, the Americas, and West Africa created a new world. I- European overseas expansion and sustained contacts with Africans and American Indians dramatically altered European views of social, political, and economic relationships among and between white and nonwhite peoples. (PEO-1) (ENV-1) (ENV-2)


3 WORLD #1 Native America C. Chiefdoms and Confederacies 1. The Mississippi Valley (Cahokia) 2. Eastern Woodlands 3. The Great Lakes 4. The Great Plains and Rockies 5. The Arid Southwest 6. The Pacific Coast

4 WORLD #1 Native America D. Patterns of Trade 1. Regional trade networks 2. Long-distance trade 3. Generosity and authority

5 WORLD #1 Native America E. Sacred Power 1. Animism 2. Women’s spiritual roles 3. Men’s spiritual roles 4. Warfare

6 WORLD #2 II. Western Europe: The Edge of the Old World A. Hierarchy and Authority 1. Monarchs and nobles 2. Patriarchs and Primogeniture B. Peasant Society 1. The Peasantry 2. The Peasant’s Fate C. Renaissance and Reformation

7 WORLD #3: West and Central Africa: Origins of the Atlantic Slave Trade A. Empires, Kingdoms, and Ministates 1. Sudanic civilization 2. West African empires 3. Importance of gold 4. Kingdoms and ministates

8 WORLD #3: West and Central Africa: Origins of the Atlantic Slave Trade B. Trans-Saharan Africa and Coastal Trade 1. European trade in Africa 2. The slave trade C. The Spirit World 1. Islam 2. African animism


10 COLLISION!!! Exploration and Conquest A. Portuguese Expansion 1. Prince Henry’s efforts 2. Italian explorers 3. The sugar islands B. The African Slave Trade 1. Slavery in Africa 2. Europeans’ entry into the slave trade


12 COLLISION!!! Exploration and Conquest C. Sixteenth-Century Incursions 1. Columbus and the Caribbean 2. The Spanish Invasion 3. Cabral and Brazil



15 NHD intro 1.Get in pairs or threes and get a dictionary. Look up exploration, encounter, and exchange. 2.See if you can outline all three for ONE of the following: 1.Going to College, 2.LLWS, 3.the movie Interstellar, 4.CB West, 5.the Grammys 6.Toy Story 3 3.Thinking about one of the above: how do you apply these? If you were doing a project on them, who would you interview? What would you look for? What sources, visuals, audios, etc. would you use to make a complete project? How would you organize it?) 4.Present quickly to class. 5.Look at suggested topics from theme book. ID American History ones and see if you can understand where they're going with them

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