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* The Industrial Revolution Kirby-CHS North Clackamas School District Social Studies Priority Standards:  HK 2. Analyze the complexity and investigate.

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2 * The Industrial Revolution Kirby-CHS


4 North Clackamas School District Social Studies Priority Standards:  HK 2. Analyze the complexity and investigate causes and effects of significant events in World History.

5 I Can…. Evaluate the key historical changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution.

6 EXCEEDING 5 PROFICIENT 4 PROGRESSING 3.5 EMERGING 3 Your K.I.M. vocabulary is detailed and complete (including memory device). Critical thinking answers and summary paragraph are detailed, clear and accurate with specific supporting details in complete sentences. Your K.I.M. vocabulary is complete (including memory device). Critical thinking answers and summary paragraph are clear and accurate with specific supporting details in complete sentences. Your K.I.M. vocabulary is complete. (including memory device). Critical thinking answers and summary paragraph are accurate with minimum supporting details in complete sentences. Your K.I.M. vocabulary is complete –”sloppy”, “rushed.”Critical thinking answers and summary paragraph are and accurate with little supporting details in complete sentences.

7 * Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution (beginning in England during the 18 th century): society shifted from using tools to make products by hand to using new sources of energy, such as coal, to power machines to produce products in factories.

8 * Industrial Revolution  Read through the “Lesson #4” packet and hi-lite the following key terms /people and the definition or explanation of the term within the text:  Include a memory device for each in the left hand margin  Slater Mill  Francis Cabot Lowell  John Cockerill  Factory-based cotton thread  Hand loom weavers  “Cottonopolis”  Iron  Mathew Murray  George Stephenson  Transcontinental Railroad  Robert Fulton  The SS Great Britain  The factory system  No laws regulating child labor  Government labor commissions  5 labor laws  Living conditions of wealthy, middle class and poor  5 other inventions

9 * Industrial Revolution Finished….. Work on your Invention Brainstorm assignment

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