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Russian Russian  Stalinism Students will be able to analyze the causes of the Russian Revolution, the birth of Leninism, and the totalitarianism of Stalinist.

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Presentation on theme: "Russian Russian  Stalinism Students will be able to analyze the causes of the Russian Revolution, the birth of Leninism, and the totalitarianism of Stalinist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Russian Russian  Stalinism Students will be able to analyze the causes of the Russian Revolution, the birth of Leninism, and the totalitarianism of Stalinist Russia.

2 Bellringer Causes of World War IEffects of World War I ___________ systemCovenant clause Social Darwinism___________ clause War Guilt; Mandates Imperialism___________ clause Failed DiplomacyWar _____; __________ Germany denied army/navy

3 Causes of the Russian Revolution  Czars = absolute monarchs, autocrats  Class divisions between landless peasants and Russian nobility leads to pogroms. –Pogroms – oppression of peasants, Jews  1894, Nicolas II became Czar of Russia – does not want to be czar, weak  Nicolas II does not solve class divisions due to his incompetence  Russia began slow process of industrialization –Trans-Siberian Railway Czar Nicolas II, so weak!

4 Causes of the Russian Revolution  Russo-Japanese War (1904)  Russia LOST! to Japan in this humiliating defeat of a major European power by an “inferior” people

5 Russia Prior to the Revolution  Bloody Sunday (1/22/1905) –200,000 people marched on the winter palace in St. Petersburg –Demanded better working conditions, personal freedom, and an elected national legislature  Led to the Duma –Parliament (Nicolas later dissolved it)

6 Causes of the Russian Revolution – World War I  1914 Russia entered war against Germany due to its alliance with Serbia  Weak generals, poorly equipped troops  After a year, 4 million soldiers are killed wounded, or taken prisoner  Nicolas goes to the front to lead the troops

7 Causes of the Russian Revolution – World War I  Wife is in control with the aid of Rasputin –Corruption rampant, he also opposed reform  War created inflation, shortages of food and fuel, and poor morale  Revolution!!! Faith healer and fraud – Rasputin

8 March Revolution – Moderate  Petrograd, women workers went on strike  Over 200,000 workers will join including the military  Czar Nicolas II forced to step down  Duma established a provisional government and continued the war  Soviets; local councils of workers, peasants, and soldiers

9 Bolsheviks – Communists  Russia troubled by the social problems of industrialization  Ideals of Karl Marx  Mensheviks vs Bolsheviks –Broad support vs. small group of dedicated revolutionaries

10 Lenin  Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) –Had to flee to Western Europe  Germany negotiated for Lenin to return in 1917 –Had pact that if he overthrew the government, Lenin would pull Russia out of the war  Lenin takes advantage of military failures during World War I to…

11 Bolshevik Revolution – November  Quickly gain control of Petrograd and other cities  “Peace, Land, and Bread”  November 1917 seized the winter palace and arrested the government  Ordered all farm land to be distributed to peasants  Treaty of Brest-Litovsk – ends Russian involvement in World War I

12 Russian Civil War – Red vs. Whites  Red Army (Communists) vs White Army (Allies)  Leon Trotsky commanded the Red Army  1918-1921 civil war rages, western nations (including U.S.) send aid to help the White Army

13 Lenin Assumes Control  New Economic Policy –Version of capitalism –Small factories, farms, and business can be privately owned –Buying and selling of goods –Government controls major industries, banks, and communication Question: How similar is Leninist socialism to Marxism?

14 Lenin’s Government  Organized Russia into several republics  Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.)  Moscow to control all republics  Communist Party –He created a dictatorship of the Communist party not the proletariat  Lenin died in 1924

15 Stalinist Russia  Trotsky vs. Stalin for control of Russia  Joseph Stalin –“man of steel” –Distrusted by Lenin  General secretary of the Communist Party –Put supporters in key positions  Trotsky forced into exile  Totalitarianism –Government controls every aspect of public and private life Leon Trotsky

16 Joseph Stalin

17 Modernizing the U.S.S.R.  Command economy: gov’t made all economic decisions  1928; first of several 5 Year Plans –Forced the Soviet Union to industrialized  Increased output of steel, coal, oil, electricity  Limited production of consumer goods –Housing, food, clothing, and other necessary goods

18 Starvation


20 Effects of 5 Year Plans  Officials assign jobs  Secret Police kept control  Second 5 Year Plan in 1933

21 Collectivization  Collective Farms –Seized all small private farms and put them in large government owned farms –5-10 million peasants die during collectivization

22 Collectivization


24 Kulaks  Kulaks –Wealthy farmers, Stalin decides to murder them or place them in prison camps

25 Life under totalitarianism  Secret Police –Monitored mail, telephone, and planted informants –Great Purge; Stalin eliminated anyone who threatened his power Estimated 8-13 million killed

26 Secret Police

27 Gulag

28 Purge

29 Propaganda – Socialist Realism  Indoctrination; instruction of the government beliefs  Propaganda: biased information used to spread your ideals

30 Propaganda

31 Life under totalitarianism  Censorship  Religious Persecution –Worked to end religion in Russia

32 Life under totalitarianism  Women –Gained equality Worked in factories and are educated

33 Women

34 Life under totalitarianism  Education

35 Exit Ticket and Homework  Exit Ticket  Dr. Zhivago Primary Source Activity  Homework  1. Finish Dr. Zhivago Primary Source Activity  2. Draw a chart that compares the causes, events, and effects of the French, Latin American, and Russian Revolutions.

36 Exit Ticket  1. What are the causes of the Russian Revolution in 1917?  2. Why did the revolution turn to the Bolsheviks to lead the revolt?  3. How are Lenin and Stalin both different than Marx? (i.e. – New Economic Policy!)  4. What did Stalin do to maintain control over the Soviet Union?

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