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Introduction to Microprocessors

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Microprocessors"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Microprocessors

2 Microprocessor Image - PC Perspective.

3 A Brief History x86 Processors

4 Main Player Santa Clara, California, USA

5 Rival #1 Sunnyvale, California, USA

6 Rival #2 Taipei, Taiwan

7 First Microprocessor Intel 4004 (1971) 4 Bits 0.74 MHz 2,300 Transistors 10 Micron


9 4004 Application Busicom* 141-PF Calculator

10 Same computing power as the ENIAC = Intel 4004

11 Intel 8086/8088

12 Test Drive I : Runs well on a 8088 machine


14 80x86

15 The Pentium Era

16 3.8GHz60MHz 65 nm0.25 um

17 Intel’s mistake 1 Focus too much on Clock Speed

18 Clock Speed Analogy เกียร์ต่ำ 20 Pipeline Stages เกียร์สูง 10 Pipeline Stages

19 How a Pipeline Works

20 10 Stages vs 20 Stages

21 Downside of high pipeline stages

22 Intel’s mistake 2 64 Bit CPU Not Backward Compatible

23 AMD’s Successful Athlon Processors Better Performance per Watts Backward Compatible 64 Bit System

24 The return of Intel

25 Multicore Era

26 Current CPU Kings Core™ i7-5960X 8 Cores, 3.5 GHz, 20 MB L2 Cache 22 nm Process, 140Watts. Transistor counter 1,860 Million US$999 AMD FX 9590 8 Cores, 5.0 GHz, 8 MB L2 Cache 32 nm Process, 220Watts Transistor Count 1,200 Million US$195





31 AMD + ATI = Fusion CPU + GPU = APU (Accelerated PU) + GPUCPU = APU

32 Power per Watt: A new measure for CPU performance Intel ATOM 2-6.5W AMD Jaguar (Fusion) 1-10W VIA Nano 5-25W

33 ATOM Processor’s Silicon


35 Micro-controller? PIC8051, AVRPSoCMSP430

36 Limitations of a microprocessor Needs external components. Memory, controllers, etc. Not suitable for embedded applications Intel 4004

37 4001 = ROM 4002 = RAM 4003 = Shift Registers 4004 = CPU © 2009 Nigel Tout

38 The 8088 Motherboard

39 Ti-TMS1000 (1974) TMS 1000 was the first microcontroller Combined RAM, ROM, Clock on a single chip 0.3MHz ROM 1KB RAM 32B

40 The TI Spelling B Instructions ask you to spell words and the machine will buzz when you got it right

41 Intel MCS-48 (1977) Intel’s first MCU 11 MHz ROM 1 KB RAM 64B Later became the popular MCS-51

42 MCU vs MPU Development: Processing Speed in MHz YearMCUMPU 19700.30.74 19801110 19903320 2000100040 2010370080 20165000100

43 Where do they live?


45 MCU in Automobiles

46 Performance 4 MIPS at 20 MHz 76,383 MIPS at 3.2 GHz Ref:

47 Power Consumption Ref: Microchip, Intel 130 Watts 0.15 Watts

48 Price Ref: Microchip, 1,500 - 35,000 Baht 25 - 1,000 Baht

49 Right tool right job Self contained Limited resources Used for a specific job Low power Low cost Needs Chipsets Large Memory, fast clock rates More general purpose Requires more power More expensive MicrocontrollerMicroprocessor

50 What does the iPhone use?

51 iPhone 3GS Internals

52 iPhone4 Circuit

53 iPhone 4S & iPhone 5 Circuit

54 iPhone 6 Circuit

55 Mixed Design Sometimes called System on a Chip (SoC) MCUMPU

56 SoC = A more powerful MCU but with less integration than an MCU

57 A6 SoCA5 SoC

58 A8 SoC


60 A6 Processor CPU 1.3 GHz Memory Controller RAM 1 GBytes Flash Memory 64 GBytes Graphics Processing I/O Controller Sensor Ports A6 Chip WiFi, Audio Controller

61 Microcontroller (i.e. PIC16F886) CPU 20 MHz Memory Controller RAM 368 Bytes Flash Memory 8 KBytes Graphics Processing I/O Controller Sensor Ports

62 Future Direction: More Integration

63 Integration using Package-on-Package (PoP) 1. Simple Integration using PoP

64 Historical example of PoP

65 Inside the Pentium-II Slot Package

66 2. On-Die Integration In the future, computers may need only one chip

67 Essentially, future CPUs will become super MCUs!

68 Conclusions ในยุคต้นมุ่งเน้นการเพิ่มความเร็วเป็นหลัก ปัจจุบันมุ่งไปที่ performance per watt มากขึ้น เทคโนโลยีการผลิตที่สูงขึ้นทำให้ Multi-core CPU เป็นที่นิยม ทิศทางใหม่ๆ ของการพัฒนาแบ่งเป็น การรวมศูนย์อุปกรณ์ต่างๆ ไว้ใน Processor มากขึ้น เกิดการแตกสาย Processor เพื่อเจาะ กลุ่มเป้าหมายต่างๆ มากขึ้น

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