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Ivoclar Vivadent Direct Restoratives

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1 Ivoclar Vivadent Direct Restoratives

2 Direct Restorative Procedure
Retraction Adhesives Composites Composite Placement Curing Lights Polishing

3 Composites When to use composite? Why to use composites?
To replace decay or caries To repair chipped, broken or worn teeth To reshape healthy teeth for better esthetics Why to use composites? Esthetics: multiple shades can closely match natural tooth structure Chemical bonding / Strength: composite chemically bonds to tooth structure; does not rely on a retentive prep Retention of natural tooth structure: due to a non-retentive prep

4 Composite Terminology
Handling Characteristics such as stickiness Material should stick to the tooth, not the instrument Low slumping Material should be easy to adapt and hold its position once placed General consensus is that micro-hybrids and nano-hybrids have better handling characteristics than nanofills or microfills

5 Composite Terminology
Depth of Cure When a material fails to cure to 80%, mechanical and thermal properties are effected and this can lead to failure Depth of cure can also affect the length of time it takes to prepare a deep posterior restoration Depth of Cure is affected by: The materials opacity The density of filler particles The shade (darker shades have a lower depth of cure)

6 Composite Terminology
Polymerization shrinkage The unfilled resin matrix of all composites shrinks as much as 3% during setting microhybrids and nanohybrids have the highest percentage of inorganic filler particles, and thus the lowest percentage of polymerization shrinkage Effects of high polymerization shrinkage Marginal leakage or white lines at the margin De-bonding Marginal staining Secondary caries Post-operative sensitivity

7 Composite terminology
Wear (Resistance to Abrasion) Greatly affected by the size of the filler particles and the volume of filler particles in the material The smaller the particle, the lower the wear The more volume of fillers, the less wear Flexural Strength Measures the ability of the material to resist fracture when subjected to bending. It predicts a restoration's ability to resist occlusal load without cracking. The higher the value the better

8 Composite Terminology
Fillers Composites are classified according to the size, shape and distribution of their filler particles. Microhybrids Contain irregularly shaped particles of different materials and sizes to provide a combination of strength and polish (smooth surface). The smaller particles fill the spaces between the larger particles. Filler content is 60 – 70% by volume, or 77-84% by weight. Microfills Contain silica with a particle size of 0.04 – 0.2 microns (or 40 nanometers to 200 nanometers) Some microfills (and nanofills) contain prepolymers or clusters/agglomerated particles to increase the filler volume and strength. Prepolymers are made from a microfill composite, ground down and used as a filler in the final formulation. Prepolymers also reduce polymerization shrinkage. Filler content is 32 – 50% by volume, or 50 – 60% by weight Microfills take longer to cure do to the smaller particle size. Microfills have lower compressive strength due to lower filler volume. Nanofills / Nanohybrids Nanofilled composites were recently introduced and they consist of nanomers (5 nm to 75 nm particles) and “nanocluster” agglomerates as the fillers. Nanoclusters are agglomerates (0.6 µm to 1.4 µm) of primary zirconia/silica nanoparticles (5 nm to 20 nm in size) fused together at points of contact, and the resulting porous structure is infiltrated with silane. The nanofilled composites present similar mechanical and physical properties to those of microhybrid composites, but when it comes to polish and gloss retention they perform significantly better. Some manufactures have addeed nanomers to their formulations to create nanohybrid materials.

9 What’s about Tetric EvoCeram & IPS Empress Direct?
Unique What’s about Tetric EvoCeram & IPS Empress Direct? Nano-Optimized Technology New types of nanoparticles, not used in other products to date, will result in greater benefits than simply focusing on “the usual“ nanofiller particles. Nano-Fillers Faster & easier polishability, lower wear Nano-Pigments Chameleon effect (the adjusting of shade to the surrounding teeth) Nano-Modifiers Stability of form, modeling & sculpting, reduced stickiness

10 Nano-Optimized Technology
Prepolymer Ba-Al Silicate Glass 400 & 700 nm Nano-Fillers Faster & easier polishability Lower wear for longer lasting restorations Lower shrinkage & shrinkage stress for better marginal integrity Ytterbiumtrifluoride Mixed Oxide Barium – Alumnium Silicate Glass

11 Ba-Al Silicate Glass Microhybrid (700 nm / 400 nm) BENEFITS:
The refractive index of these fillers match the monomer creating a high level of translucency. radiopacity. 700 nm filler (mean particle size) BENEFIT: strength 400 nm filler (mean particle size, down to 20 nm) BENEFITS: polishability, smooth surface, reduced wear Tetric EvoCeram – Has a blend of both sizes IPS Empress Direct – Specific to shade; Enamel Shades (400 nm) Dentin Shades (700 nm)

12 Prepolymer Pre-polymerized composite Monomer
Ba-Al silicate glass fillers (400 nm) Ytterbium fluoride (200 nm) BENEFITS: reduced shrinkage, reduced wear Source: R&D Ivoclar Vivadent AG

13 Ytterbium Trifluoride
Ytterbium trifluoride (200 nm) BENEFITS: radiopacity, fluoride release Source: R&D Ivoclar Vivadent AG Source: R&D Ivoclar Vivadent AG

14 Spherical Mixed Oxide Spherical Mixed Oxide (120 – 160 nm) BENEFITS:
1. Refraction corresponds to the polymer refraction index → no reduction in translucency → increases the "chameleon effect" of the material providing the opportunity for “single shade” applications 2. Spherical shape ideal for low thickening effect. Less resin is required leading to less shrinkage. 3. The combination of individual particles and agglomerated particles produce an ideal consistency & improved handling properties. Source: R&D Ivoclar Vivadent AG

15 Nano-Optimized Technology
Nano-Pigments Intensified color nuances More natural shade appearance Shade adjusts to match surrounding tooth structure  Chameleon Effect

16 Nano-Optimized Technology
Nano-Modifiers Stability of form, non-slumping Easy to model and sculpt anatomy Non-sticky handling Easy to spread, brush, etc. monomer Nano-plates

17 Variances in Chemistries
Manufacturers will modify filler chemistries and monomers to adjust product attributes such as handling and other physical properties. The Tetric EvoCeram Family of composites all feature the same basic chemistry. Tetric EvoCeram represents the primary chemistry Tetric EvoFlow contains less filler and more monomer (resin) resulting in a flowable version of Tetric EvoCeram Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill features an additional initiator (Ivocerin) to increase polymerization depth and curing efficiencies. The material is slightly more translucent and has slightly less filler allowing it to adapt better to cavity walls.

18 Criteria important to dentists
Handling Subjective but often most important criteria Working time How long can the material be manipulated before it starts to set up Polishability How quickly does the material polish to a high gloss Gloss retention How long will it maintain the polish Radiopacity How clearly can the material be distinguished on an x-ray Shade match and shade stability How close do the shades match the patients natural tooth structure and will that match be maintained over time

19 Composite Procedure – Tetric EvoCeram Clinical Case by Dr Arnd Peschke, Schaan, Liechtenstein
Initial situation: Leaking restoration margins and secondary cervical caries. After isolation and application of a matrix, the cavity is conditioned and coated with an adhesive The adhesive is light-cured The proximal wall of the restoration is built up with Tetric EvoCeram. In the process, the Class II cavity turns into a Class I cavity. After light-curing the proximal increment, the first section of the occlusal surface is reconstructed, while the characteristics of the natural morphology are taken into account. The first occlusal increment is light cured to minimize the shrinkage stress and facilitate anatomically correct contouring. A second occlusal increment is applied to complete the design of the occlusal surface. After an occlusal check, the restoration is polished.

20 Tetric EvoCeram Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill Tetric EvoFlow
Composite Portfolio Esthetics IPS Empress Direct Tetric EvoCeram Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill Tetric EvoFlow Performance Convenience Economy Tetric

21 Tetric® Light-curing, micro-hybrid composite
Time tested, cost effective material 10 shades; 3 translucencies Basic White for posterior: sold in bulk quantities Can be bulk filled Sculptable / non-sticky formula High radiopacity

22 Tetric EvoCeram Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill Tetric EvoFlow
Composite Portfolio Esthetics IPS Empress Direct Tetric EvoCeram Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill Tetric EvoFlow Performance Convenience Economy Tetric

23 IPS Empress® Direct The only composite to be esthetic enough to be call Empress®!
Highly esthetic nano-hybrid composite Simple placement technique 32 shades; 5 translucencies Two formulas Dentin shades mimic natural dentin properties Enamel shades mimic natural enamel properties Unique Trans Opal shade creates opalescence on the incisal edge

24 Advantages of IPS Empress Direct
Wide range of indications for anterior and posterior teeth True universal composite 32 shades and 5 levels of translucency Arguably the best esthetic composite on the market New opalescent shade Simplifies anterior cases where patient has opal incisal edge No need to use a specific layering technique Simple to use with outstanding results High surface gloss Mimics gloss of natural teeth or all-ceramics Lifelike fluorescence associated with Empress materials Required for a true esthetic material Long working time Dentist is in control of the procedure High radiopacity Material is easily detected on x-rays

25 Consistent Advantages Over Competitors
IPS Empress Direct offers more Dentin and Enamel shades for better esthetics IPS Empress Direct has a longer working time IPS Empress Direct offers a higher radiopacity IPS Empress Direct has lower shrinkage IPS Empress Direct has lower shrinkage stress Please refer to the Competitive Comparison Booklet for specifics

26 Sales Tools Competitive Comparison Brochure Trade In Program
Clinical Guide

27 Additional Resources IFU Scientific Documentation Samples

28 Tetric EvoCeram Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill Tetric EvoFlow
Composite Portfolio Esthetics IPS Empress Direct Tetric EvoCeram Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill Tetric EvoFlow Performance Convenience Economy Tetric

29 The Tetric EvoCeram Family
Products for all composite indications! SCULPTABLE FLOWABLE 2 mm layering 4 mm bulk filling Tetric EvoCeram® The composite Tetric EvoCeram® Bulk Fill The bulk-fill composite Tetric EvoFlow® The flowable composite 22 shades Universal Proven performance and longevity with 100 million restorations world wide 3 shades Posterior A 4-mm bulk-fill composite for posterior restorations with 3 unique and patented features 14 shades (3 NEW!) All flowable indications The time-tested flowable composite with high radiopacity 2 mm flowable layering Tetric EvoFlow is a component of the Tetric line of products. Whether you are in need of a sculptable or a flowable composite, this line offers you a suitable option for any indication.

30 Tetric EvoCeram® Clinically proven with over 100 million restorations
True universal composite: Esthetics enhanced by refractive index technology Well-balanced properties Sculptable, non-slumping, non-sticky handling Low shrinkage Low wear High polish / sustained gloss 22 shades; 3 translucencies

31 Advantages of Tetric EvoCeram
A long working time, combined with a short curing time Leaves dentist in control of procedure; no need to rush the placement Natural shade blend: Coordinated light refraction indexes of fillers, monomer matrix and nano-color pigments Great esthetics with a single shade solution for faster placement Proven clinical performance Over 100 Million restorations have been placed worldwide! 5+ years of clinical success in recalls

32 Consistent Advantages Over Competitors
Tetric EvoCeram offers a longer working time Tetric EvoCeram offers lower shrinkage Tetric EvoCeram offers higher radiopacity Tetric EvoCeram offers more “body shades” for a more accurate shade match on single shade restorations Please refer to the Competitive Comparison Booklet for specifics

33 Sales Tools Competitive Comparison Brochure
TDA 5-Year Clinical Performance Trade In Program Flow Chart

34 Additional Resources IFU Scientific Documentation FAQs Samples
Ed Lowe Oral Health Article Reprint

35 Tetric EvoCeram® Bulk Fill The posterior composite without compromise!
Based on Tetric EvoCeram’s proven formula Three patents to make it the best posterior composite Ivocerin® - photo initiator Shrinkage Stress Relievers reduce Shrinkage Stress Light sensitivity filter Can be filled in 1mm – 4mm increments – you decide 3 shades with refractive index technology

36 Advantages of Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill
Faster Cure for all increments up to 4mm in just 10 seconds! Saves up to 60% of placement time! Easier placement due to non-sticky, sculptable consistency and extended working time. No need for a capping layer No need for expensive placement equipment Over 3 minutes of working time to leave the dentist in control Better Performance due to lower shrinkage stress at 4mm than the leading composite at 2mm Less stress on the margin leads to long term clinical success

37 Consistent Advantages Over Competitors
Lower shrinkage stress Better, faster polish Lower wear No capping layer or expensive placement instruments Higher filler content for lower shrinkage More natural level of translucency Longer working time Please refer to the Competitive Comparison Booklet for specifics

38 Sales Tools Lehnard Special Edition Report Competitive Comparison
Brochure Trade In Program TDA 1-Yr Recall Clinical Casebook DZW Clinical Editorial

39 Additional Resources IFU Scientific Documentation
Ivocerin Special Report VivaLearning Module FAQs ADA Report Response Dr. David Watts Expert Letter Samples

40 Tetric EvoFlow® Flowable when desired. Stable when required.
Based on Tetric EvoCeram’s proven formula The ideal consistency for all flowable indications High radiopacity Expanded shade range with 3 translucencies, including 3 dentin shades Smaller tip design for more precise placement

41 Advantages of Tetric EvoFlow
The IDEAL consistency for ALL flowable indications Flowable but stays in place without running out of the prep Expanded SHADE RANGE with multiple translucencies Only flowable system with 3 dentin shades which can be used to mask slight defects New SMALLER tip design for more precise placement More control for the dentist when placing a flowable

42 Consistent Advantages Over Competitors
Tetric EvoFlow is available in 3 dentin shades Tetric EvoFlow offers a higher radiopacity than most flowables Tetric EvoFlow has fluorescence making it a more esthetic option Tetric EvoFlow is recommended for ALL flowable indications Tetric EvoFlow comes in both syringe and cavifil delivery forms

43 Sales Tools Brochure Trade In Program

44 Additional Resources IFU Scientific Documentation FAQs Samples

45 Thank You!

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