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Unit 2: Personal Style Syllabus Code Learning Objectives L2Understand specific information in unsupported, extended talk on a wide range of general and.

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2 Unit 2: Personal Style

3 Syllabus Code Learning Objectives L2Understand specific information in unsupported, extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics Listening to descriptions of different styles of S2Speak with a good degree of fluency and accuracy in social interaction with peers and other speakers of English Talking about different types of clothing and when they are worn S7Use a range of appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about curricular topics Talking about features of clothing R9Use a range of familiar and unfamiliar paper and digital reference resources to check meaning and extend understanding Referring to different reference resources for examples/ contexts

4 R9Use a range of familiar and unfamiliar paper and digital reference resources to check meaning and extend understanding Referring to different reference resources for examples/ contexts W2Compose, edit and proofread written work at text level, with minimal teacher support, on a range of general and curricular topics Writing an email to the student [each student has selected a costume for], describing what they are going to have to wear to the fancy dress party S2Speak with a good degree of fluency and accuracy in social interaction with peers and other speakers of English Telling the rest of class about fancy dress choice with projected/printed image

5 Resources: History of Jeans Interactive look design Fashion listening 8_what_to_wear.shtm 8_what_to_wear.shtm

6 Activity1: behind the times, out of place, piercings, sandals, flared, out of place, tie-dyed, denim, scarf, rocker, finished off,waistcoat. behind the times – out-of-date, unfashionable, not modern –------------ holes made in the body for wearing jewellery, such as rings or studs ------- – short for 'glamorous', i.e. dressed and/or made up to be extremely good-looking and very fashionable ------------------- – completed, given final touches ------------ – someone who really likes rock music (and dresses like a rock music fan) ----------- – a thick strong cotton cloth, often blue in colour, used especially for making jeans ----------------- – a piece of cloth worn around the neck------------------------- – designs on cloth dyed by tightly tying portions of it with waxed thread so the dye only affects the exposed areas ------------------------- – light open shoes with straps------------------- – (trousers or skirts) that widen significantly below the knee (popular in the late 1960s - early 1970s) ----------------------- – a sleeveless garment worn on the upper body over a shirt and usually having buttons down the front ------------------------------- – strange, as if you don't belong


8 Activity 2: Are these sentences true or false? Or is the answer not given in the text? Circle the correct answer. 1. Fashion is the same in all countries. True / False / Not given 2. British girls put rings only in their ears. True / False / Not given 3. 'Glam' girls don't usually wear skirts. True / False / Not given 4. The 'sporty' look uses a lot of colour. True / False / Not given 5. 'Girly' girls wear short skirts. True / False / Not given

9 3. Clothes related vocabulary. Each of the verbs/phrasal verbs in the left-hand column is connected to clothes and fashion. Can you match them to their definitions? 1. to dress up a. to dress 2. to dress down b. to undress 3. to put on c. to wear something special, e.g. to a party 4. to take off d. to wear casual clothes 5. to suit e. to be the correct size 6. to fit f. to look good on you

10 Activity 4. Now complete the sentences below by using one of the verbs above. 1. _________ your scarf if you're going outside. It's really cold. 2. Can I try a larger one? This doesn't __________. 3. I can wear jeans to work on Fridays as we are allowed to _____________. 4. You can't go to a wedding wearing jeans! You should ____________. 5. You look good in green. The colour really _________ you. 6. You should _____________ your scarf. It's really hot.

11 Activity 5. Fill the gaps with the given words Mongolians are incredibly fashionable. I don't mean that Mongolians are wearing knee length shorts, or whatever is ________in New York right now, but they are very ____________ of how they look. UB has a large young population, as anyone who can comes into the city for university, and young people are likely to stay after they finish school. What this means is that you have a huge number of men and women in their late teens, early 20s who are unmarried and have disposable incomes. The girls tend to wear _________________ that people in the US might wear to go out on the weekends, or on special occasions. Women wear ___________ almost all the time, and ___________ are popular, as are short skirts. Men tend to wear ______________ and to have a generally sartorial look about them. trendy conscious outfits high heels glittery tops button-down shirts

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