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SIGMM Business Meeting Klara Nahrstedt September, 26, 2007 ACM Multimedia, Augsburg, Germany, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "SIGMM Business Meeting Klara Nahrstedt September, 26, 2007 ACM Multimedia, Augsburg, Germany, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIGMM Business Meeting Klara Nahrstedt September, 26, 2007 ACM Multimedia, Augsburg, Germany, 2007

2 Agenda SIGMM Status in 2006/2007 SIGMM New Activities for 2007/2008 SIGMM Website (Wolfgang Effelsberg, Balakrishnan Prabhakaran) Euro-chapter of Multimedia (Susanne Boll) Short Advertisement of ACM Multimedia 2008 (Abed El Saddik) Bids for ACM Multimedia 2009 (Yong Rui, Mohan S. Kankanhalli) Status of Multimedia Journals – ACM TOMCCAP – Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (Nicolas Georganas) – Springer MMSJ – Multimedia Systems Journal (Thomas Plagemann) Discussion

3 SIGMM Officers for 2007-2009 ACM SIGMM Chair – Klara Nahrstedt ACM SIGMM Vice-Chair – Wolfgang Effelsberg ACM SIGMM Conference Chair – Nevenka Dimitrova

4 SIGMM Status (SIGMM in 2006/2007) SIGMM In-Sponsorship – ACM Multimedia 2006 Santa Barbara, CA, USA – SIGMM NOSSDAV (network and operating system support of digital audio and video) 2007 Urbana, IL, USA – ACM Multimedia 2007 Augsburg, Germany SIGMM – In-Cooperation – Workshop: MM&Sec '06 : Multimedia and Security Workshop, Geneva Switzerland; Sep-26 – Sep 27, 2006 – Conference: MMCN 2006: Multimedia Computing and Networking, San Jose, California, Jan 28 – Feb 1, 2007 – Conference: C&C'07: Creativity and Cognition 2007, Washington DC USA; Jun 13 – Jun 15, 2007. – Conference: CIVR '07: International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval 2007; Amsterdam Netherlands; Jul 9 – Jul 11, 2007 – Others

5 SIGMM New Activities (SIGMM E-News) Start ACM SIGMM E-News – Email service – Sent every two months to SIGMM mailing list – Would include various achievements of SIGMM community, news about interesting research results, opinions, interesting PhD theses, educational tools, research traces – Posted also on the SIGMM website – Looking for volunteer to be the editor-in-chief for this newsletter – Looking for volunteers to be on the editorial board of the SIGMM E-News (4-5 members)

6 SIGMM New Activities (SIGMM Award(s)) Start SIGMM award(s) – For 2008, we plan to go with the first SIGMM Technical Achievement award – SIGMM awards committee will be formed of 6 members 2 from Asia, 2 from North America, 2 from Europe Appointment for 2 years – Looking for further suggestions of future SIGMM awards that would then start in 2009 SIGMM award for best PhD thesis in multimedia area? SIGMM award for best educational tools, most impact in multimedia education? ….. ACM-W - Looking for nomination(s) of 1-2 women in SIGMM for ACM-W Athena Distinguished Speakers – Send nominations to SIGMM chair (Klara Nahrstedt) Future Activities – Need to consider nominating SIGMM members for prestigious ACM awards (ultimate goal ACM Turing award for SIGMM members) – Need for much more international participation

7 SIGMM New Activities (Preservation of Content) ACM SIG Board is starting a large initiative on preservation of conferences material – SIG Board strong encouragement to video-tape at least keynote and best paper sessions At MM’07 – voluntary effort by the general chair Rainer Lienhart At MM’08 – appointing “preservation” chair in the organizational committee – Responsibilities: coordinate taping process, prepare the final recordings in the required ACM format; send DVD material to ACM – All video material will be put into the digital library (searchable, available to everybody in ACM community) – Strong effort to preserve websites from past conferences Websites from past ACM Multimedia conferences will moved to ACM central server (coordination will happen through Prabha) SIGMM chair will contact all past ACM Multimedia chairs with instructions to preserve the websites At MM’08 – Responsibility of preservation chair: after the conference to move all web material to ACM central server. Instructions will be provided.

8 SIGMM New Activities (SIGMM Website) SIGMM Website – Efforts led by Wolfgang Effelsberg and Balakrishnan Prabhakaran – Establishment of a permanent staff member paid by SIGMM to Introduce new features into SIGMM website Maintain the SIGMM website Assist in archiving SIGMM E-News Respond to SIGMM community with storing, publishing material on SIGMM website – More information presented by Wolfgang and Prabha in the next presentation

9 SIGMM (New Activities) (Miscellaneous) SIGMM membership – Fee $40 (flat fee for many years) – strong encouragement to become member of SIGMM New services – SIGMM Website, E-News, SIGMM awards, SIGMM preservation efforts,… – SIG Board Directives: ACM Multimedia - Premier conference of SIGMM Each general chair and program chair of future ACM Multimedia conferences must be SIGMM member Child-care at future ACM Multimedia Conferences – SIG-Board discussion on child care support due to many parents both being professionals Is there a need and if yes in what form Talk to SIGMM chair about your ideas how to assist SIGMM researchers attending ACM Multimedia conferences with child care Circulation of locations for future ACM Multimedia conferences – 2007 – Europe, (Augsburg), 2008 – North America (Vancouver), 2009 – Asia, 2010 – Europe, 2011 – North America, ….. – In 2010 go to Europe – bids welcome to SIGMM chair (Klara Nahrstedt) and Conference chair (Nevenka Dimitrova) SIG Board encouragement to start new strong conferences within SIGMM and co-sponsored by SIGMM

10 SIG-Board News Communication of ACM – New editor-in-chief Moshe Vardi – Full reorganization of the magazine – News, articles from SIG conferences, breaking news, why are article topics important – CACM will accept SIG conferences output !!!!

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