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Presentation on theme: "H OW T O : S ET U P A Q UALTRICS S URVEY TO A LLOW P ARTICIPATION IN A G IFT C ERTIFICATE D RAWING Presentation by: Beth Watson, Graduate Assistant at."— Presentation transcript:

1 H OW T O : S ET U P A Q UALTRICS S URVEY TO A LLOW P ARTICIPATION IN A G IFT C ERTIFICATE D RAWING Presentation by: Beth Watson, Graduate Assistant at the ARL

2 F IRST S TEP : SET UP THE NEEDED QUESTIONS IN Q UALTRICS 1.) After you have completed the rest of your questions, have a multiple-choice question which asks if the person wishes to participate in a drawing to receive a gift certificate. (Yes/No). Click on the purple arrow (on the left side of the Question) and click Skip Logic No

3 In the skip logic, arrange for: If No is Selected then Skip to End of Survey. Then, click done.

4 2.) Then create a new question at the end of the survey (after the gift certificate question). Click on the Green “Show All Questions Types” arrow, and scroll down under the category of text and click on Form.

5 The item can have a statement such as: “Please answer the following questions so that you can be included in a drawing for a gift-certificate. This information will not be associated with your data.” Then under the different fields, you can ask for Name, Email address, etc. (Whatever information you need in order to contact them if they win the gift certificate).

6 3.) After you type in your fields (such as “name”), click on each field, and an arrow should appear beside it to allow a drop-down menu. In this drop-down menu, click on Exclude from Analysis, so that their personal information is not associated with their data if you export it into SPSS.

7 4.) Finally, click on the purple arrow on the left of the item, and click on the bottom More Advanced Options.

8 Select the tab at the top labeled Form Entries. On the one that says Email, select Valid Email Address under the drop down box in the Validation column. This will ensure that the individual enters an email address that includes an @ symbol and a “dot”. Click Save Question.

9 S TEP T WO, SET UP A P ANEL TO COLLECT THE RESPONDENT CONTACT INFORMATION : On the top of the page, click on the Panels tab. Then click on Create New Panel (in green on right side)

10 Now you can name your panel, such as “Gift Certificate”. You do not need to worry about a panel category.

11 S TEP T HREE : SET UP A P ANEL TRIGGER Advantage of a Panel Trigger: Everyone who wants a gift certificate will be put into this new list. You will be able to send them all one email at the same time, if you wish to send a mass email saying that you received their information or with the name of who won the drawing. You will have a comprehensive list of all of the names of individuals who would like to be entered in the drawing, along with their email addresses if you only want to contact the winner. The following slides will tell you how to do this!

12 1.) Go back into your survey. On the top menu box, there is an Advanced Options arrow that leads to a drop-down menu. Click on the arrow and select Panel Triggers.

13 2.) Click on Add a Condition. Make the condition so that: If QUESTION DO YOU WANT A GIFT CERTIFICATE, YES is SELECTED, they will be included in the panel.

14 3.) Choose your library and panel that you set up (“gift certificates”) from the drop down menus. **Under First name select the question where you put first name (Please answer the following questions  first name). Do the same for last name and email. Save triggers.

15 Once your entire survey is taken by respondents, you can go into your panel and send an email to all of the members, just as you did when you initially sent out the survey. You will also have this database of all of their names and email addresses if you want to enter them in your drawing and only notify the winner.

16 T HE LAST RECOMMENDED STEP IS TO DOUBLE CHECK !!! 1.) You can double-check that you set everything up correctly by previewing your survey. Go back into your survey. At the top menu that includes the pictures, click on Preview Survey. Take the entire survey how you want to. **Click on yes you want a gift certificate and fill in your name and email. **Then retake the survey again and click on No you don’t want a gift certificate. If you set things up correctly, it should take you to the end of the survey.

17 2.) Now go into your panels and see if you have a new member in your gift certificate panel. If you are in there as a member, then it worked correctly!

18 Important note: Make sure that you erase yourself from your panel. Any time that you preview your survey, also make sure that you delete your results (they will be recorded otherwise). In order to do this: Click on the blue View Results tab. Click on the pencil picture that says Edit Results. Scroll to the bottom and check and delete all of the results that are survey previews.

19 The End! If you need further assistance, please call the Applied Research Lab at (724) 357-4530 or email us at

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