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Fundamentals of Autodesk Inventor.  The basic unit of design is the sketch  They are not required to be precise, but it will make your life easier if.

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Presentation on theme: "Fundamentals of Autodesk Inventor.  The basic unit of design is the sketch  They are not required to be precise, but it will make your life easier if."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fundamentals of Autodesk Inventor

2  The basic unit of design is the sketch  They are not required to be precise, but it will make your life easier if you follow the basic rules below  Create a sketch that is proportional to the desired shape  Think about how you want your design to relate to the origin and other work planes  Keep the sketches simple  Sketched geometric entities should form a closed region

3  Constraints describe how two shapes relate to each other  Dimensions tell something about a particular shape  We can get dimensions of length, angle, diameter, radius, etc.

4 Coincident - a point that must lie somewhere on a curve Colinear – like parallel, but they are lined up Concentric – curves have the same center point Fix – Locks a point the World Coordinate System Parallel – You should know Perpendicular – You should know Horizontal to the WCSVertical to the WCS Tangential – Line and circle will share a point Smooth – Makes a spline smoother Symetric – Both sides are the same Equal – two objects share the same length or diameter

5  Make a new standard.ipt  Turn on visibility  Save your work as d2.adjuster, save often  Make a new sketch on the XZ plan  Use the line tool to make a basic sketch in the lower left center of the graphics window  As you draw the shape look at the constraints that are implemented as you draw

6  Use the dimension tool to add the Dimensions as shown  Click Finish Sketch  If we want to go back and edit this sketch, double click on Sketch1 on the browser

7  Extrude the shape 2.5 inches, as shown

8  Now we will add another extruded feature. Based on the top face of the solid model we just extruded.  Click New 2D sketch  Then choose the top face  This will make a workplane based off of the top face. Anything we draw will be matched up to that surface.

9  Draw an L in similar orientation to the original object

10  Add the basic dimensions

11  Add Some special dimensions  These describe the position of the sketch relative to the top corner of the solid model  These are really important to get right, ask for help if needed  Between the two vertical lines  Between the two ‘tops’

12  Set both of those new dimensions to 0

13  Finish the Sketch, then Extrude it down 2.5  Make sure you extrude in the correct direction, use the arrows under the distance to change the direction

14  We will now add a Cut Feature  Add a new sketch  Choose the face shown

15  Draw a circle of arbitrary size on the face

16  Add the dimensions shown  These show  The Size of the circle  Its position of the center relative to two edges

17  Finish the Sketch  Click Extrude  This time we are going to do a Cut  Click the Cut Icon  Set the extents to All so it goes all the way through the shape  Click Finish

18  Save your work as d2.adjuster  Two more exercises to go

19 d2.notched plated3.slider

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