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Mark Swinchatt Regional Business Director – Asia Pacific AUSVEG Conference April 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Mark Swinchatt Regional Business Director – Asia Pacific AUSVEG Conference April 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark Swinchatt Regional Business Director – Asia Pacific AUSVEG Conference April 2011

2 Using Science to create a sustainable global food supply.  DuPont has global commitment to increasing food production through the application of new scientific discoveries  Agriculture & Nutrition is one of the key business platforms of corporate DuPont  Horticulture is a key focus  Along with the existing product range, DuPont has a rich pipeline of exciting new offerings for the Australian horticultural

3 Population and Demand from 2000-2010 Source: Pioneer Market Economics October 2010 +13% The growth in world population+29% The growth in global income+18% The growth in meat consumption (Beef +3%, Pork +18%, Chicken +35%) +10% The growth in world crude oil consumption (OECD Countries -5%, Non-OECD Countries +35%)+23% crop consumption The 10-year growth in global crop consumption ( (Soybean +47%, Corn +37%, Wheat +13%, Rice +14%, Cotton +31%) +9% The growth in world crop area harvested over the last decade

4  As the world’s population approaches seven billion, we face unprecedented challenges. Solutions to many of them can be found in DuPont science.  Providing for the food, energy, and protection needs of a growing population will require more than DuPont science… … So we are building alliances across borders with people, companies, governments, and organizations in an effort to improve the lives of people everywhere.  Solving the World’s Greatest Challenges Together FOOD FUEL PROTECTION

5 DuPont 2010 Sales by Segment $31.5 Billion*

6 R&D Investment $1.7 billion in 2010 Chemistry Engineering Materials Science Nanotechnology Industrial Biotech Ag Biotech INCREASING FOOD PRODUCTION* DECREASING DEPENDENCE ON FOSSIL FUELS* PROTECTING PEOPLE AND THE ENVIRONMENT* CHEMICALS AND MATERIALS ELECTRONICS *More than 60% of R&D is directed to innovation that addresses food production

7 Rynaxypyr™ the most recent globally significant output of DuPont R & D  Outstanding crop protection  Extremely low mammalian toxicity (unscheduled poison)  Low toxicity to most non- target organisms  Ideal for modern IPM production systems  Favourable environmental profile

8 Sustainable Growth award DuPont ™ Rynaxypyr ® Receives Chemistry, Innovation, Sustainable Growth and Research Awards Rynaxypyr® Receives 2010 American Chemical Society Award for Team Innovation: Pest potency Low animal and environmental toxicity

9 Crop Protection Pipeline for Horticulture R&D Phase: D=Discovery, 1=Proof of Concept, 2=Early Development, 3=Advanced Development, 4=Pre-Launch, Launch=Available for commercial sale or use. Each phase represents only the lead event for each program. Discovery and market evaluation is an ongoing process for all projects in the pipeline. 9 Reflects advancements/additions 2/10-2/11 All products designated with a ® or TM are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont.

10 Deep Grower/End-User Knowledge 6/7/2016 10 Ability to quickly translate customer insights into action For Internal Use Only DuPont has a strong focus on understanding growers crop protection needs when developing new solutions and are actively developing links with grower organisations e.g. AUSVEG in Australia

11 Over the next 5 Years DuPont will introduce 4 new molecules into the Australian market place  Three new fungicides  Talendo ®  For the control of Powdery mildew in vines, cucurbit and tomato  Fontelis ®  For the control of a broad spectrum of diseases in fruit and vegetable crops  QGU42  Highly Active Oomycete Control (New Mode of Action) in a range of crops  New Insecticide  Cyazypyr™  For the control of chewing and sucking pests in a range of crops  And more to come !

12 Count on DuPont  DuPont is committed to Horticulture in Australia.  Great range of products for Australian Horticulturalists.  We are developing a pipeline of new molecules and products for the future.

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