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Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Objective Introduce reference point, position, origin, displacement and vectors Warm-Up If you walk backwards then are you walking in.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Objective Introduce reference point, position, origin, displacement and vectors Warm-Up If you walk backwards then are you walking in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Objective Introduce reference point, position, origin, displacement and vectors Warm-Up If you walk backwards then are you walking in the positive or negative direction?

2 Reference Point

3 Vector vs Scalar Vectors – Have direction and magnitude Ex: force and several others that we will learn about during this course. Scalar – Magnitude only Ex: time, area, volume


5 Exit Ticket 2.An ultra-light aircraft traveling north at 40 km/h in a 30-km/h crosswind (at right angles) has a groundspeed of a.30 km/h. b.40 km/h. c.50 km/h. d.60 km/h.

6 Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Objective Introduce reference point, position, origin, displacement and vectors Warm-Up If you walk toward the door and then turn around and walk backwards…then did you really go anywhere? Your displacement is ZERO!

7 Lab- you have 1.Choose a reference point (origin) like the office, café, library…etc. You must stay in the building. 2.Choose two positive and two negative positions as described by YOUR reference point. 3.Measure the distance in meters from the reference point and the position. Include a positive or negative sign to indicate direction from the reference point (N, S, E or W). 4.Draw a map using graph paper, be sure to label your reference point and the 4 locations. Include the measurements in meters and the signs that indicate direction. You must also include the cardinal direction of your position when relating it to your reference point. 5.Change your reference point so that the original 4 locations are no longer in the same direction. Meaning that their signs are now switched. Draw a new map to indicate this new change in reference point. Be sure to label your reference point and the 4 locations. Include the measurements in meters and the signs that indicate direction. You must also include the cardinal direction of your position when relating it to your reference point.

8 Exit Ticket HW: Pg 14 1-5

9 Chapter 1 Lesson 2 Objective Introduce velocity CHECK HW Warm-Up When you want to see how fast you are going, would you look at the car next to you or the tree on the side of the road? Which one would be a better indicator of your speed.

10 Motion Motion is Relative An object is moving if its position changes when compared to a fixed point.

11 Velocity Practice 1.It takes Ahmed 50s on his bike to reach his friends house 250m away. What is his average speed? 2.A truck driver makes a trip that covers 2,380km in 28 hours. What is the driver’s average speed? 3.Calculate the speed of a bowling ball that travels 4 meters in 2 seconds. 4.5. Calculate the average speed of a cheetah that runs 140 meters in 5 seconds. 5.Calculate the distance (in km) that Larry runs if he main­tains an average speed of 8 km/h for 1 hour. 6.Calculate the distance you will travel if you maintain an average speed of 10 m/s for 40 seconds.

12 Exit Ticket HW: Pg 24 1-5 and 7

13 Chapter 1 Lesson 3 Objective Introduce velocity CHECK HW Warm-Up Which one is scalar and which one is a vector? Speed Velocity


15 Acceleration Practice 1.Calculate the acceleration of a car that can go from rest to 100 km/s in 10 s. 2.Calculate the acceleration of a bus that goes from 10 km/h to a speed of 50 km/h in 10 seconds. 3. Calculate the acceleration of a ball that starts from rest, rolls down a ramp, and gains a speed of 25 m/s in 5 seconds. 4.Aiden drops a rock from a cliff. After 4s the rock is moving at 39.2 m/s. What is the acceleration of the rock? 5.Calculate the instantaneous speed (in m/s) at the 10-second mark for a car that accelerates at 2 m/s 2 from a position of rest. 6.Calculate the speed (in m/s) of a skateboarder who accel­ erates from rest for 3 s down a ramp at an acceleration of 5 m/s 2.

16 Exit Ticket HW: Pg 24 1-5 and 7

17 Exit Ticket HW: Pg 33 1-8 EXCLUDE 5

18 Practice- these are the easy ones. Quiz on Review Day 1.It takes Ahmed 45s on his bike to reach his friends house 265m away. What is his average speed? 2.A truck driver makes a trip that covers 380km in 38 hours. What is the driver’s average speed? 3.Calculate the acceleration of a car that can go from rest to 200 km/s in 10 s. 4.Calculate the acceleration of a ball that starts from rest, rolls down a ramp, and gains a speed of 45 m/s in 5 seconds

19 Distance – Time Graph Your group will create a distance-time graph. You will then use the graph and the slope to calculate the velocity. Similar to page 21. Use a meterstick to mark a distance. This distance should be several meters long (approx 5m). Use tape to mark your distance every 0.5m. Use the timer to measure your time at each tape mark (0.5m). You may have to stop at each mark and then start the timer over. However, the time should be increasing meaning it should be added to the previous time. Draw a graph for your distance vs time and then calculate your velocity. Each person in the group will create his/her own graph. Use graph paper, label each axis. Show work for the velocity calculation. We are trying to create a straight line so try to have a constant velocity.

20 Practice- these are the easy ones. Quiz on Review Day 1.It takes Ahmed 55s on his bike to reach his friends house 65m away. What is his average speed? 2.A truck driver makes a trip that covers 180km in 38 hours. What is the driver’s average speed? 3.Calculate the acceleration of a car that can go from rest to 200 km/s in 30 s. 4.Calculate the acceleration of a ball that starts from rest, rolls down a ramp, and gains a speed of 15 m/s in 5 seconds

21 Lab Objective: Calculate displacement, velocity and acceleration Materials: you, meterstick, stopwatch Procedure: Develop a plan that will enable you to calculate the distance traveled for each race and the time it takes each runner to travel that distance. Two students will race each other by running, hopping, jogging, skipping….you can decide the activity. Rotate roles so that each person will have a chance to calculate. Data: Complete the chart. YOUR GROUP MUST HAVE 5 ACTIVITIES. EACH PERSON WILL COMPLETE ALL 5 ACTIVITIES and EACH PERSON WILL HAVE his/her OWN PAPER ActivityName of Student Displacement in meters and time Change your distance with ea. Activity Velocity m/s (displacement/ time) Acceleration m/s 2 (velocity/ time) Objective: Calculate displacement, velocity and acceleration Materials: you, meterstick, stopwatch Procedure: Develop a plan that will enable you to calculate the distance traveled for each race and the time it takes each runner to travel that distance. Two students will race each other by running, hopping, jogging, skipping….you can decide the activity. Rotate roles so that each person will have a chance to calculate. Data: Complete the chart. YOUR GROUP MUST HAVE 5 ACTIVITIES. EACH PERSON WILL COMPLETE ALL 5 ACTIVITIES and EACH PERSON WILL HAVE his/her OWN PAPER

22 Graph Activity VelocityAccelerationRelationship Rest Constant Velocity Speeding Up Slowing Down You will use construction paper to complete the chart below. You will use your book, pg 30-32. You will draw the velocity and acceleration graph for each of the following situations You MUST have the axis labeled correctly. You will then describe the relationship between the two graphs You have until the end of the period. It must be NEAT and colorful

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