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Planning for Stage 2 of the SACE What you need to know.

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2 Planning for Stage 2 of the SACE What you need to know

3 Stage 2 or Year 12  Stage 1 of the SACE is generally completed in Year 11  Stage 2 is generally completed in Year 12  This can vary between schools and students

4 The final stage of the SACE  Preparation and qualification for further learning – university and TAFE  Developing skills in self-directed learning, project management, analysing information  Opportunities to specialise and begin transition to next phase

5 Stage 2 requirements

6  At least 60 credits of Stage 2 subjects or courses (and all other SACE requirements)  Research Project  A C- grade or higher for Stage 2 requirements  Most students complete more than 70 credits at Stage 2

7 Additional choices  To complete the SACE, students can choose from a range of other Stage 1 or Stage 2 subjects or courses (90 credits)  Students must achieve a grade in these subjects or courses to gain the SACE

8 SACE Credits

9 Stage 2 / Year 12 assessment  Performance standards define the five levels of achievement from A to E  Each level describes the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to demonstrate that level of learning  All SACE teachers and assessors mark with reference to the performance standards  Performance standards are listed in subject outlines on the SACE website

10 Assessment  In Stage 2 or Year 12, student work is graded from A+ to E-  Teachers assess 70% of student work, and 30% is assessed by the SACE Board

11 School assessment – 70%  A sample of student work from every school is sent to the SACE Board for checking  Assessment experts check to ensure grades are accurate, fair and comparable with other SACE students  Sometimes grades are adjusted through this process which is called ‘moderation’

12 External assessment – 30%  The SACE Board marks the externally assessed component of all subjects  These assessments can be written or oral examinations, investigations or performances  Most exams take place in October and November  The exam timetable is available on the SACE website early each year

13 The Research Project  All SACE students study the Research Project  A chance to investigate a topic of interest in depth  Students develop skills in planning, research, analysis and communication  Tertiary-style study; skills valued by employers

14 Research Project A or B The Research Project is split into three sections and each is worth a different percentage of the final grade Research Project A Folio 30% Research Outcome 40% Review 30% Research Project B Folio 30% Research Outcome 40% Evaluation 30%

15 Research Project A or B  Research Project B can count towards the ATAR; Research Project A cannot  In Research Project A students may present their review in written format (1500 words) or through a 10-minute presentation  In Research Project B students must present an evaluation in written format (1500 words)

16 Research Project capabilities Students choose one or more of seven capabilities to relate to their Research Project:  Literacy  Numeracy  Information and Communication Technology Capability  Critical and Creative thinking  Personal and Social Capability  Ethical Understanding  Intercultural Understanding

17 Research questions can relate to interests and passions Tom analysed jazz music and created his own compositions Salma researched and produced an organic skincare range Corey questioned if the video game industry is stereotyped and needs to change

18 Other subjects and courses

19 Recognised learning  The SACE recognises learning in and outside school, for example:  Vocational education and training courses (VET)  University and TAFE courses  Community learning

20 Vocational education and training (VET)  Students can undertake hands-on learning in a workplace setting and get a head start on a career  They learn on-the-job skills while working towards both the SACE and a VET qualification  Students can gain up to 150 of their 200 SACE credits at Stage 1 and/or Stage 2 from VET

21 University, TAFE and other courses  Students who complete a Certificate III or higher may count the qualification towards their ATAR  The SACE also recognises university studies, interstate and overseas senior secondary school qualifications and language courses

22 Community learning  Students can count up to 90 credits of community learning at Stage 1 or Stage 2  Programs such as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Country Fire Service Training, and Australian Music Exams are recognised  Students may also receive credits for playing sport at an elite level, acting as a carer, or gaining a pilot’s licence

23 Results  Year 12 results are usually available before Christmas – in the mail and online  Students need their PIN and SACE registration number to access their results on the Students Online section of the SACE website  Students should check they can log in, and check their address is up to date, prior to exams and final assessments

24 Results  Students who qualify for a Tertiary Entrance Statement can access their Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) and TAFE SA Selection Score online  Students also receive this information in the mail from the South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre (SATAC)

25 Beyond school

26 Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)  Measures a student’s overall achievement compared with other students  Used by universities to select students for university courses  Ranges from 0 to 99.95  Calculated from university aggregate – based on 90 credits of SACE Stage 2 for entry in 2016

27 Applying for 2016 university entry To be eligible, students will need to have:  Completed the SACE with at least 90 Credits at Stage 2  Gained an ATAR  Gained a university aggregate  Met any prerequisite subject requirements  Complied with rules regarding subject combinations and counting restrictions.

28 Applying for TAFE  SACE meets TAFE SA Course Admission Requirements for most courses  TAFE SA considers other qualifications and experiences

29 Applying for TAFE  See the Tertiary Entrance 2015, 2016, 2017 booklet  Published by the South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre (SATAC), and provided to schools  Also visit and

30 Individual circumstances

31 Special Provisions  Available if an illness, disability or unforeseen circumstance significantly impacts a student’s ability to participate in an assessment  To apply, student must provide evidence of impact  More information is on the SACE website under Schools > Special Provisions (minisite)Special Provisions

32 Students with a disability  Modified subjects are offered at Stage 1 and Stage 2 for students with identified intellectual disabilities  Studying a modified subject gains credits towards the SACE but not a grade for the subject; achievement is recorded as ‘Completed’  Any modified subjects a student has studied are identified on their SACE certificate

33 Interstate / overseas / adult students  The SACE Board grants status for equivalent learning gained from appropriate qualifications, subjects, courses or learning experiences  Further information available on the SACE website under the Students section

34 Further information

35 Achieve handbook  Copies of the Stage 2 edition of the Achieve handbook available for all Year 11 students  Useful during course counselling for Year 12  Parents encouraged to read Achieve with students to discuss options and plans

36 Further information  Visit the SACE website – particularly the Students and Learning sections:  Read a copy of the Achieve handbook, Stage 1 or Stage 2 edition  Talk to teachers and the SACE Coordinator at your school

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