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Principles of Ecology Ch 13. Ch 13 will be graded holistically as a project. You must read the chapter in order to understand the terminology that must.

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Presentation on theme: "Principles of Ecology Ch 13. Ch 13 will be graded holistically as a project. You must read the chapter in order to understand the terminology that must."— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles of Ecology Ch 13

2 Ch 13 will be graded holistically as a project. You must read the chapter in order to understand the terminology that must be included. The project WILL be your test grade of 60 points!

3 Ecological Relationships There are different levels of organization within an ecosystem This Ch 13 project will be EITHER computer made or hand drawn, but not a combination. PART 1 (20 pts) Using pg 397 as a ‘guide’ you will design either a hand-drawn poster or you can cut/paste pictures onto your computer ecosystem diagram. You CANNOT use the book example NOR can you use one from the internet. YOU WILL BE CREATING YOUR OWN. If you know how to Photoshop, this is very handy. All Organizational Levels must be labeled/identified All organisms in each level must indicate what their role is within the environment All organism relationships within the ecosystem must be explained (how does one affect/benefit the other) Abiotic, Biotic, and the keystone species must be identified. July 22, 2012Footer text here3

4 PART 2- Energy and Food Webs (20 pts) THOROUGHLY explain how energy flows through the ecosystem – explain who does what On a separate poster or slide, create a food web using the organisms within your ecosystem. You must have at LEAST one example from all 5 types of consumers. Cannot use book, internet, or other sources for your web. Identify/label: Producers, Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Consumers July 22, 2012Footer text here4 Ecological Relationships

5 PART 3- Cycling of Matter (20 Pts) There are 5 cycles of matter. You will create a diagramatic/pictoral example of the WATER Cycle and one other (your choice). These CANNOT be copied from ANY book or source (including the internet) These can be hand drawn and colored on a FULL size piece of paper, or use a drawing tool and draw them on the computer. NO CUT/PASTED pictures. Labels the parts of each cycle and bullet point the importance of each part. Describe the importance of ea. cycle within the ecosystem. Must use YOUR words July 22, 2012Footer text here5

6 PROJECT DUE DATE A Day- Mon 9 th B Day- Tues. 10 TH THESE WILL BE PRESENTED TO THE CLASS SUGGESTION- bring a zip drive and save onto that. If using a school computer, DON’T assume they will keep info safe. Stuff is deleted all the time! July 22, 2012Footer text here6

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