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S3 BUSINESS ENTERPRISE & ICT Lesson 1 Administration & IT Tasks, Skills and Qualities of an Administrator.

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Presentation on theme: "S3 BUSINESS ENTERPRISE & ICT Lesson 1 Administration & IT Tasks, Skills and Qualities of an Administrator."— Presentation transcript:

1 S3 BUSINESS ENTERPRISE & ICT Lesson 1 Administration & IT Tasks, Skills and Qualities of an Administrator

2 The main focus of this unit is to explore the important role of administration within a business including aspects of customer care and health and safety. The Unit is split into 3 sections: Tasks, Skills and Qualities of an Administrator Customer Care Health & Safety in the Workplace

3 Learning Intentions  To develop an understanding of the duties of the Administration Department  To consider the skills and qualities of an Admin Assistant  To contribute to class and pair discussions  Reporter will summarise lesson at the end

4 Role of the Admin Department The main function of an Admin department is to provide SUPPORT to other employees and departments within the organisation. Staff who work in the Admin department need to have excellent communication and organisational skills

5 Working with your shoulder partner jot down on the white boards;  Tasks you think an Administration Department would be responsible for  Think about  The school office  Your doctor’s surgery  Office jobs that your family have

6 Duties of the Admin Department Creates Letters Creates Memos Creates Reports Arranges Business Travel Manages the Reception area Responsible for photocopying Responsible for filing Responsible for managing telephone calls The ROLE of the Admin Department

7 Functions of the Admin Department The department looks after a number of “support services”, including;  The Mail Room  The Reprographics Department  The Filing Department  The Reception Area

8 Working with your shoulder partner again, identify;  The qualities and skills an admin assistant should have  Remember, think about;  The school office  Your doctor’s surgery  Office jobs that you family have

9 Qualities and Skills of the Admin Assistant Qualities  Patience  Tact  Polite  Friendly  Confident  Enthusiastic Skills  ICT  Team working  Organisation  Use own initiative  Communication  Time management  Literacy  Numeracy

10 Success Criteria  I can summarise the duties of the Administration Department  I can explain the skills and qualities needed by an Admin Assistant  I contributed effectively to class and pair discussions  The reporter can summarise our learning today

11 S3 BUSINESS ENTERPRISE & ICT Lesson 2 Administration & IT

12 Learning Intentions  To develop an understanding of a job description and person specification  To develop time management skills  Reporter will summarise lesson at end

13 Recruiting an Admin Assistant When a business needs to recruit a new Admin Assistant they will prepare 2 important documents 1. A Job Description which sets out the purpose of the job, the key tasks to be performed and the responsibilities of the post 2. Person Specification identifies the type of person who would be suitable for the post

14 The Job Description contains the following information: The job title The employee’s salary The main duties of the job Who the employee will be reporting to Who the employee will be responsible for The employee’s holiday entitlements How to apply for the job

15 The Person Specification contains the following information: The skills required to carry out the job effectively The personal qualities required The qualification required. These are divided into 2 categories:  ESSENTIAL – the employee must have these to be suitable for the job  DESIRABLE – these factors enable the employee to have a competitive advantage over other candidates.

16 Task 1 Study the job advert on page 5 of your notes. Locate and open Activity 1 – Job Description. Complete the job description by inserting the missing information where you see “?”. Print one copy. Now it is your turn!!

17 Success Criteria  I can explain the purpose of a job description and person specification  I can compare a job description and person specification.  To develop time management skills  The reporter can summarise our learning today

18 S3 BUSINESS ENTERPRISE & ICT Lesson 3 Administration & IT

19 Learning Intentions  To consider the use of an application form and CV when applying for a job  To examine a job advert and extract key information  To develop peer assessment skills  Reporter will summarise at the end

20 APPLICATION FORMS Many employers use application forms as a way of comparing and assessing candidates. Each candidate will complete the same questions, making it easier for the employer to identify suitable candidates. An application form will contain the following information:  Personal details  Employment history  Education history  Personal Statement  References

21 CURRICULUM VITAE A CV is completed by the candidate to show a potential employer a summarised career history. Unlike an application form the candidate can decide which information should be included and it can be used like a personal advert, selling their skills, qualifications, experience and personal qualities. A CV should include the following information under clearly identified headings;  Personal details  Education  Experience  References

22 Activity 2 Study the job advert for a Clerical Assistant – Finance with Hillcrest on page 8 of your notes. In your jotter, answer the questions on page 7. Pass your jotter clockwise at your table to peer assess each others work

23 Success Criteria  I can explain the use of an application form and CV when applying for a job  I can analyse a job advert and extract key information  I can successfully assess my peer’s work  The Reporter can summarise our learning today

24 S3 BUSINESS ENTERPRISE & ICT Lesson 4 & 5 Assessment Administration & IT

25 Learning Intentions  To consolidate the knowledge and skills learned so far by successfully completing an assessment  To work effectively in a pair to achieve success  To further develop peer assessment skills

26 ASSESSMENT See page 10 of course notes You are employed in the Human Resources department of a local business and you have been asked to work with your colleague to prepare a job description and person specification for an Administrative Assistant job. Once you have completed the assessment your colleague will assess your work and provide feedback

27 PEER ASSESSMENT At the end of the assessment you will provide feedback to your peer and they will give you feedback. It is important that the feedback is positive and constructive, for example  Positive participation in the activity  Discussed and agreed how the activity would be completed  Further develop listening skills

28 Success Criteria  I have applied the knowledge and skills learned so far to prepare a job description and person specification  I demonstrated effective pair working skills to successfully complete the assessment  I demonstrated peer assessment skills by receiving and giving feedback

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