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AQA exam. Are you ready? Do you have lots of black pens and different coloured highlighters? Do you know your timings? Are you going to write them down.

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Presentation on theme: "AQA exam. Are you ready? Do you have lots of black pens and different coloured highlighters? Do you know your timings? Are you going to write them down."— Presentation transcript:

1 AQA exam

2 Are you ready? Do you have lots of black pens and different coloured highlighters? Do you know your timings? Are you going to write them down as soon as you open your paper?

3 Question 1: 8 marks/17 minutes 1. Read and annotate the question. It should say, “what do you learn/understand about ___________________” 2. Skim read the text – generally, what is it about? 3. Scan the text and ONLY highlight information that answers the question. 4. Pick your 4 (ish) quotations – have you found the alternative viewpoint? Or a solution? Other opinions?

4 Question 1 template P: I learn ………….about…………….. E: It says, “…………………………….” C: This shows/suggests… Remember to use connectives! Firstly, the writer gives us the impression that eating meat causes environmental issues. Furthermore, eating poor quality meat makes the problem worse. However, later in the article, it is suggested that becoming a vegetarian will not save the earth’s resources. Lastly, the writer suggests we should eat less meat to alleviate the problems.

5 Question 2: 8 marks/17 minutes Read and annotate the question. It should say, “Explain how the headline and picture are effective and how they link to the text”, but may include the caption or subheading. 2.Look carefully at the HEADLINE alone. What do the words suggest? What effect do they create? Look for ‘layers of meaning’ Write notes around it.

6 3. Look carefully at the IMAGE alone. What does it suggest? Write notes around it. Remember to be specific about the image, colours used etc. 4. Read the source and annotate when you think it relates to headline/picture. Statistics are very good at showing a clear link between the presentational features and the text. Question 2: 8 marks/17 minutes

7 Question 2 template P: The headline is effective as ………………………………………………………(try to refer to the effect on the reader: shock/surprise/intrigue/excitement). E: It says, “ ………………………………………………………………… ……………………… C: This suggests ………………………………………………………………… ……………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… LINK: This links to the text ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………

8 1. Read and annotate the question. It should say, “Explain some of the thoughts and feelings the writer has as he/she…” 2. Skim read the text – generally, what is it about? Can you find the SHIFT in thoughts/feelings? Or SHADES of thoughts/feelings? 3. Make sure you have read the text closely. Many of you misidentified thoughts/feelings in your mock. Question 3: 8 marks/17 minutes

9 4. Scan the text and highlight evidence showing thoughts or feelings. Annotate by putting the thought/feeling in your own words. 5. Select the best thoughts/feelings. Remember to use OBVIOUS and SUBTLE thoughts/feelings, where possible. Be specific – we don’t want to see: ‘She feels negative/positive etc.” 6. If you can, start your answer with a summary of the thoughts/feelings.

10 Question 3 template At the beginning, the writer feels ______________________ He/she says, “_______________.” This suggests/shows____________ OR the word ‘_________’ emphasises…

11 Question 4: 16 marks/24 minutes 1. Read and annotate the question. It should say, “Compare the ways in which language is used for effect in the two texts. Give some examples and analyse the effects.” You are usually given a source (Source 3) and then asked to choose between the other sources.

12 2. Scan Source 3 for words/phrases/language features. Remember, you DO NOT need to select language features (such as similes, rhetorical questions, facts etc.). Interesting adjectives/verbs etc. are just as good! 3. Scan Source 1/2 for words/phrases/language features and decide which one to use.

13 Plan!

14 Question 4 template P: E: C: Analysis: Effect on the reader:

15 Question 4 top tips Remember: Until you quote, you will receive 0 marks Most of your marks are based on analysis. We do not want to see: ‘This makes the reader want to read on.’ Be specific and identify layers of meaning. Remember to compare the language, not content. You cannot use sentence length or punctuation as a point of comparison. You can analyse the headline again.

16 Question 5: 16 marks/24 minutes TAP the question: what is the text type? Audience? Purpose? You will be asked to do two of the following: inform, describe or explain. The most frequent question is describe and explain. You should write roughly 1½ sides.

17 Text type Letter: only salutations are required – and layout should resemble that of a letter Blog: date, headline, paragraphs, formal language Article/website: headline, NO columns, NO pictures

18 Audience You may be given a specific audience, but, remember… your actual audience is the examiner so please write formally!

19 Purpose Examiners will ask themselves these questions when reading candidates’ responses: Explain: Has the response answered the question “Why?” Describe: Do I have a true sense of what is actually being described? Inform: How much have I learned?

20 You are almost finished! The big question is: do you have 36 minutes left? Question 6: 24 marks/36 minutes

21 TAP the question: what is the text type? Audience? Purpose? The question gives you a statement and asks you to argue for or against, or asks you to persuade your audience. Question 6: 24 marks/36 minutes

22 Sample argue Question 6 Your school or college is inviting entries for a writing competition. The topic is “Dangerous sports activities and pastimes are selfish, often put others at risk and should be discouraged.” Write your entry arguing for or against this view.

23 Sample persuade Question 6 There is evidence that many young people are not eating, exercising or spending their leisure time properly and that this is damaging their health and life chances. Write an article for Living Today magazine which persuades young people to improve their diet and lifestyle.

24 Top tips for Question and 6 PLAN! Crossings out are taken by the examiners as evidence of conscious crafting. Use appropriate language features. For example, similes when describing. Use paragraphs! Proofread carefully – you have 6 marks for SPAG on Question 5 and 8 marks on Question 6.

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