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Career Planning workshop A Framework for Career Planning Lisa Stone STFS Careers Department

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1 Career Planning workshop A Framework for Career Planning Lisa Stone STFS Careers Department

2 Career Planning workshop Content Careers Support available in STFS 4 stage model: Self Assessment Career Exploration Decision Making Plan Implementation Making the most of foundation (being competitive) Introduction to interviews/ practicing interview questions Resources

3 Career Planning workshop …Post MMC?

4 Career Planning workshop One way of looking at your career?

5 Career Planning workshop 4 Stage model

6 Career Planning workshop An honest self appraisal – Consider the following: Personal influences/Role models – why medicine Careers values – place of work, variety etc Personality type – Outgoing, team player etc/ MBTI Environmental Factors – Rural v urban, working hours etc Interests – SCI59 Skills N.B. Self-assessment exercises on Need to register and A thorough self-assessment can help you at the application & interview stage

7 Career Planning workshop Values Exercise What is important for you to have in a job? Work through the handout provided. You have 15 mins to do this.

8 Career Planning workshop Stage 1 will clarify Career Exploration Entry criteria – person spec (on v self Training pathways (info in ‘Specialty pages’ on Tasters Case studies (e.g. BMJ careers) /discussion with those in the role (Informational interviewing) Competition ratios/Labour Market Info (video on Scope for flexible training? Working abroad after F2? BMJ Careers fair/Royal College fairs Back up plan

9 Career Planning workshop Stages 1 and 2 Keep on top of the system Post-Foundation training continues to develop and change Keep up to date on critical changes Begin early Don’t leave career exploration until the last minute – much may change, and it might take longer than you think Undertake stage 1 (self-assessment) and stage 2 (career exploration) tasks regularly Ask for help if you’re uncertain Educational Supervisor Director of Medical Education College Tutor

10 Career Planning workshop Stage 2: Things to Remember It’s important to consider whether your career decision is realistic Discuss your plans with your Educational Supervisor Adequate career exploration takes time The clearer you are about what’s important to you, the more targeted your career exploration can be Keep talking Feedback from people at all levels of seniority in the specialty you’re exploring is important It’s okay to stop and rethink during Stage 2 (Careers Exploration) You can repeat Stage 1 (self-assessment) as often as you need to

11 Career Planning workshop How do you make decisions? What good decisions have you made in the past? Are you being realistic about yourself and the demands of the job? Have you considered all opportunities? Does your decision take into account support – friends, family etc Does your decision take into account factors you find stressful?

12 Career Planning workshop Types of decision making… Logical – A systematic approach weighing up pros and cons against each other. This can help you become clearer about what your priorities are. Talking – You may need to vocalise your thoughts to someone else before you begin to see things clearly. Talking things through with someone impartial or someone who knows you well can help you clarify the issues. You might also want to talk to someone who has made the decision already. Intuitive – You may go with your ‘gut reaction’. Has this been reliable in the past? Have you ever been wrong? This may not matter so much if you’re comfortable with making mistakes sometimes. Hesitant – Are you someone who mulls things over for some time before reaching a decision? Perhaps collecting evidence until you can see the way ahead? Whilst it can be helpful to take your time with decisions and to do your research, make sure you don’t procrastinate! Testing ideas – Perhaps you need to try something out before you commit to it completely. Getting some relevant experience such as a rotation or taster, and talking to people in the job are ways of achieving this. If this is your approach, you may be comfortable changing your mind and experience could sharpen your focus and provide you with some useful insight.

13 Career Planning workshop Task Think about a good decision you have made in the past: E.g University choice, A Levels choices What enabled you to make that decision? Can you identify how you make decisions? Have a chat with your “neighbour” about this…….

14 Career Planning workshop Influences on careers decisions Time - earlier decisions are now required! Choice left to individual – (UK norm) Prior exposure to a speciality helps inform choice Peer influence (what others think) Role models Positive and negative experiences Life style and work life balance You need to take an evidence-based approach!

15 Career Planning workshop The more careful thought you have given to stages 1,2,3 it will assist with:  writing applications forms  preparing your CV  interviews  assessment centres  Portfolios  Be aware of the time-lines for recruitment in specialty. In 2012 applications open on 12 Nov – 7 th Dec. Interviews in Jan and Feb. Resources:  SW Peninsular Deanery/AGCAS DVD – Selection centres for specialty training  Guidance on applications/interviews -

16 Career Planning workshop Ways to be competitive and show commitment to a specialty Keep your ePortfolio up to date Try to put something in every week Keep your CV up-to-date and targeted Do courses: Surgical skills etc College exams – this is only one way to show commitment Do a taster/audit/presentation/research Get publications/teaching experience Leadership - e.g. In F1: supervising medical students, leading an MDT meeting. As an F2: F1 doctors, leading resuscitation, directing ward rounds, organising handover, etc Do relevant assessments Talk to consultants/trainees in that specialty

17 Career Planning workshop Interview Performance: How to succeed “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail” Preparation is everything Job description / person specifications Getting your portfolio/CV ready What skills are required for the specialty? Evidence is the key Research crucial  Why that specialty  Have you spoken to those already training at that level?  What can you bring to that specialty  Keep up to date with current affairs in medicine

18 Career Planning workshop An interview technique to use when talking about an example Use STAR: S – Situation (what was happening) T – Task (the goal you set yourself) A - Action (what you did) R – Result (the outcome of your action)

19 Career Planning workshop Exercise: Interviews In groups of three: Look at interview questions and work together to discuss good answers to them. Do a few from each section. Think of examples you can use to illustrate your answers. (Use: STAR) You have 20 minutes to do this.

20 Career Planning workshop The 4-stage career planning framework How does this relate to me?: Start thinking systematically about your career now Will pay off in the future Will make you a strong candidate when applying for Jobs FY1 provides a great opportunity to start applying the 4 stage model

21 Career Planning workshop

22 Career Planning workshop Action planning Jot down several actions that will help you with your career planning. Make these actions SMART: Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-bound

23 Career Planning workshop Resources (selection centre videos in password protected area) SCI59 – FREE if you are member of the BMA Books: Lim, D (2011). How to get a Specialty Training Post: the insider’s guide Published by Oxford University Press The Roads to success (2010): Caroline Elton and Joan Reid. Published by KSS Deanery Picard, Oliver, Wood, Dan and Yuen, Sebastian (2008) 'Medical Interviews: a comprehensive guide to CT, ST and Registrar interview skills' Published by ISC Medical Smith, Chris and Meeking, Darryl (2008) ‘How to succeed at the medical interview' Blackwell Publishing.

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