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Week of May 2-6, 2016 Daily Agenda Mrs. J. Leverette, ICT1 Teacher.

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1 Week of May 2-6, 2016 Daily Agenda Mrs. J. Leverette, ICT1 Teacher

2 Weekly Objectives Perform touch typing by keying words, sentences, and paragraphs (ongoing). Explore employability and career development skills such as interviewing skills. Create a resume by utilizing employability skills. Explore careers in each of the seven Mississippi Career Clusters. Demonstrate their strengths and weaknesses on Career and Employability skills.

3 Monday Daily Agenda Have students to complete Pre Bell -Time Writing —3 minute writing (See www. on “What is DECA” or a written Bell Activity: Describe three things that an employer expects of an employee.) The teacher will review concepts and skills on previous classwork related to Career Research Project, and the students will log in on to complete activity, if not completed. The students will complete an online Pre-Assessment on Employment and Career Development Skills if not already completed from previous week. Teacher will introduce and give purpose of studying job-seeking skills. Student will utilize career vocabulary words by using the Frayer Model and sharing with the class. The teacher will discuss job interview skills procedures. Students will complete job seeking terms from in their notes.-Vocabulary Concepts-Integration Lang. Arts Complete Job Interview Handout, and have student to role-play in partners a job interview session. Continue Edutyping-Differentiated Activities for students- Enrichment & Remedial Activities Closure –Wrap up with a review Homework-Career Handout and continue studying Job Seeking Skills. Test on Friday

4 Tuesday Daily Agenda Bell Activity:  Have students to complete Pre Bell -Time Writing —3 minute writing on “What is DECA” or describe how you should conduct yourself at a job Teacher will introduce and give purpose of studying job-seeking skills. The teacher will discuss job interview skills procedures on Handouts Have student’s complete notes on Job Interview Skills, if not completed on Monday. Complete Job Interview Handouts, and have student to role-play in partners a job interview session. Teacher will explain the Module on Everfi on “The Future of Technology and You”. Whole Class Activity: Students will click on and log-in to your account and complete entire Module on The Future of Technology and You” View video on School to Career Skills, if time permits Continue --Differentiated Activities for students- Enrichment & Remedial Closure: Wrap up lesson with a review Homework-Career Handout and continue studying Job Seeking Skills. Post-Test on Friday

5 Wednesday Daily Agenda Bell Activity:  Have students to complete Pre Bell -Time Writing 5—3 minute writing or How do you think your attitude affects a job interview? The teacher will review previous lesson from Tuesday. Teacher will discuss the importance of developing good job seeking skills. Teacher will explain how to use Choices software to reevaluate personal interest to career investigated. Students will complete activities on job seeking skills. Students can work in pairs on these activities. Students will click on and log-in to your account and complete entire Module on The Future of Technology and You” Continue EduTyping Course lessons-Differentiated Activities for students.— Enrichment and Remedial Activities. Teacher will review today lesson orally with students. ---Closure Homework: Continue studying Job Seeking Skills. Test on Friday

6 Thursday Daily Agenda Bell Activity: Have students to complete Pre Bell -Time Writing —3 minute writing - on “What is DECA” or Bell Activity Question: Describe why it is important to have good work The teacher will review previous lesson from Wednesday on job seeking skills and remind students about Job Seeking Skills Test on Friday. The teacher will check and go over weekly homework with students. The students will complete a review handout on previously taught skills Employment Skills. (Write answers only.) The teacher will introduce lesson on Employment Skills-Resumes and Application Forms The students will complete resume and other job-skills activities by going to “My First Resume” on Continue edutyping Course lessons--Differentiated Activities for students. - Differentiated Activities The teacher will wrap-up lesson by reviewing job seeking skills-notes and handouts Homework: Study Career skills-Employment skills—Test Friday

7 Friday Daily Agenda Friday, May 6, 2016 Activities –Procedures Bell Activity:  Have students to complete Pre Bell - Time Writing —3 minute writing on “What is DECA” or Bell Activity: ( Describe why it is important to have good work habits.) The teacher will review previous lesson on job seeking skills. The students will complete a Job Seeking Skills Post Test on Canvas The students will complete EduTyping lessons today. If time permits, students will work on Integrated Language Activities. Wrap up with a review

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