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East Renfrewshire Trade Waste Project Prep Exit Package incl Lean Review Date 10 September 2009 Author S.Skelly.

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Presentation on theme: "East Renfrewshire Trade Waste Project Prep Exit Package incl Lean Review Date 10 September 2009 Author S.Skelly."— Presentation transcript:

1 East Renfrewshire Trade Waste Project Prep Exit Package incl Lean Review Date 10 September 2009 Author S.Skelly

2 Agenda Objective of Trade Waste Review review Profile of the service Purpose setting /Demand analysis ‘As Is’ Core Processes and Waste/Flow/Impact –Conclusion/Recommendations

3 Objective of Trade Waste review Is to review the Trade Waste service against the 6 PSE principles below :- The 6 PSE Principles One council approach Clearer strategic intent Customer First as the main point to handle enquiries Services online Improved asset management Support activities streamlined and duplication removed and determine if there are cost or customer benefits in moving the service or part of the service to Customer first. We will also document the demand and key processes to identify if there are other efficiency opportunities. In addition we will also use this review package to request authorisation to exit the prep stage of the project and move to next project stage which is Re-Design.

4 Profile – Trade Waste Purpose Statement “To provide an efficient trade waste uplift service to our external and internal customers”

5 Profile – Types of Trade Waste Uplifts *Trade waste uplift from a commercial property *Trade waste uplift from ERC School *Trade waste uplift White Goods

6 Profile of Trade Waste Service InformationInput DepartmentEnvironment ServiceTrade Waste Name of SponsorAndy Corry What area of business is been considered for redesignTrade Refuse operations No of staff including grades and rolePart time Grade 6 Grade 3 Is staff guidance to service available yes/no (if yes pls attach a copy) Yes What IT systemsMicrosoft Office, Excel What if any are SPI’s,PI’s or service standards applied to the service None No of applications/bookings400 + Customers Income (include the previous full year’s amount and payment methods) £350k Internal Accounts and Invoicing Expenditure£220k Collection £191k Disposal Hours of business08.45 am to 4.45 pm Monday to Thursday 08.45 am to 3.55 pm Friday Collection 07.00 am to 6.00 pm Monday to Friday

7 Profile of Trade Waste Service InformationInput Please give details who your customers are (include whether or not they are external or internal) Potentially all trade premises in ERC are customers. Currently, there are 413 customers including internal Council premises How can the public contact you ? Pls indicate yes or no By phone - yes via 0141 577 3783/3001 Face to face - yes via Thornliebank Depot Email - no Online - no Fax - yes What can a customer do online ? Pls indicate yes or noView Service information - yes Contact the service - no Make a booking - no Pay for a booking - no What are the service charges to the publicN/A Are concessions available. Pls indicate yes or no and provide details no

8 TypeContact method Trade Waste Uplifts Demand by type Value Failure per process I would like to arrange an uplift 2% I would like to arrange payment arrangement 2% I want information on white goods uplift 5% I want to query increase 5% I want to leave service 10% I want to query payment 10% I want additional services 14% I want information on uplift 19% Missed bin 33% Value demand 52% Failure demand 48% I want information on uplift I want additional services I want to leave service I want information on white goods uplift My bin has not been collected I want to query the increase in charge I would like to arrange an uplift Phones 79% E-mail 20% In person 1% Mail 0% On line 0% I would like to arrange payment arrangement I want to query the payment

9 3 Cu AD CL RS SO (1) Enquiry for trade uplift (3 ) Duty of care contract issued (4.1) contract Returned signed (4.2) Details added to Excel spreadsheet (2) Details regards, price, bin size, duty of care service information given out. (9.1) Payment Made (4.3) Added to Driver route sheet (6.1) Lease bin required 1. Existing Trade Waste Process Y es (7.1) buy a bin required (8.1) payment Arrangement required NoNo (5) Added to Pending list for review (6.2) Details added to Excel spreadsheet (7.2) Details added To Excel spreadsheet (8.2) Letter out Confirming arrangement NoNo Y es NoNo NoNo NoNo (9.2) arrangement ongoing (10) Arrangement Defaulted, follow up starts and passed to sheriff officers (7.3) external added To e financials (6.3) internal 4 part Account raised

10 FlowWasteImpact 1 enquiry for trade waste uplift 2 details given – cost of service - size of bin 3 duty of care contract sent out 4.1 duty of care returned signed 4.2 added to excel spreadsheet for uplift 4.3 duty of care signed added to driver route sheet 5 duty of care returned not signed added to pending list for review 6.1 lease bin required 6.2 added to excel spreadsheet for lease bin 7.1 buy a bin required 7.2 details added to excel spreadsheet for bin purchase 8.1 payment arrangement required 8.2 letter out confirming arrangement 9.1 payment made 9.2 arrangement ongoing 10 arrangement defaulted and passed to sheriff officers 1.How many new enquiries are received every year and how many ‘renewals’ continue from year to year? How many of these are internal customer and how many are external customers? 2.Prices are also available on the internet. Internet refers customer to phone line – further action can be taken on internet. 3.How many duty of care forms are posted out and how many are handed to customers who come into service? How many are incorrectly completed? 4.Customer must return either by post or by handing in. There is no straight through process – the details from the duty of care form are manually transferred to excel and should be manually added to drivers’ route sheet. N.B. drivers’ route sheets are very rarely used. 5.How often is the list reviewed to maximise business opportunities? 6.How many bins are leased? 7.How many bin are purchased? 8.What is breakdown of payment arrangements – Finance will supply this information. 9.How often is service given without payment being received – check with admin team 1.Currently no clear data available to give specific information on this. 2.How many enquiries come from phone and how many hit does web get? 3.Form is lengthy for customers. 4.Time and staff costs in these manual processes. Also, the fact that route sheets are rarely used could be a risk to collections as drivers may not remember where all premises are or note where new customers are. Also, customers may be receiving a service who have not paid. Need to get data on number of missed bin complaints and those customers who have not paid and are still receiving a service. 5.Why are customers not returning 100% of forms – are they unclear or too difficult to complete or are customers going to competitors as the joining process may be simpler and cheaper? 1. Existing Trade Waste Process

11 Recommendations Recommend project be allowed to exit the Prep Stage and move to Redesign During redesign the process will be streamlined to enhance level of service Achieve cost savings and efficiencies

12 Recommendations –To investigate alternative payment methods –To investigate moving customer enquiries to the corporate contact centre –To review the “duty of care” issue process –To review IT requirements - Lagan –To review web content, including online bookings –To increase income

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