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Developing Action Plans Module 5 Level 2 Evaluating an Individual Identification and Recruitment Action Plan.

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1 Developing Action Plans Module 5 Level 2 Evaluating an Individual Identification and Recruitment Action Plan

2 Materials Recruiter’s Individual ID&R Action Plan Module 5 Level 2 Outline Handouts, as needed Pen or pencil Highlighters Post-its

3 Level 2: Evaluating an Individual Identification and Recruitment Action Plan Goal The recruiter will be able to evaluate the implementation of an individual ID&R action plan and revise as needed.

4 Objectives Participants will be able to: Assess the effectiveness of the implementation of an individual action plan. Identify those aspects of the plan that need to be revised or adapted to make it more effective. Recommend needed adaptations or revisions to the plan. Level 1: Individual Identification and Recruitment Action Plan

5 Agenda: Level 2 Two Truths; Two Lies Evaluating an Individual ID&R Action Plan Evaluation Questions: Individual ID&R Action Plan Evaluating a Sample Action Plan Evaluating Your Own Individual ID&R Action Plan Assessment

6 Two Truths; Two Lies 1. An action plan is a written plan that an individual, or organization, develops to guide and focus their efforts in order to reach a desired goal. 2. The individual ID&R action plan also helps recruiters set recruitment quotas. 3. Every action plan should have a goal. 4. The best individual ID&R action plans have only three objectives.

7 Evaluating an Individual ID&R Action Plan Once you have written your individual ID&R action plan, do you ever revisit it? Why or why not? Updating the individual ID&R action plan should be an ongoing task.

8 Evaluation Questions: Individual ID&R Action Plan 1. Is the objective still valid? Have circumstances changed that would necessitate the need for the objective to be modified or deleted? 2. Is the appropriate staff responsible for this objective?

9 Evaluation Questions: Individual ID&R Action Plan 3. Is this the appropriate activity for the objective? Are there other activities that may support this objective? 4. Does the objective have a realistic deadline? 5. Is the evidence of success valid?

10 Evaluating a Sample Action Plan ObjectiveStaff Responsible ActivityTimelineEvidence of Success Learn the basic child eligibility requirements. Recruiters Parent Liaisons Attend annual ID&R training. Sept.- Oct.Certificates Will know the eligibility factors by October.

11 Evaluating a Sample Action Plan ObjectiveStaff Responsible ActivityTimelineEvidence of Success Develop a recruitment network and list of contacts. Recruiters Community Liaison Identify local organizations/ individuals who work closely with the migrant community and create opportunities to collaborate. DecemberContact list Year- round Phone log/emails documenting ongoing contact.

12 Evaluate your individual action plan with a partner – someone not sitting at your table. Once you find your partner, decide who will be person A and who will be person B. The “A’s” will read their plan aloud first, one objective at a time. The “B’s” should read the evaluation questions for each objective. The “A’s” should make notes and adjustments to their action plan based on the questioning and discussion with their partner. Switch roles. Evaluating Your Own Individual ID&R Action Plan

13 Did you make any adjustments to your individual action plan based on feedback from your partner? Evaluating Your Own Individual ID&R Action Plan

14 Please complete the assessment independently. When all participants are done, discuss answers with a partner; revise answers if needed. We will review as a whole group and you will grade your own. Level 2 Assessment

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