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Issachar Coaching Cluster Year 4 Session 5 Executing Strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "Issachar Coaching Cluster Year 4 Session 5 Executing Strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Issachar Coaching Cluster Year 4 Session 5 Executing Strategy

2 As a child, what was your favorite room in your house? Why? Prayer, remembering our Evangelism Prayer List

3 A primary end-product of the WPA District is to produce Growing Spirit-fill Christ-like Servant Leaders at every level in the Bride of Christ. Who is your Timothy?

4 Growing Spirit-filled Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core Competencies Model Abiding In Jesus Christ Competencies: 1-Growing in Intimacy with Christ 2-Crucifying Self 3-Claiming God’s Armor 4-Exercising Spiritual Disciplines 5-Practicing Sacred Pathways

5 Growing Spirit-filled Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core Competencies Model Empowering by Holy Spirit Competencies: 1-Claiming the Promise, Presence & Power of the Holy Spirit 2-Obeying the Holy Spirit -Quench Not -Grieve Not -Resist Not

6 Growing Spirit-filled Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core Competencies Model Empowering by Holy Spirit Competencies: 3-Being filled with the Holy Spirit 4-Manifesting the Fruit of the Holy Spirit 5-Exercising the Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit

7 Growing Spirit-filled Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core Competencies Model Thinking Strategically Competencies: 1-Defining Realities 2-Providing Direction 3-Facilitating Action 4-Thinking Divergently 5-Thinking Convergently

8 Growing Spirit-filled Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core Competencies Model Leading Self Competencies: 1-Developing Christ- like Character 2-Establishing Christ-like Priorities 3-Maximizing God- given Abilities 4-Establishing Healthy Relationships 5-Sharpening the Saw/Learning for Life

9 Growing Spirit-filled Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core Competencies Model Leading a Team Competencies: 1-Building Trust- filled Relationships 2-Communicating Effectively 3-Unleashing People to Act 4-Cultivating Effective Teams 5-Developing Leaders

10 Growing Spirit-filled Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core Competencies Model Leading the Ministry Competencies: 1-Cultivating God’s Preferred Future 2-Managing Change 3-Executing Strategy 4-Adapting Organizational Structures 5-Administrating the Ministry

11 Heb 12:1-3 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our

12 faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

13 Phil 3:13-14 Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. NIV

14 4 Disciplines of Execution by FranklinCovey

15 Video Presentation

16 What Do Leaders Have Influence Over? Strategy Execution What have we been trained to do? 70% of Strategic Failures were do to Poor Execution of the Leader- Rom Charan

17 Why Is Execution So Difficult? WhirlwindGoals ( Day Job)(New Activities) Would the people in our church still be busy even if we did not have any new goals/initiatives? What typically kills new initiatives?

18 Why Is Execution So Difficult? WhirlwindGoals ( Day Job)(New Activities) Urgent Important (It acts on you)(You act on them)

19 Key Challenge Trick is not executing a goal! It is executing a goal in the midst of the whirlwind!!!

20 1 Focus on the Wildly Important Number of Goals2-3 4-10 11-20 Achieved w/Excellence2-3 1-2 0 Law of Diminishing Returns

21 Focus on the Wildly Important Good Leaders ALWAYS have more Good Ideas that they can Execute!!!

22 Wildly Important Goals (WIGs) A Goal that makes all the difference. Failure to achieve this goal renders all other achievements inconsequential!!!

23 Wildly Important Goals (WIGs) Rules: 1- No more than 1-3 WIGs per person/team at a time 2- Sub WIGs must ensure the success of the Parent-WIGs 3- Finish Line- A WIG must have a gap (From X to Y by When)

24 2 Act On The Key Measures Key to Execution Lag Measure Lead Measure Measures goal Leads to Goal Predictive Influencable Leverage

25 2 Act On The Key Measures Key to Execution Lag Measure Lead Measure Loose Weight Exercise Diet People tend to focus on Lag Measures!!

26 2 Act On The Key Measures Key to Execution Lag Measure Lead Measure Why do people focus on the Lag? It is the focus It is easier

27 3 Create a Compelling Score Board Rules: 1- Simple 2- Highly Visible 3- Have the Right Lead and Lag Measure 4- Immediately TELL IF Winning or Loosing

28 3 Create a Compelling Score Board Human beings like games!! Make it a Winnable Game

29 4- Create A Cadence Of Accountability Weekly Meeting: NO WHIRLWIND DISCUSSIONS

30 4- Create A Cadence Of Accountability Weekly Meeting: What are the 1-3 most important things I can do this week to impact the scoreboard?

31 4- Create A Cadence Of Accountability Weekly Meeting: 1- Report on last weeks commitments 2- Review and Update Scoreboard 3- Make commitments for next week We don’t have Dragons, We have GNATS


33 Push the Wildly Important Goals into the Whirlwind!!!

34 FranklinCovey Tools Importance Screen Measurement Builder Work Compass


36 Lead Measurement Builder Wildly Important Goal: List potential lead measures that would produce progress toward the goal: Measurement Credibility Checklist: Accurately tracks progress toward goalsInputs cannot be easily manipulated Is Influencable by the teamDrives the right behaviors Tracks outcomes as well as activitiesIs truly achievable Has no unintended consequencesValue of measuring exceeds cost of measuring If you could only choose ONE of these overarching measures, which would have the greatest impact on helping you achieve your wildly important goal? Measure: Current result: Target result: By when:

37 IMPORTANCE SCREEN MINISTRY SCREENSTRATEGIC SCREENFINANCIAL SCREEN INSTRUCTIONS 1.Pray!!! 2.List your team's potential goals. 3.For each screen, rate each on a scale of -1 to 4 where:  4 = High Positive Impact  0 = No Impact  -1 = Negative Impact 1.Total your score. 2.Do a Holy Spirit Check. "What is the Holy Spirit saying concerning the brutal realities?" 3.Using the score totals and your Holy Spirit check, mark the goals that are truly most important. Scale: -1 to 4 MINISTRY CRITERIA TO CONSIDER:  Increases # of people involved in leadership development  Increases the health and # of Christ- centered churches  Reduces church conflict  Increases # of people involved in coaching and/or mentoring  Facilitates placement of God’s workers  Assists churches in executing strategies Scale: -1 to 4 STRATEGIC CRITERIA TO CONSIDER:  Inspires trust District wide  Clarifies the District’s direction  Aligns District resources and ministries  Unleashes people  Directly supports the district’s primary end-products (Christ-like leaders, Christ- centered churches & Living the Call Together)  Facilitates multiplication of leaders and churches  Maximizes DLT’s God-given abilities Scale: -1 to 4 FINANCIAL CRITERIA TO CONSIDER:  Is this the most effective use of our resources?  Will there be a significant return on our investment?  If we had only 50% of budget, would we still do this?  Will this increase support of the GCF and missions?  Increases bonds with missionaries and sister churches  Are there sufficient resources to execute with excellence POTENTIAL GOALS MINISTRY SCREEN -1 0 1 2 3 4 STRATEGIC SCREEN -1 0 1 2 3 4 FINANCIAL SCREEN -1 0 1 2 3 4 TOTAL SCORE HOLY SPIRIT CHECK, YELLOW, GREEN       

38 Expressions of Executing Strategy Regularly say “no” to good ideas Identify wildly important goals Regularly focus on Lead Measures Create a compelling scoreboard Create a cadence of accountability Intentionally removing two things from one’s plate to add a WIG

39 Resources for Executing Strategy Execution- Adler, Bossidy, Charan Good To Great- Collins Getting Things Done- Allen Execution Plain & Simple- Neiman Making Strategy Work- Hrebiniak First Things First- Covey Seven Habits of Highly Effective People- Covey Focus- Covey

40 Resources for Executing Strategy

41 In your Triad: 1)Review last months SMART Goals 2)Explore what specific action steps the Lord is leading you to take in relation to Managing Change. 3) As you pray for one another, remember people on your Evangelism Prayer List.


43 _______________________

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