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Organize Project Team 1 Project is to build Crew Boat facility on Lake Washington Construction Management involves working in teams to meet owner requirements.

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Presentation on theme: "Organize Project Team 1 Project is to build Crew Boat facility on Lake Washington Construction Management involves working in teams to meet owner requirements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organize Project Team 1 Project is to build Crew Boat facility on Lake Washington Construction Management involves working in teams to meet owner requirements FebruarySeptemberJanuary Climate, conditions, engineering, design, business, architecture, cost, schedule

2 Task Overview – Design Ideas 2 Architectural Concept Architects and Designers think through the design process with hand and computer drawn sketches. Construction managers Are often involved Early in design to ensure project will Meet budget and time Requirements

3 Architects, Engineers and Construction Managers– Construction Drawings 3 Use both electronic and paper copies in the field

4 Construction Drawings 4

5 3D Computer Drawings for Design and Building 5 Used to determine cost, schedule, methods, impacts to environment.

6 6 Project Cost Schedule by Construction Managers

7 7 Project Schedule Developed by Construction Managers

8 Teams Assembly and Roles Assignment 8 Cost Estimator/ CM Responsible ensuring that the project is within the owner’s budget. Project Manager/ CM Responsible for ensuring project is built within construction time frame. Safety Director/ CM Responsible for the safety of the construction process. Architect Responsible for the aesthetics and usability of the building. Project Engineer/ CM Responsible for the stability and durability of the building. Five important roles in a construction project. These individuals work together throughout the project. Design Engineering Money Safety Time

9 You Have 20 Minutes 9 TASK A Meet with Client to learn about budget and time targets. Develop a building construction plan Choose one option for each construction/design activity (1-7) – Foundation, Main Layout, Exterior Closure, Interior, Roofing, Mechanical, Electrical Each option is marked with a color label indicating which “Important Role” should guide the decision. Tape the card for the option you select to your presentation board. Give to Time and Cost Team Members after they return from their meeting. TASK B Evaluate options selected by your Safety, Design, and Engineering Teammates. Add up total cost and time. Meet with Client to learn about budget and time targets. TASK C Can our building be built? Meet together as a group (all team members) to determine if it is possible to use the options you picked and remain within the budget and time constraints. What do you need to change to stay within the budget and time constraints? Design Engineering Money Safety Time

10 1.1 FOUNDATION - SOG Cost: $60K Duration: 10 days Slab-on-grade foundations are created by filling a mold set directly on the ground with concrete. This type of foundation rests directly on the surface of the site. On sandy soil this type of foundation might become unstable shifting with the loose sand. This type of foundation is easy and safe to construct because it doesn’t involve deep digging or construction at dangerous heights. 10 Engineering Safety

11 1.2 FOUNDATION – Raft Footing Cost: $70K Duration: 12 days A raft foundation is similar to a slab on grade foundation except that it has the added benefit of being dug deeper into the supporting soil. The added depth increases stability on loose soils, but increases safety risks as it involves the use of more heavy machinery. 11 Engineering Safety

12 1.3 FOUNDATION – Deep Foundation Cost: $100K Duration: 15 days This type of foundation has deep foundation walls to support the building above. This type of foundation prevents the back and forth movement of sand based soil better supporting the building. However, it is complex to construct requiring digging and construction at heights. Because it requires deep digging water may be encountered further complicating construction. 12 Engineering Safety

13 2-1 MAIN LAYOUT: Center Cost: $100K Duration: 16 days Boat Stacking and Common Area Mechanical Toilet Equipment Kitchen Office 13 Locating the boat/stacking + common area in the center of the building reduces the number of interior walls needed. Fewer interior walls to build equals reduced costs. Design

14 2-2 MAIN LAYOUT: Corner Cost: $120K Duration: 20 days Boat Stacking and Common Area Mechanical Toilet Equipment KitchenOffice 14 Locating the boat/stacking + common area off of the corner of the building requires construction of an extra hallway and partition wall next to the toilet area, resulting in increased costs. Design

15 3-1 EXTERIOR CLOSURE: CMU Cost: $80K Duration: 15 days CMU = Concrete Masonry Unit Concrete block, when reinforced with concrete columns and tie beams, is a very common building material for the exterior and interior load-bearing walls of buildings, and is often called "concrete block structure" (CBS) construction. Concrete block does not require the use of large cranes to lower materials into place. This allows workers to construct from stable scaffolding and avoid the risk of falls or having objects fall onto them. 15 Safety

16 3.2 EXTERIOR CLOSURE – Steel Frame Cost: $90K Duration: 12 days Steel Frame Construction consists of heavy steel members being lowered into place and welded to secure. This type of construction requires cranes to help lift materials into place and has a higher risk of construction injury due to materials falling. 16 Safety

17 3-3 EXTERIOR CLOSURE: Wood Frame Cost: $100K Duration: 10 days Wood frame construction consists of the securing of wood members with nails to create a stable wall, floor, and roof assembly. Unlike steel members which come to the site prefabricated. Wood walls, etc., have to be constructed onsite with the workers building at significant heights. 17 Safety

18 4.1 INTERIOR – Gypsum Wall Panels Cost: $50K Duration: 8 days 18 Engineering Safety Gypsum wall panels are used to cover the structural members and create finished interior walls. Gypsum panels are easy to cut into custom sizes but do not last as long as cement wall boards. They are easy to hang and have a low safety risk.

19 4.2 INTERIOR – Cement Board Cost: $35K Duration: 11 days 19 Engineering Safety Cement board wall panels are very durable but hard to trim. The process of trimming these boards can result in hazardous flying board chips and heavy cement dust.

20 5.1 ROOFING – Metal Decking Cost: $40K Duration: 7 days 20 Design Metal decking allows for the creation of large expansive flat roofs.

21 5.2 ROOFING – Concrete Beams/Slabs Cost: $64K Duration: 12 days 21 Design Concrete roof decks are excellent for large open flat roof areas that the designer wants to turn into a roof deck for mechanical systems and other uses such as decks.

22 5-3 ROOFING: Wood Trusses Cost: $84K Duration: 9 days 22 Design Wood trusses are excellent for creating large open spaces with soaring ceilings.

23 6-1 MECHANICAL – Exposed Ventilation Cost: $45K Duration: 6 days 23 Space ventilated by both natural and mechanical systems, resulting in reduced ventilation system costs and utility costs over the life of the building. Mechanical duct work is left exposed and may result in a cluttered ceiling appearance. Design

24 6-2 MECHANICAL: Enclosed Ventilation Cost: $52K Duration: 4 days 24 Ducts and ventilation system pieces are hidden in the wall structure. Ventilation is provided through hot and cool air pumped through ducts by a mechanical ventilation system. Windows are not used for ventilation. System provides a cleaner appearance in the space. Design

25 7-1 ELECTRICAL: Solar Power Photovoltaic Cost: $100K Duration: 8 days Solar power is also called photovoltaic power. This technology involves the application of solar cells to the building. These cells produce energy by converting sunlight, including sun ultra violet radiation, directly into electricity. This type of power is useful for buildings placed on sites were it is hard to connect up to the city power grid like a beach setting, but may be significantly more expensive. 25 Engineering

26 7-2 ELECTRICAL: Traditional System Cost: $50K Installation time: 3 days 26 Engineering Traditional electrical system connects building wiring up to the city power grid. City power is typically drawn from large power plants. This is a low maintenance choice because it doesn’t require upkeep of a on site power source.

27 You Have 20 Minutes 27 TASK A Meet with Client to learn about budget and time targets. Develop a building construction plan Choose one option for each construction/design activity (1-7) Each option is marked with a color label indicating which “Important Role” should guide the decision. Tape the card for the option you select to your presentation board. Give to Time and Cost Team Members after they return from their meeting. TASK B Evaluate options selected by your Safety, Design, and Engineering Teammates. Add up total cost and time. Meet with Client to learn about budget and time targets. TASK C Can our building be built? Meet together as a group (all team members) to determine if it is possible to use the options you picked and remain within the budget and time constraints. What do you need to change to stay within the budget and time constraints? Design Engineering Money Safety Time

28 You Have 20 Minutes 28 TASK A Meet with Client to learn about budget and time targets. Develop a building construction plan Choose one option for each construction/design activity (1-7) Each option is marked with a color label indicating which “Important Role” should guide the decision. Tape the card for the option you select to your presentation board. Give to Time and Cost Team Members after they return from their meeting. TASK B Evaluate options selected by your Safety, Design, and Engineering Teammates. Add up total cost and time. Meet with Client to learn about budget and time targets. TASK C Can our building be built? Meet together as a group (all team members) to determine if it is possible to use the options you picked and remain within the budget and time constraints. What do you need to change to stay within the budget and time constraints? Design Engineering Money Safety Time

29 Budget and Time Constraints 29 1. Foundation 2. Main Layout 3. Exterior Enclosure 5. Roofing 4. Interior Construction 6. Mechanical 7. Electrical Maximum Budget for Building $410K Maximum Time for Construction of Building 58 Days

30 Discussion 30 Have a feel for what Construction Managers do? What type of jobs do Construction Managers have? What types of skills are needed for the Construction Manager?

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