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SOWING, REAPING, KEEPING. A paradigm shift Four changes to shape a strategy for evangelism.

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2 A paradigm shift Four changes to shape a strategy for evangelism

3 Change 1 Evangelism is not so much about ‘telling the truth’ as the ‘outworking of love’.

4 Change 2 Evangelism is not so much about requiring people to ‘make a decision’ as being part of a process and what the Holy Spirit is doing in a person’s life over time.

5 Change 3 Evangelism is not so much about making converts as about making disciples.

6 Change 4 Evangelism is not so much about a few gifted evangelists proclaiming ‘the truth’ as about every Christian being good news in their neighbourhood.

7 Evangelism is about: -the outworking of love -being involved in what the Holy Spirit is doing over time (process) -making disciples -everyone being involved


9 Two important questions Question 1: Where on the scale are most people in England? At the lower end Question 2: Where on the scale has our evangelism been directed? At the higher end


11 The Engel Scale: Sowing and Reaping Steps 1 - 3 “God is good and Christians are OK.” Steps 4 - 6Basics of the gospel message Steps 7 - 10Counting the cost and making a response

12 An evangelistic strategy needs to include: Sowing 1 activities Sowing 2 activities Reaping activities Keeping activities

13 Having a Strategy Paul’s basic strategy is clear in Acts 1Go first to the Jews or God-fearers 2Establish an evangelistic church plant Having an evangelism strategy is not unspiritual

14 Examples: Sowing 1 activities Be a secret pastor Offer practical help Hold a party for your neighbours (The Big Lunch) Family Fun Days Become a school governor Play sport for a local team

15 Examples: Sowing 2 activities Family ‘café style’ services Alpha / Journeys /Wellsprings Fair Trade / Christian Aid concert Prayer Spaces in schools Songs of Praise ‘Fresh Expressions’ eg Messy Church Make the most of Christmas, Easter etc

16 Examples: Reaping activities Retreat (Quiet Day, large Christian event) Pointing people in the right direction Alpha ALF Club

17 Keeping strategies What helps people stay? a sense of belonging, small groups KEY! a place to serve and grow healthy, open and trusting relationships leaders able to lead, motivate and equip

18 What next? Encourage leaders to read Sowing, Reaping, Keeping Share with the church members Use the training materials to involve the whole church


20 Sowing One (Network) Sowing One (Pioneer) Sowing Two ReapingKeeping Children Teens Adults Baby Boomers Seniors Family Other

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