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GATE 2011-2012 What your GATE Site Representative Needs from You… Student nominations Teacher recommendation forms Your support in their efforts to find.

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Presentation on theme: "GATE 2011-2012 What your GATE Site Representative Needs from You… Student nominations Teacher recommendation forms Your support in their efforts to find."— Presentation transcript:

1 GATE 2011-2012 What your GATE Site Representative Needs from You… Student nominations Teacher recommendation forms Your support in their efforts to find those students who would benefit from the opportunities of the GATE program

2 What is a “gifted” learner? The Gifted Learner Asks the questions Has wild, silly ideas Discusses in detail, elaborates Draws inferences Is intense Enjoys learning Manipulates information Thrives on complexity Shows strong feelings and opinions Is highly self-critical Inventor Prefers adults Good guesser It is not always the student that is great at quiet seatwork and perfectly organized….

3 Characteristics of Potentially Gifted Students from Diverse Backgrounds Student is fluent in their native language and has a large vocabulary Student can generalize concepts and transfers knowledge from one situation to another Student is curious and learns easily from many sources Questions everything and wants to know how things work and why “Street sense” is evident and may be recognized by other students as “smart” Student has home responsibilities that may include caring for younger siblings

4  Student has a good sense of humor and understands different kinds of humor  Student is motivated to finish work in which they are personally interested  Student uses many descriptive words in casual conversations  Student responds to the concrete (firm guidelines) and kinesthetic (bodily movements, touch)  Student enjoys group activities that include problem solving. Student has original solutions to problems  Student succeeds in school whether or not there is an adult at  home to help them with their schoolwork

5 Site Concerns: GATE takes all of our “good” students. The GATE program is an opportunity for enrichment that some students might not otherwise receive. The GATE students that elect to attend the Learning Center sites do not impact school API/AYP scores. If we send students to GATE, we will be affected by declining enrollment. Declining enrollment is affecting the entire district and the GATE program is designed to provide opportunities for all students The GATE program is no different than what we offer at our own site. The GATE program has many unique elements: a Spanish program, field trips, guest speakers, and more. Some students may not ever experience these things.

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