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1 City of Portland Bureau of Development Services Staff Presentation to the Historic Landmarks Commission Type II Appeal of Denial LU 12-139918 HDZ – 2327.

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Presentation on theme: "1 City of Portland Bureau of Development Services Staff Presentation to the Historic Landmarks Commission Type II Appeal of Denial LU 12-139918 HDZ – 2327."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 City of Portland Bureau of Development Services Staff Presentation to the Historic Landmarks Commission Type II Appeal of Denial LU 12-139918 HDZ – 2327 NE 8th Avenue Irvington Historic District October 22, 2012

2 2 Zoning and Designations R5a Residential 5000, with Historic Resource Protection and Alternative Design Density Overlays National Register Irvington Historic District, contributing resource, constructed ca. 1910

3 3 Irvington Historic District Areas of Significance Criterion A – Community Planning, Social History Criterion C Architecture Period of Significance 1891 - 1948 Listed in National Register of Historic Places Historic Residential Suburbs in the United States, 1830-1960 – Multiple Property Submission October 22, 2010

4 4 Historic Design Review Required The subject site is within the Irvington Historic District; The proposal is for exterior alteration of a primary structure; and None of the exemptions in 33.445.320 B apply. Therefore, per 33.445.320 A 1, the proposal is subject to Historic Design Review.

5 5 Approval Criteria The subject site is within the Irvington Historic District but outside the Central City Plan Area; The subject site is not a Historic Landmark or a Conservation Landmark; and The Irvington Historic District does not have adopted district-specific guidelines. Therefore, per 33.846.060 E 1 b, the approval criteria for Historic Design Review are those in 33.846.060 G Other Approval Criteria.

6 6 Irvington Historic District

7 7

8 8 2327 NE 8th Avenue

9 9 2008

10 10 2327 NE 8th Avenue March 26, 2012

11 11 2327 NE 8th Avenue March 26, 2012

12 12 2327 NE 8th Avenue June 1, 2012

13 13 2327 NE 8th Avenue June 5, 2012

14 14 2327 NE 8th Avenue June 5, 2012

15 15 2327 NE 8th Avenue October 17, 2012

16 16 Summary of Proposal Exterior Alterations Replacement of recently installed non-historic vinyl windows on the front of the house with new wood windows Legalization of recently installed new fiber cement clapboard-style siding with a 5" reveal over the entire body of the building

17 17 Summary of Findings The following approval criteria are not met: 1, 4, 8, and 10. 1 - Substantial historic fabric has been removed, concealed, or altered, including windows, siding, porch columns, and railing. 4 - No evidence of deterioration was presented. 8 and 10 – The historic configuration of the house has been almost entirely altered, and its evaluation as a contributing resource has been reversed.

18 18 Commission Options Uphold the decision and findings; Uphold the decision and modify the findings with additional conditions of approval; Grant the appeal and approve the proposal (This option requires the applicant to return at a later date with revised findings.) Request applicant to modify the proposal in order to meet all the approval criteria. (This option requires the applicant to return at a later date with revised drawings and findings.)

19 19 End of Staff Presentation

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