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 Integrate Assistive Technology into Academic Instruction EDPY 497.

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1  Integrate Assistive Technology into Academic Instruction EDPY 497

2 Assistive technology in the classroom  eature=related

3 Universal Design for Learning Defined by the federal Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008  A scientifically valid framework for guiding educational practice that: A. Provides flexibility in the ways information is presented, in the ways students respond or demonstrate knowledge and skills, and in the ways students are engaged; and B. Reduces barriers in instruction, provides appropriate accommodations, supports, and challenges, and maintains high achievement expectations for all students, including students with disabilities and students who are limited English proficient.

4 Universal Design for Learning Guidelines I. Provide multiple means of representation a. Provide options for perception b. Provide options for language and symbols c. Provide options for comprehension II. Provide multiple means of action and expression a. Provide options of physical action b. Provide options for expression and fluency c. Provide options for executive function III. Provide multiple means of expression a. Provide options for recruiting interest b. Provide options for sustaining effort and persistence c. Provide options for self regulation

5 Instructional Technology and Instruction  Educators must consider the integral role that IT plays in the academic development of children with disabilities. IT increases access to the general education curriculum by adapting the curriculum, improving instructional delivery, providing practice opportunities, and increasing motivation.

6 Curriculum, Instructional Planning, and AT Adaptations  Decision-making questions such as the following can aid in the development of valuable lesson plans: 1. What are the student’s IEP goals and short-term objectives? 2. How will the instruction be delivered? 3. What teaching techniques will be used? 4. Will the groups for instruction be large or small? 5. How will materials and adaptations be integrated into the instruction? 6. What evaluation methods will be used to determine student progress?

7 Integrating Instructional Technology and AT Adaptations into Instruction  Designing instruction  Student  Curriculum  Adaptations  Classroom  Implementing instruction  Delivery  Groupings  Evaluating instruction  Environmental factors  Use of adaptions  Monitoring student progress

8 Implementing AT into Instruction Implementing AT into language Arts, specifically vocabulary  Vocabulary knowledge is an essential component of reading ability. Typically, students with reading difficulties do not possess an extensive vocabulary because they have not had multiple exposures to vocabulary development activities through reading experience. Students with disabilities require many specific opportunities to build their vocabulary knowledge base, including activities to understand both the literal and implied meanings of words and to develop the ability to use vocabulary in a variety of ways  WordWise Software  Words Around Me  Words & Concepts  Merriam-Webster® Speaking Dictionary & Thesaurus  Speaking Language Master™

9 Implementing AT into Instruction Implementing AT into mathematics  Students with mathematics disabilities have problems both in the memorization of facts and in their use of computational operations such as addition. The process of solving whole-number computation involves symbols, multiple steps, and a level of abstraction that proves difficult for many students with disabilities. Students with mathematics disabilities need time and repetition in a variety of ways to develop an understanding of all the complex steps required in computation activities  Access to Math  Big:Calc  MindTwister Math  MathPad and MathPad Plus  k1BuiLyMkY k1BuiLyMkY

10 Implementing AT into Instruction Implementing AT into science 1.Performing experiments 2.Recording observations 3.Collecting & Recording data (measuring) 4.Analyzing Data - graphs 5.Writing Science/Lab Reports 6.Reading science textbooks and research  SciTrain  Zap and Virtual Lab by Edmark  Logger Pro by Vernier software  ducts/software/ga- ipad/?utm_campaign=s12- caliper  Digital microscopes  Dragon Naturally Speaking

11 Implementing AT into Instruction Implementing AT into social studies  Model and teach legal and ethical practices related to technology use.  Apply technology resources to enable and empower learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities.  Identify and use technology resources that affirm diversity.  Promote safe and healthy use of technology resources.  Facilitate equitable access to technology resources for all students.   page.asp?pg_id=80122  Kidspiration graphic organizer  Scrip/alpha smart

12 Implementing AT into Instruction  Gifted learners  They would benefit from using technology to help extend and enrich existing curriculum. Using computer- based resources are a great way to provide gifted students with an opportunity to network beyond their immediate community, and gain global understandings of the topics they are researching or examining.  By Kids For Kids  Webquests  Robotics  The JASON Project  atch?v=KvcojsMjPdc

13 Implementing AT into Instruction Implementing AT with Ipads  Learning is rarely fun; it’s even less fun when being taught within the confines of a lecture hall or classroom. While this may be true, there’s no reason why you can’t make the process more entertaining and challenging.  Evernote  Goodreader  iA writer  34  SimpleMind  EasyBib  iStudiez Pro

14 Instructional Delivery  The evaluation information explored at the end of the lesson should incorporate an assessment of environmental factors, use of adaptations, and monitoring of the student’s progress using the technology in the lesson.  This can be done through the Adaptations Framework known as ADAPT.  Each letter of the word ADAPT signifies specific questions for teachers to consider and ways to make and evaluate AT adaptations.

15 ADAPT Framework A What am I requiring the student to do?  The student will learn three new vocabulary words linked to the science lesson’s concept.

16 ADAPT Framework D Determine the prerequisite skills of the task.  The student will be able to listen and respond as the teacher presents the science concept.  The student will be able to use the smart board in her cooperative learning group to learn about the science concept  The student will be able to select color-coded buttons on her computer to locate information electronically.  The student will be able to use the turn-taking routine with her computer partner  The student will be able to copy the word into her computer.  The student will be able to select pictures that illustrate the words.  The student will be able to use the Franklin Electronic Dictionary to get a definition for the word.  The student will be able to use aspects of the word processor and printer.

17 ADAPT Framework Strengths  The student listens during lessons.  The student can work in the cooperative group.  The student understands the color-coded system of the computer.  The student follows the turn-taking routine.  The student can copy words on the computer.  The student can use the software on the computer. Struggles  Social skill deficits  Some vision problems but does not wear glasses  Oral language skills are deficient.  Illegible handwriting  Needs help with sequencing the complete science concept A Analyze the student’s strengths and struggles.

18 ADAPT Framework P Propose and implement adaptations from among the four categories.  Instructional material is adapted using the computer, the student’s electronic science  Notebook where she places the words and pictures for each science concept, and her use of software to produce her assignments rather than handwritten products.

19 ADAPT Framework T Test to determine if the adaptations helped the student accomplish the task.  The notebook displays 100% completion for each vocabulary word.  The student can answer questions about each vocabulary word with 70% accuracy.

20 Instructional Delivery  Instructional delivery is a critical component for improving students’ access and learning opportunities.  Use software programs with stated objectives, and match those objectives to your student’s learning needs.  Understand the prerequisite skills that are needed in order for the student to successfully operate the program.  Find out how the student is “reinforced” during the program and determine if that fits your student’s needs.  Examine the independence level of the program and decide if your student is ready to work alone with the program.  Establish whether this program actually meets your student’s needs or if it is simply filling time.  Look at the flexibility of the program in terms of sound and graphic sequences. As some of these may be too stimulating or distracting for certain students.

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