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Presentation on theme: "INFORMATION SESSION: GIFTED EDUCATION IN GVSD Great Valley School April 5, 2016 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda ■Introductions ■Gifted Education in Pennsylvania ■Gifted Education in Great Valley School District –Gifted Services in Elementary, Middle School, and High School –Gifted Supports – Tiered level support ■Parent liaisons ■Topic suggestions –Next meeting: Monday, May 23, 2016 –Topic: To be determined 2

3 Gifted education definitions: ■Gifted student: (i) A student who is exceptional under section 1371 of the School Code (24 P. S.§ 13-1371) because the student meets the definition of ‘‘mentally gifted’’ in this section, and needs specially designed instruction beyond that required in Chapter 4 (relating to academic standards and assessment). ■Mentally gifted—Outstanding intellectual and creative ability the development of which requires specially designed programs or support services, or both, not ordinarily provided in the regular education program. 3

4 Gifted education definitions: Gifted education—Specially designed instruction to meet the needs of a gifted student that is: (i) Conducted in an instructional setting. (ii) Provided in an instructional or skill area. (iii) Provided at no cost to the parents. (iv) Provided under the authority of a school district, directly, by referral or by contract. (v) Provided by an agency. (vi) Individualized to meet the educational needs of the student. (vii) Reasonably calculated to yield meaningful educational benefit and student progress. (viii) Provided in conformity with a GIEP. 4

5 Gifted Regulations Definitions: Regular education environment—The regular classroom and other instructional settings in which students without a need for gifted education receive instructional programs and the full range of supportive services normally provided to these children. 5

6 Gifted Regulations Definitions: Specially designed instruction—Adaptations or modifications to the general curriculum, instruction, instructional environments, methods, materials or a specialized curriculum for students who are gifted (b) Districts may use administrative and instructional strategies and techniques in the provision of gifted education for gifted students which do not require, but which may include, categorical grouping of students. The placement must: (1) Enable the provision of appropriate specially designed instruction based on the student’s need and ability. (2) Ensure that the student is able to benefit meaningfully from the rate, level and manner of instruction. (3) Provide opportunities to participate in acceleration or enrichment, or both, as appropriate for the student’s needs. These opportunities must go beyond the program that the student would receive as part of a general education 6

7 Special Education identification and gifted § 16.7. Special education. (a) Nothing in this chapter is intended to reduce the protections afforded to students who are eligible for special education as provided under Chapter 14 (relating to special education services and programs) and sections 601—619 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C.A. § § 1400—1419). (b) If a student is determined to be both gifted and eligible for special education, the procedures in Chapter 14 take precedence. For these students identified with dual exceptionalities, the needs established under gifted status in this chapter shall be fully addressed in the procedures required in Chapter 14. (c) For students who are gifted and eligible for special education, it is not necessary for school districts to conduct separate screening and evaluations or use separate procedural safeguards processes to provide for a student’s needs as both a gifted and an eligible student. (d) A single IEP shall be developed and implemented, revised and modified in accordance with this chapter and Chapter 14, for students who are identified as eligible under this chapter and Chapter 14. 7

8 Tier supports to meet your child’s need 8

9 Tier support ■Strength based within the GIEP ■Use evidence to support decisions –Tier 1: Core curriculum to meet gifted students needs –Tier 2: Specific gifted supports in small groups –Tier 3: Intensive targeted support 9

10 Tier 1 Examples Typically supports provided by regular education teacher ■Pre-assessments ■Curriculum compacting ■Benchmark assessment to guide instructional decisions ■Skill grouping within class ■Tiered assignments –Students working on similar skill but at varied depth and complexity 10

11 Tier 2 Examples Typically provided by regular education/gifted support teacher ■Partial day pull out grouping ■Push in group support ■Curriculum compacting –Accelerated learning ■Early instruction ■Pre-assessment –Replacement activities/projects 11

12 Tier 3 Examples Typically requires significant programming needs ■Grade level acceleration ■Content level acceleration ■Concurrent enrollment (elementary/middle school or middle school/high school) ■Dual enrollment options 12

13 Gifted in GVSD ■Elementary ■Middle School ■High School 13

14 Parent liaisons ■The purpose of the parent liaisons is to continue supporting gifted parents with an opportunity to learn about gifted education in Great Valley, to share ideas for future parent information sessions, and to communicate with the school district regarding parent needs. 14

15 Topics for future meetings ■Five chart boards ■Choose one of the chart boards (equally distribute) ■Group writes down as many ideas within the next 5 minutes ■After writing ideas, circulate to boards and place sticker next to the ideas that are of most interest to you (may use all three stickers on one topic) ■The priority list will be used to develop the session for May 23 rd. 15

16 Thank you for attending! 16

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