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First Hour: What is the nature of personality and how can it be assessed? Personality I Personality typologies From “Types” to “Traits” Assessing individual.

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Presentation on theme: "First Hour: What is the nature of personality and how can it be assessed? Personality I Personality typologies From “Types” to “Traits” Assessing individual."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Hour: What is the nature of personality and how can it be assessed? Personality I Personality typologies From “Types” to “Traits” Assessing individual differences Personality tests Unstructured (projective) Structured (objective)

2 Personality: “…the unique pattern......of enduring psychological characteristics... …by which individuals can be compared…” Temperament: “…characteristic level of reactivity and energy.”

3 Reactive interactions Evocative interactions Proactive interactions Why doesn’t the same environment produce the same personality?

4 Categorical (Type) approach: Dimensional (Trait) approach: Distributional approach: “introverted”“extroverted” “introverted”“extroverted” “introverted” “extroverted” 5 1 10

5 Hippocrates’ type theory (5th cent. BC) Blood. Sanguine temperament: –cheerful and active Phlegm. Phlegmatic temperament: –apathetic and sluggish Black bile. Melancholy temperament: – sad and brooding Yellow bile. Choleric temperament: –irritable and excitable

6 ABC EndomorphicMesomorphicEctomorphic William Sheldon’s somatotypes relating physique to temperament:

7 Endomorphic type (fat, soft, round): -love of relaxation and comfort Mesomorphic type (muscular, angular): -assertive, physically active Ectomorphic type (thin, long, fragile): -private, self aware, restrained

8 From “Types” to “Traits” Traits vs. States Unstructured (Projective) Tests: Rorschach’s inkblots Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) Unstructured vs., Structured tests

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