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Cardiovascular Issues 13(d). Overview of the Heart.

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Presentation on theme: "Cardiovascular Issues 13(d). Overview of the Heart."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cardiovascular Issues 13(d)

2 Overview of the Heart

3 Damage to the Blood Vessels Arteriosclerosis - – Hardening/ stiffening of the artery walls. – Flexibility is lost. Atherosclerosis – – Thickening of the artery wall due to cholesterol/ fat buildup.

4 Atherosclerosis

5 Damage to the Blood Vessels Thrombosis - – Blockage resulting from excessive buildup (atherosclerosis). Embolism – – When a piece of cholesterol/ fat breaks away and causes a clot further down the bloodstream. – Primary causes of sudden strokes, etc.


7 Damage to the Ventricles Atrial Fibrillation - – When the atria begin to quiver and not properly contract. – Reduces blood flow. – Causes fatigue, chest pains, or sometimes no symptoms. – Treated with medications or implants.

8 Damage to the Ventricles Ventricular Fibrillation - – When the ventricles begin to quiver and not properly contract. – Most often stops blood flow, resulting in death if not fixed. – Automatic External Defibrillators (AED’s) through a shock can fix.

9 Damage to the Entire Heart Coronary Heart Disease - – Results from the narrowing of the coronary arteries. Heart Attack - – Also called Myocardial Infarction. – Is the interruption of blood flow to a region of the heart. – Cardiac muscle begins to die.

10 Damage to the Entire Heart Cardiac Arrest - – Anything resulting in the heart not pumping blood through the body. Asystole - – Also called Flatline – Form of cardiac arrest when the heart ceases beating. – Patient may be temporaroliy aided by CPR. Unfortunately, survival is less than 2%, as the heart usually restart. – Cardiac muscle begins to die.

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