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Fall 2011 Pilot Project Module Two Creating a College Ready Student 1.

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1 Fall 2011 Pilot Project Module Two Creating a College Ready Student 1

2 Are we really responsible for getting all students college and career ready? 2

3  Read Redefining College Readiness by David T. Conley  Discuss ₋Current Means to Determine College Readiness ₋Components in a Comprehensive Definition of College Readiness ₋A Definition of College Readiness ₋Possible Ways to Measure the Dimensions of College Readiness ₋Implications of the Definition ₋What Schools and Students Can Do to Foster College Readiness ₋What Students can do to Develop Their College Readiness 3

4  Small Group Discussion ₋Introduction (pp. 5-6)  Group 1 - Current Means to Determine College Readiness (pp.8-11)  Group 2 - Components in a Comprehensive Definition of College Readiness (pp. 12-17)  Group 3 - A Definition of College Readiness (pp. 18-19)  Group 4- Possible Ways to Measure the Dimensions of College Readiness (pp. 20-22)  Group 5 - Implications of the Definition (p. 23)  Group 6 - What Schools and Students Can Do to Foster College Readiness (pp. 25-27) ₋What Students can do to Develop Their College Readiness (p. 28) 4

5 Following reading, reflection, and small group discussion, participants will:  Report key report findings  Discuss strengths of the secondary and postsecondary system  Identify secondary and postsecondary areas of concerns 5

6 College and Career Ready: Helping all Students Succeed Beyond High School, by David T. Conley, 2010 Participants will:  Read the abstract  Discuss the seven principles utilizing the STEPS project discussion document 6

7 Discussion Document of Conley’s Key Principles of College and Career Readiness Conley, D. T. (2010). College and career ready: helping all students succeed beyond high school. Retrieved February 5, 2011, from 7 PrincipleReflection 1. Create and maintain a college-going culture in the school. 2. Create a core academic program that is aligned with and leads to college readiness by the end of 12 th Grade. 3. Teach key self-management skills and expect students to use them. 4. Make college real by preparing students for the complexity of applying to college and making the transition successfully. 5. Create assignments and grading policies in high school that more closely approximate college expectations. 6. Make the senior year meaningful and challenging. 7. Build partnerships with and connections to postsecondary programs and institutions.

8 Individuals will reflect on the college ready student research and discuss the following in small groups.  I used to think……  And now I think…… 8

9  Principle 1: Create and maintain a college- going culture in the school.  Principle 2: Create a core academic program that is aligned with and leads to college readiness by the end of 12 th grade.  Principle 3: Teach key self-management skills, require students to use them, and provide students with feedback on how well they are developing these skills.  Principle 4: Make college real by preparing students for the complexity of applying to college. 9

10  Principle 5: Create assignments and grading policies that more closely approximate college expectations each successive year of high school.  Principle 6: Make the senior year meaningful and challenging.  Principle 7: Build partnerships with and connections to postsecondary programs and institutions. 10

11  What do we want our students to learn?  How will we know when each student has learned it? 11

12 I wish I knew back then…… 12

13 Partners for Success Students CounselorsParents Administrators CommunityCampus StaffTeachers 13

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