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Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act: Transition and Implementation Steps States and Local Areas Can Take Now – Before Proposed Rules! March 23, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act: Transition and Implementation Steps States and Local Areas Can Take Now – Before Proposed Rules! March 23, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act: Transition and Implementation Steps States and Local Areas Can Take Now – Before Proposed Rules! March 23, 2015 1

2 Presenters Ron Painter, Chief Executive Officer, National Association of Workforce Boards (Moderator) Stephanie Beckhorn, Office of Talent Policy and Planning, Michigan Workforce Development Agency Janet Bloomfield, Michigan Works! Association, formally Central Area Michigan Works! Bob Lanter, Executive Director, California Workforce Association Christine Quinn, Director, Michigan Workforce Development Agency Byron Zuidema, Deputy Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Labor 2

3 Title I – Workforce Development Activities 3

4 State and Local Boards Composition Responsibilities Training Effectiveness 4

5 #1 Polling Question: Have you begun to restructure your Boards? Answers:  States-Yes  States-No  Locals-Yes  Locals-No 5

6 #2 Polling Question: Have you begun to plan and prepare for the boards’ new responsibilities? Answers:  States-Yes  States-No  Locals-Yes  Locals-No 6

7 State and Local Strategic Plans Key partnerships Combined or Unified plan Data support Required elements 7

8 #3 Polling Question: Have you begun to pull together the partners needed for the plan? Answers:  States-Yes  States-No  Locals-Yes  Locals-No 8

9 #4a Polling Question: Where do you need technical assistance in producing a state or local plan? States answers only:  Helping Partners come together  Creating similar objectives  Coordinating the required planning elements  Locating the data to plan effectively  Other (type answer in chat box) 9

10 #4b Polling Question: Where do you need technical assistance in producing a state or local plan? Locals answers only:  Helping Partners come together  Creating similar objectives  Coordinating the required planning elements  Locating the data to plan effectively  Clear guidance from the state  Other (type answer in chat box) 10

11 Regional Activities Geographic/political definition Identification of organizations needed for participation Plan components Relationship to local and state plans 11

12 #5 Polling Question: Has your state identified the regions under the WIOA? Answers:  States-Yes  States-No  Locals-Yes  Locals-No 12

13 #6 Polling Question: Has your state provided templates, policy, or other guidance to help with the development of regional plans? Answers:  States-Yes  States-No  Locals-Yes  Locals-No 13

14 One-Stop Delivery System Members Member roles One-stop activities Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 14

15 #7a Polling Question: What areas do you need technical assistance to enable you to set up your one- stop delivery system? States answers only:  Helping Partners come together  Creating similar objectives  Negotiating agreements on sharing costs  Negotiating MOUs  Creating state level policies on the one-stops  Other (type answer in chat box) 15

16 #7b Polling Question: What areas do you need technical assistance to enable you to set up your one- stop delivery system? Locals answer only:  Helping Partners come together  Creating similar objectives  Negotiating agreements on sharing costs  Negotiating MOUs  Receiving additional guidance from the state  Creating local level policies on the one-stops  Other (type answer in chat box) 16

17 Youth Programs Out-of-school youth 75 percent expenditure rate Work experience requirement Revised “barrier” definition Partners for delivering youth services 17

18 #8 Polling Question: Where do you need technical assistance in meeting the new youth requirements? Answers:  Out-of-school expenditure rate  Work experience expenditure rate  Revised “barrier” definition  Locating partners for serving out-of- school youth  Reforming partnerships for serving in- school youth  Developing career pathways  Other (type answer in chat box) 18

19 Performance New measurement period New youth measures New employer measures Regional performance measurement 19

20 #9a Polling Question: What areas do you need technical assistance to meet the new performance requirements? States answers only:  New measurement period  New youth measures  New employer measure  Regional measures  Developing an information technology system  Collecting post program data  Other (type answer in chat box) 20

21 #9b Polling Question: What areas do you need technical assistance to meet the new performance requirements? Locals answers only:  New measurement period  New youth measures  New employer measure  Regional measures  Developing an information technology system  Collecting post program data  Need additional guidance from the state  Other (type answer in chat box) 21

22 Subtitles Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Programs 22

23 #10 Polling Question: Will you have difficulty integrating services to migrant and seasonal farmworkers into the one-stops? Answers:  States-Yes  States-No  Locals-Yes  Locals-No 23

24 Subtitles Veterans Services 24

25 #11 Polling Question: Will you have difficulty implementing the priority of service to veterans? Answers:  States-Yes  States-No  Locals-Yes  Locals-No 25

26 Title II – Adult Education Participation in planning Program delivery Intake and referral Common performance metrics 26

27 #12 Polling Question: Have you begun to form critical partnerships with the adult education community? Answers:  States-Yes  States-No  Locals-Yes  Locals-No 27

28 #13a Polling Question: What areas do you need technical assistance in working with adult education? State answers only:  Forming partnerships  Participation on boards and in planning  Creating seamless and concurrent delivery programs  Developing a common or compatible intake process  Developing a compatible information technology system  Developing common performance metrics  Other (type answer in chat box) 28

29 #13b Polling Question: What areas do you need technical assistance in working with adult education? Locals answers only:  Forming partnerships  Participation on boards and in planning  Creating seamless and concurrent delivery programs  Developing a common or compatible intake process  Developing a compatible information technology system  Developing common performance metrics  Clear guidance from the state  Other (type answer in chat box) 29

30 Title III – Wagner-Peyser Act Co-location Professional development and credentialing Engagement of unemployment insurance claimants in workforce development programs Common performance metrics 30

31 #14 Polling Question: Have you begun to form critical partnerships with the Wagner-Peyser community? Answers:  States-Yes  States-No  Locals-Yes  Locals-No 31

32 #15a Polling Question: Where do you need technical assistance in working with the Wagner-Peyser program? States answers only:  Colocation  Differing agency work rules  Reporting structure  Professional development and credentialing  Moving W-P clients to workforce programs  Developing a compatible information technology system  Developing common performance metrics  Other (type answer in chat box) 32

33 #15b Polling Question: Where do you need technical assistance in working with the Wagner-Peyser program? Locals answers only:  Colocation  Differing agency work rules  Reporting structure  Professional development and credentialing  Moving W-P clients to workforce programs  Developing a compatible information technology system  Developing common performance metrics  Clear guidance from the state  Other (type answer in chat box) 33

34 Title IV – Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Coordinated service Services to employers Performance metrics 34

35 #16 Polling Question: Have you begun to form critical partnerships with the rehabilitation services community? Answers:  States-Yes  States-No  Locals-Yes  Locals-No 35

36 #17a Polling Question: Where do you need technical assistance in working with rehabilitation services? States answers only:  Forming partnerships  Participation on boards and in planning  Coordinating services  Services to employers  Developing a compatible information technology system  Developing common performance metrics  Other (type answer in chat box) 36

37 #17b Polling Question: Where do you need technical assistance in working with rehabilitation services? Locals answers only:  Forming partnerships  Participation on boards and in planning  Coordinating services  Services to employers  Developing a compatible information technology system  Developing common performance metrics  Clear guidance from the state  Other (type answer in chat box) 37

38 Questions ? 38

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