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 Houser, J. (2012) Nursing Research: Reading, Using and Creating Evidence (2 nd Ed.). Chapter 16.  Polit, D. & Beck, C. (2010). Essentials of Nursing.

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Presentation on theme: " Houser, J. (2012) Nursing Research: Reading, Using and Creating Evidence (2 nd Ed.). Chapter 16.  Polit, D. & Beck, C. (2010). Essentials of Nursing."— Presentation transcript:

1  Houser, J. (2012) Nursing Research: Reading, Using and Creating Evidence (2 nd Ed.). Chapter 16.  Polit, D. & Beck, C. (2010). Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice (7 th Ed.). Chapter 10 QUALITATIVE DESIGNS & APPROACHES

2 Goal of Qualitative Inquiry Identify the meaning of a phenomenon, event or experience for an individual

3 Qualitative Research as Evidence for Practice Qualitative studies are best for identifying patient preferences, aggregating clinician experiences, and for identifying trends in the recommendations of clinical experts.

4 Naturalistic vs Positivist  Naturalistic paradigm  Reality is not fixed.  Reality cannot be known…it is constructed by each individual.

5 Characteristics of Qualitative Research Design  Flexible, elastic  Holistic  Intense researcher involvement  Emergent: ongoing analysis guiding design decisions  Bricolage: merging various data collection strategies

6 Characteristics of Qualitative Research Design, Cont.  No comparison group  Focus is to describe & explain new phenomenon  Non statistical methods  The Researcher:  becomes intimate with subjects  may remain in field for long periods of time  is the research instrument.

7 Characteristics of Qualitative Research Design, Cont.  Data analysis:  is ongoing.  may lead to changes in data collection.  strives for an understanding of the whole.  Flexible approach to data collection  No set plan that needs the researcher needs to stick to as with quantitative  Researcher does not know how study will evolve.

8 Why is it important to nursing?  Nursing is:  Humanistic  Holistic  Studying human experiences related to health and wellness can provides a wider prospective regarding how patient’s respond to & manage problems related to healthcare.

9 Advance Planning and Activities in Qualitative Studies  Selecting a research tradition  Selecting a study site  Identifying gatekeepers, gaining entrée  Identifying needed equipment for the field  Analyzing personal biases

10 Overview of Qualitative Research Traditions  Anthropology (Domain: Culture)  Ethnography; Ethnoscience  Philosophy (Domain: Lived Experience)  Phenomenology; Hermeneutics  Psychology (Domain: Behavior)  Ethology; Ecological psychology

11 Overview of Qualitative Research Traditions  Sociology (Domain: Social Settings)  Grounded theory; Ethnomethodology  Sociolinguistics (Domain: Communication)  Discourse analysis & Content analysis  History (Domain: Past Events, Conditions)  Historical research  Medicine/Psychology: Case Study

12 Ethnography  Describes and interprets a culture and cultural behavior  Culture is the way a group of people live—the patterns of activity and the symbolic structures (for example, the values and norms) that give such activity significance.  Relies on extensive, labor-intensive fieldwork  Culture is inferred from the group’s words, actions, and products.  Assumption: Cultures guide the way people structure their experiences.  Examines interrelationship between people, environment, culture, & health.

13 Types of Ethnography  Macroethnography (broadly defined cultures)  Microethnography (narrowly defined cultures)  Auto-ethnography/insider research (the study of one’s own culture)  Ethnonursing research (the intersection of nursing concerns and human culture)

14 Phenomenology  Focuses on the description and interpretation of people’s lived experience  Asks: What is the essence of a phenomenon as it is experienced by people, and what does it mean?  Acknowledges people’s physical ties to their world: “Being in the world”  Four key aspects of experience: Lived space, lived body, lived time, lived human relation  Main data source: In-depth conversations with a small number of participants who have experienced the phenomenon

15 Descriptive Phenomenology  Describes human experience  Based on philosophy of Husserl  Steps: Bracketing, Intuiting, Analyzing, Describing  Bracketing (identifying and holding in abeyance preconceived views)  May involve maintaining a reflexive journal

16 Interpretive Phenomenology  Emphasis on interpreting and understanding experience, not just describing it  Based on philosophy of Heidegger: Heideggerian hermeneutics  Bracketing does not occur.  Supplementary data sources: texts, artistic expressions

17  Example: Hughes, A., Gudmundsdottir, M., & Davis, B. (2007). Everyday struggling to survive: Experiences of the urban poor living with advanced cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 34(6), p. 113-118.

18 Grounded Theory  Focuses on the discovery of a basic social psychological problem that a defined group of people experience  Elucidates social psychological processes and social structures  Has a number of theoretical roots—e.g., symbolic interaction  Originally developed by sociologists Glaser and Strauss

19 Grounded Theory Methods  Primary data sources: In-depth interviews with 20 to 40 people; may be supplemented with observations, written documents  Data collection, data analysis, sampling occur simultaneously

20 Grounded Theory Analysis  Constant comparison used to develop and refine theoretically relevant categories  Focus is on understanding a central concern or core variable  A basic social process (BSP) explains how people come to resolve the problem or concern

21 Alternative Views of Grounded Theory  Glaser and Strauss (generation of explanatory theory linking related concepts); called Glaserian methods  Strauss and Corbin (full conceptual description)  Nurse researchers have used both approaches

22  Example:  Pain management decision making among long term care physicians & nurses” (Kaasalairens et al., 2007)

23 Case Studies  Not all qualitative studies are conducted within a disciplinary tradition. Examples include:  Case studies  These focus on a thorough description and explanation of a single case or small number of cases.  Cases can be individuals, families, groups, organizations, or communities.  Data often are collected over an extended period.

24 Narrative Analysis (Content Analysis)  Texts that provide detailed stories are sometimes analyzed through narrative analysis.  There are numerous approaches to analyzing texts.  One example is Burke’s pentadic dramatism: analyzes 5 elements of a story (act, scene, agent, agency, purpose); meant to be analyzed in ratios, such as act:agent

25 Descriptive Qualitative Studies  Many studies do not claim any specific type of approach or disciplinary tradition.  Such descriptive studies seek to holistically describe phenomena as they are perceived by the people who experience them.  The researchers may say that they did a content analysis of the narrative data with the intent of understanding important themes and patterns.

26 Research With Ideological Perspectives  Critical theory research:  Such research is concerned with a critique of existing social structures and with envisioning new possibilities.  Transformation is a key objective.  Ethnographies are especially likely to be critical.

27 Research With Ideological Perspectives  Feminist research:  Focuses on how gender domination and discrimination shape women’s lives and their consciousness  Participatory action research (PAR):  Produces knowledge through close collaboration with groups or communities that are vulnerable to control or oppression

28 Traditional Qualitative Research vs. Critical Research

29 Literature Review  2 approaches  Conduct after the study to prevent undue influence  Conduct before the study to provide some focus on the research problem

30 Entry Select & gain entry into research sites.  Make contacts with “gatekeepers” regarding how to access subjects  Get permission to conduct the study  Decide on setting for data collection.  “Real world site”  May occur in same setting for all participants “ home”  May differ from one participant to another.

31 Ethics Ethical practices  IRB application  May present more challenges due to intimate nature of research

32 Sampling Strategies  Participants  Informants  Respondents  Participants

33 Sampling  Purposeful sampling  Researcher identifies criteria for the type of informant most likely to provide information needed for the study  Informed consent  Snowball sampling  As participant is identified they in turn identify others. Useful for sensitive populations  Extreme case:  Unusual or special case – superior or worse case

34 Saturation  The point at which no new information is being generated and the sample size is determined to be adequate. The goal is saturation.

35 Data Collection Methods  Interviews  Focus groups  Direct observations  Field notes  Direct quotes  Non verbal communication  Setting

36 Data Collection & Ethics  Audio tapes  Video tapes

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