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Library as Partner IR Collaborations on Campus and in the Community.

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Presentation on theme: "Library as Partner IR Collaborations on Campus and in the Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Library as Partner IR Collaborations on Campus and in the Community

2 Not a very exciting sounding presentation

3 Dave Before BEPress

4 Dave before LibQual+

5 Dave after BEPress and LibQual+

6 Comments from LibQual+ “…it is a very dreary place and seems to be extremely outdated in all parts of the building, from decor to technology.” 1067-U “It'd be nice if the library was nicer, and more inviting... it's kind of like a dungeon at the moment!..I consider my local library before I do my own school library! it's just such a depressing place... “ 1039-U

7 Library as Partner Lot in Library Publishing these days and in the Higher Ed Press about Partnerships and Community

8 Library as Partner..what underlies my thinking Libraries by my long winded definition are and have always been (1) Partners in education (both public and academic library (2) Have always been about Community

9 What underlies my thinking An optimism that was developed from a past littered with failures Which means I’ve had the best teacher of all

10 A little bit about community development Backup about 32 years ago Phones where not little 4 oz. devices but 8 pound boxes with a wheel about 5 inches across called Rotary Dialers Little unknown company called Apple had two small computers in their inventory Apple II,III Tandy (a Crafts Store) had small shops called Radio Shack that had a little computer called the TRS-80

11 Also this was the Advent of Online Systems Lockheed (yes the airplane maker) – DIALOG SDC – Orbit BRS

12 Now for the failures or lessons learned Produced an A-V Program “Who Needs an Online Information System?, 1980 Followed by an article in Educational Technology in 1981 “Online Information Systems in Non-research Academic Libraries: A Missed Opportunity?”

13 Fast Forward to Today Reframe the question: Is an IR (and digital publishing) a new opportunity for us to re-establish lost relationships? Relationships = mutual collaborations on projects Relationships = end product of building community involving the library

14 Now to answer the question Duh! Of Course

15 Well…Of Course

16 If an IR is my answer then I will need to broaden services to the max Need to add depth to those services Need to re-focus attention on the library as an alternative to Google and Wikipedia (this is to make the Humanities Faculty feel better) Need to BRAND the library as an Intellectual Center for Undergraduates Need the library to have a voice (1st step in empowering) in the discussion on open access and sustainability of content (budget issues)

17 How do I do all of this?

18 Focus your attention please! Back to my youthful past mistakes

19 Well, BEPress can give me Institutional Repository Digital Publishing Conference Services Showcase Services for Faculty Research Open Access opportunities

20 That was a list of what I wanted but what do faculty, chairs and deans want? Well they want the same things, they just don’t know it, only know it in parts, or think the sad little web page they have created for themselves looks real slick In professional marketing terms “UNDERSTAND THE CUSTOMER AND THE REST IS EASY”

21 So that you all don’t think I am raving mad in this presentation I got busy Real busy

22 University Strategic Plan Globalization of curriculum Engaged KSU

23 Library Response 1.Develop our own strategic plan 2.Develop a marketing plan 3.Respond to LibQual+ 4.Move at EVERY OPPORTUNITY to engage faculty about the library

24 Created a Library Strategic Plan The Sturgis Library is a creative partner in various campus learning communities and in the University’s instructional, learning and research programs. The Library plans, develops and implements programs to provide staff, information, learning resources and information competencies to students, faculty, and staff and selected services to off campus students. Using a variety of technologies the Library delivers resources to satisfy information needs of students and faculty and creates appropriate connections for our various learning and scholarly communities

25 Library Strategic Plan The vision for the Sturgis Library is to be the heart of a KSU Academic Learning Complex by providing a learning commons, a research commons, and a library that encompasses physical and virtual spaces. This vision will be realized by collaborating with both the University and Community in various learning and engagement activities. To realize this strategic vision, we will: Collaborate with Kennesaw faculty, students and staff to ensure that students acquire the skills and scholarly abilities necessary to successfully navigate in an information-driven world. Add value to the educational and research endeavor of students and faculty by providing research assistance, instruction, and resources to support scholarly inquiry and meet the changing needs of library users. Seek out strategic and collaborative relationships with faculty, university, and community partners.

26 Created a market plan and committee 2.Increase collaborative relationships with academic departments, administrative and student organizations on campus. a.Identify opportunities for outreach and collaborative opportunities with academic departments. b.Develop relationships with new faculty to build awareness of library services and resources. c.Build on existing relationships with student organizations. d.Strengthen relationships with key administrators and student leadership at KSU, in order to increase their awareness of issues and concerns that impact the library. 3.Increase collaborative relationships and outreach with other libraries, organizations, and businesses in the local and regional community. a.Identify opportunities for outreach. b.Participate in relevant community events. c.Sponsor special library events. d.Provide marketing support that helps promote collaborative programming with other libraries (e.g. grant initiatives). 4. Brand library services to make patrons aware they are using library resources and services regardless of location or format.

27 Back to

28 Also helps to have a secret weapon Meet Rita

29 Moved on the journal front

30 Moved on to the folks that control money

31 Back to the Faculty

32 Attack the research folks

33 Students are good targets

34 Let’s try GLA

35 One thing leads to another

36 LET’S GO GLOBAL (big time)

37 What about our neighbors University of North GA Oglethorpe

38 Enough with journals Conference Publishing and our first set back (run out of steam)

39 What’s on the horizon? Help Five New Librarians and one parapro hired Two additional Graduate Librarians Full time Marketing person to work with Outreach Librarian and others Expanded GRA help, interns, and student assistants for Jon

40 Successes Last week Added Dean to our Selectedworks Gallery Entire Department of Inclusive Education moving to us Three way discussion with VP for Research, Library, and Dean about our central role in bringing a world renown African Scholar to campus (spin of would be another student journal on the Gallauh-Geechee people of the low country

41 What of the Future Directly related to the BEPress platform Growth in Graduate Programs will bring additional demand for creating publications and strong EDT services Discover Service Data curating Move from relationships to strong bonds with Academic Centers and Institutes GKR, Google Scholar, Digital Commons Network, DOI KSU Press (this is where the conversation got started)

42 Questions?

43 Thanks to Ann Taylor Director of Outreach and Scholarly Communications Irene Perciali Director of Strategic Initiatives Jean-Gabriel Bankier President

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