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SCIENCE REVISION What can we do now to help with the exams next summer? How do I make sure that I pass Science GCSE?

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Presentation on theme: "SCIENCE REVISION What can we do now to help with the exams next summer? How do I make sure that I pass Science GCSE?"— Presentation transcript:

1 SCIENCE REVISION What can we do now to help with the exams next summer? How do I make sure that I pass Science GCSE?

2 How do I pass Science GCSE? No one gets all of the questions correct. And, you don’t have to! In this Summer’s Physics P1 higher paper 18 out of 60 (30%) would get you a C grade AND 37 out of 60 (62%) would get you an A grade. (Similar for Biology and Chemistry too)

3 We are going to look at the different style of questions and how to get marks in these.

4 Terminology Name/StateComplete Calculate DescribeExplain Compare Evaluate

5 Terminology (match up) Name/State Complete Calculate Describe Explain Compare Evaluate Short factual answer, often only a word or two Write your answer in the space provided Use numbers to work out the answer Recall some facts in an accurate way (this could be an experiment to describe, or a trend in data) Using scientific knowledge to give reasons for something happening Write about the similarities or differences between things (use words, or more than, less than, higher etc.) Use the information to consider evidence both for and against, then usually bring together with a conclusion

6 1. Factual Recall/multiple choice (Physics)

7 Factual Recall (Biology)

8 Factual Recall (Chemistry)

9 1. Factual Recall ANSWERS

10 1. Factual Recall/multiple choice (Physics)

11 Factual Recall (Biology)

12 Factual Recall (Chemistry) Mantle Core

13 Factual Recall Not necessarily easy questions. BUT, if you have revised you can usually narrow down the answer and have a go. Put down your ‘BEST GUESS’ if you aren’t sure.

14 2. Calculate





19 2. Calculate (0.23 +0.27 +0.24 + 0.26)/4 0.25

20 2. Calculate 65850 - 65450 400

21 2. Calculate 4 13 - 4 9

22 2. Calculate Calcium carbonate Calcium oxide 50 - 28 22

23 Calculate Some of these questions can again be quite tricky. They can require the use of set equations. BUT, most of the maths is usually straightforward AND you can use calculators in ALL Science exams.

24 3. Describe




28 3. Describe 1.Earth’s atmosphere has less carbon dioxide 2.Earth’s atmosphere has more nitrogen 3.Earth’s atmosphere has more oxygen ANY TWO

29 3. Describe 1.Electrical 2.Heat 3.Sound 4.Kinetic

30 3. Describe As the mass of hydrogen pellets increases, the mass of water absorbed increases.

31 Describe Often these questions look at patterns or data you are actually given in the question, so may not need you to recall any scientific knowledge. OR The knowledge you need to answer the question is usually more factual short answers than longer more complicated explanations.

32 Longer Questions Some questions require more thought. Some require a better understanding of the Science. Some are simply longer but need you to read the question, understand what is being asked and use some ‘common sense’ in your answer.

33 Longer Questions






39 Longer Questions 1.Size (area) 2. Cost (of insulation) 3. Which part transfers most heat/energy (U value)

40 Longer Questions Advantages (3 max) Disadvantages (3 max) 1.Strong 2.Can be reused 3.Money charged for bags can go to good causes OR encourage reuse 4.Can be recycled 5.Burned for heat 6.New bags can biodegrade 1.Bags take years to biodegrade 2.Shortage of landfill space 3.Made from oil which is non- renewable 4.Lots of energy used in production 5.Production releases CO2/causes global warming 6.Litter = visual pollution or affects wildlife 7.Burning bags releases CO2/causes global warming

41 Advantages (3 max) Disadvantages (3 max) 1.Less unburnt hydrocarbons/soot so less global dimming 2.Carbon neutral 3.No need to dispose cooking oil 4.Renewable resource, so conserves crude oil 1.Higher amounts of nitrogen oxides so more acid rain 2.Deforestation leads to less CO2 absorbed, so increased global warming 3.Production of biodiesel leads to increased CO2 output so not really carbon neutral 4.Production of fuel crops rather than food crops could lead to food shortage/food price increase

42 1.Adding compost increases water holding capacity 2.Adding hydrogel increases water holding capacity 3.Hydrogel is more effective (or smaller mass of hydrogel needed) 4.Hydrogel AND compost combined gives the highest water holding capacity.

43 FOR STATINS (5 marks) FOR ASPIRN (5 marks) 1.MORE people in study 2.Data MORE reliable 3.Reduces cholesterol BUT aspirin doesn’t 4.Aspirin may cause bleeding BUT statins don’t 5.SMALLER % suffer side effects 6.Monitored by doctor, BUT aspirins not 7.Similar heart attack reduction 8.Low incidence of side effects in both 1.Cheaper 2.Can be bought over counter RATHER than being prescribed 3.Statins cause serious damage (e.g. kidney/muscle) BUT aspirins do not 4.Higher reduction of heart attack (can say similar) 5.Low incidence of side effects in both

44 REMEMBER READ the question and answer what is asked. DO use the information you are given to help answer the question. IF you aren’t sure put down a ‘best guess’ BUT think about it first. i.e. use some common sense. FINALLY - watch but perhaps don’t follow!

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