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Investing in Kids is Economic Development Business Champions for Early Childhood Policy Change Sara Watson Director, Partnership for America’s Economic.

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Presentation on theme: "Investing in Kids is Economic Development Business Champions for Early Childhood Policy Change Sara Watson Director, Partnership for America’s Economic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Investing in Kids is Economic Development Business Champions for Early Childhood Policy Change Sara Watson Director, Partnership for America’s Economic Success Senior Officer, Pew Center on the States /

2 Why are we here? Intensifying global competition and steadily growing fiscal imbalances mean our kids have to do well. Yet… Less than half of the children in every state are proficient in reading and math. 20% of workers are functionally illiterate – they cannot read a map or a manual. 54% of business leaders said they expect to have difficulty finding enough educated and skilled workers in the future. Our children must become adults who are book-smart, team-capable and job-ready.

3 If 50 first graders have problems reading, then 44 of them still have problems reading in fourth grade ( Journal of Educational Psychology ) First Graders Fourth Graders

4 What do we already know? Economic Returns for Disadvantaged Children Cost Benefits B/C Perry Pre-K (3-4 year olds) $15,386 $262,642 17.1 Chicago Child Par. Ctr (3-4) $ 7,384$ 74,981 10.1 Abecedarian (0-5) $35,864$130,666 3.6 Nurse Family Prtnrshp. (0-2) $ 9,118$ 26,298 2.9 WIC (federal nutrition)1.8-3.1 Intensive foster care (Casey) 1.5

5 Chicago Child-Parent Centers Preschool Results Temple, J. A., & Reynolds, A. J. (2007). Benefits and costs of investments in preschool education: Evidence from the Child-Parent Centers and related programs. Economics of Education Review, 26(1), 126-144

6 Perry Preschool: Economic Effects at Age 27 Barnett, W.S. (1996). Lives in the balance: Benefit-cost analysis of the Perry Preschool Program through age 27. Monographs of the High/Scope Educational Research Foundation. Ypsilanti, MI: High/Scope Press.

7 Returns in 20 years – and in 2 years Also saves money NOW  NJ prek cut retention in first grade in half – saving $16k/year per child not retained  Employers can save $3-$4 in worker productivity for each $1 invested in back-up, emergency child care  Rigorous home visiting programs can cut low birthweight births and child abuse/neglect immediately – very expensive outcomes Youth human capital sector is big - and many jobs are local.

8 Federal Leadership “...[T]he first pillar in reforming our schools – investing in early childhood initiatives” President Barack Obama, March 10, 2009 President Obama -- Called on states to raise quality of early learning. -- Included $300 million for the Early Learning Challenge Grants in FY10 budget proposal. Secretary Duncan -- Encourages states and school districts to invest stimulus funds in early education quality. -- Emphasizes the importance of preserving state early learning programs tough economic times.

9 Opportunities to Use Federal Funds Maryland agenda – but also federal -- Title I of Elementary and Secondary Education Act -- ARRA funds Possible: -- Race to the Top (if win grant) -- Early Learning Challenge Fund (if enacted)

10 Partnership for America’s Economic Success Collaboration of individual business leaders, business organizations, economists, funders and policy activists. Six funders, including Pew. Thanks especially to Scholastic, Inc., for funding summits. Goal: Make the life success of every child in America the top economic priority of the United States Strategies: Document economic benefits of proven investments in children prenatal to five Develop Partnership principles for effective policy and spending decisions based on evidence Support business leaders as champions for effective early childhood policies and use of evidence/ROI in decisionmaking Managed by the Pew Center on the States

11 Business is responding by supporting policy change Chambers of Commerce MaineLos AngelesKansas City MemphisSan Francisco Houston NashvilleOaklandBrownsville, TX RichmondFairfax, VACalhoun County, AL Business Roundtable: National, Massachusetts, Vermont National Association of Manufacturers 2008 Public Policy Positions: “Access to high quality early education and learning opportunities is integral to helping today’s children prepare for the highly competitive, fast-paced global economy.” Federal Reserve Banks: Chairman Bernanke, as well as leaders in Minneapolis, Richmond, Atlanta, Cleveland, San Francisco, St. Louis

12 The message is getting through…

13 Pennsylvania Early Learning Investment Commission Purpose: Secure public investment in early learning by focusing on practices that are educationally, economically and scientifically sound by increasing business, civic and public awareness of the importance of early childhood education. 26 business leaders from across Commonwealth Year-long agenda: Planning Meeting in Fall; Business Summit in Spring Strategies: Activism with legislators Speaking to community groups Writing Op-eds Supporting child care centers Providing companies with education, materials/resources

14 What business can do Connect with advocates to get e-alerts to know when to communicate with policymakers – important to be connected so you know message, timing, recipient Make your voice heard – Op-eds, letters to editors, blogs, talk radio, policymaker town halls, press events Tell your colleagues – presentations at business events on investments in children as an economic strategy Encourage business groups to make a public statement Invite child care center operators to join business organizations Talk to policymakers and candidates (on a nonpartisan basis) Attend or apply to join early childhood advisory bodies to share business perspective

15 How can we help you? Visit our website and sign up for listserv: Join our conference calls to get help on common challenges Send staff to training Use conferences to win over skeptics

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