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Published byMarshall Chapman Modified over 8 years ago
Brushes, Patterns, & Symbols Step 10
Slide 2 of 136 Brushes n Illustrator provides a palette full of brushstroke patterns that you can use when drawing paths. n You can create your own custom brushes and store them in the Brushes palette. n You can import brushes from the Brushes folder stored inside the Presets folder. n You can use one of the many brushes stored in the Brush Libraries folder. From page 451
Slide 3 of 136 Brushes n Paths to which a brush from the Brushes palette has been applied can be reshaped, transformed, or modified the same as any other path created with another of the path-creating tools. n Four types of brushes: –Calligraphic: Creates brushstrokes that vary in thickness, like a calligraphic pen. –Scatter: Randomly disperses a single object or group of objects along the selected path or along a path as you draw it. continued From page 452
Slide 4 of 136 Brushes n Four types of brushes: (con’t) –Art: Stretches an object or group of objects evenly along the length of a selected path. –Pattern: Repeats a specified pattern along the selected path or as you draw a path with the Paintbrush tool. From page 452
Slide 5 of 136 Brushes From page 452 Samples of the types of brushes available in Illustrator 10
Slide 6 of 136 Brushes Palette n The Brushes palette is similar to the swatches palette. –Choose Window > Brushes to display. n To display all the brushes available, click and drag the Expand Palette icon. –You can choose the types of brushes you want to be displayed in the document’s Brushes palette. If a checkmark displays to the left of the option, those brushes are displayed in the palette. From pages 452-453
Slide 7 of 136From page 453 The default Brushes palette Brushes Palette
Slide 8 of 136 Brushes Palette From page 453 Options available in the Brushes palette Options menu
Slide 9 of 136 Brushes Palette n Displaying brushes by name –When List View is checked in the Brushes palette Options menu, a small thumbnail displays on the left side of the palette, followed by its name and the icon for the brush type. From page 454
Slide 10 of 136 Brushes Palette From page 454 Examples of brush icons in the brushes palette
Slide 11 of 136 Brushes Palette n Moving brushes in the Brushes palette –You can reposition brushes within its category in the Brushes palette by selecting and dragging it to a new spot. –Release the mouse to drop the thumbnail when a dark line displays where you want the thumbnail to be placed. To select a series of thumbnails, click the first one, then Shift- click the last one to select all thumbnails between the clicks. To select random thumbnails, Command/Ctrl-click them. From page 454
Slide 12 of 136 Brushes Palette n To delete a brush from the Brushes palette: –Select the brush you want to delete. –Delete the brush thumbnail: Drag the selected brush thumbnails over the Delete Brush button at the bottom of the Brushes palette or Click the Delete Brush button at the bottom of the Brushes palette or Choose Delete Brush from the Brushes palette Options menu. From pages 454-455
Slide 13 of 136 Brushes Palette n Adding brushes from brush libraries –Illustrator has provided brush libraries containing additional brushes for your use. –You can create your own custom brush library, too. n To add a brush to the current document’s Brushes palette: –Deselect all objects. –Display the list of available brushes by choosing Window > Brush Libraries and choose the one you want or –Choose Window > Brush Libraries > Other Library continued From page 455
Slide 14 of 136 Brushes Palette n To add a brush to the current document’s Brushes palette: (con’t) –Click a brush in the opened library and drag it onto an object in your document to apply it to that object. Its thumbnail appears in the Brushes palette automatically. or –Click a brush in the Library palette. Its thumbnail appears in the Brushes palette automatically. –Close the Library palette. From pages 455-456
Slide 15 of 136 Brushes Palette From page 455 You can create your own brushes to add to this list of default brushes supplied with Illustrator 10
Slide 16 of 136 Brushes Palette n Duplicating a brush –You can use an existing brush as a starting point for creating a new brush by creating a duplicate of it first. n To duplicate a brush: –In the Brushes palette, click the brush you want to duplicate. –Display the Brushes palette Options menu and choose Duplicate Brush or –Drag the selected brush over the New Brush button at the bottom of the palette. –Double-click the duplicate brush to display the Brush Options dialog box. From page 456
Slide 17 of 136 Brush Libraries n To create a custom brush library: –Create a custom brush in the current document. –Save the file into the Brush Libraries folder that’s located in the Brushes folder inside the Presets folder or –Save the file anywhere on your hard drive, then drag it into the Brushes folder inside the Presets folder in the Adobe Illustrator 10 folder on your hard drive. –Close the document, exit Illustrator, then re-launch the program. From page 456
Slide 18 of 136 Paintbrush Tool n To draw with the Paintbrush tool: –Choose the Paintbrush tool. –Click on the document page and move the mouse to draw the path. –To close the path, hold down the Option/Alt key before you release the mouse. –Release the mouse before releasing the Option/Alt key. From page 457
Slide 19 of 136 Paintbrush Tool n To reshape a brushstroked path: –With the Selection tool, select the path you want to modify. –Choose the Paintbrush tool. –Set Preferences for the Paintbrush tool. –Position the Paintbrush pointer on the path line of the path, then click and drag the path in a new direction. From page 457
Slide 20 of 136 Paintbrush Tool n Setting Paintbrush tool Preferences –You can display the Preferences dialog box by double- clicking the Paintbrush tool or by selecting the Paintbrush tool in the Toolbox and pressing return/enter. Fidelity: Determines how many pixels away from the path Illustrator can stray to produce smooth curves. Smoothness: Controls the smoothness of curves as you draw. Fill new brush strokes: When checked, paths are filled with the current fill and color display in the Color palette. continued From page 458
Slide 21 of 136 Paintbrush Tool n Setting Paintbrush tool Preferences: (con’t) Keep Selected: When checked, paths remain selected after you’ve finished drawing them. Edit Selected Paths: Determines how close you have to be to a path to edit it with the Paintbrush tool. From page 458
Slide 22 of 136 Paintbrush Tool From page 458
Slide 23 of 136 Paintbrush Tool n To apply a brushstroke to an existing path: –Choose Windows > Show Brushes –Select a path, then click on a brush in the Brushes palette or –Click on a brush in the Brushes palette and drag it onto the path. From page 459
Slide 24 of 136 Paintbrush Tool From page 459 Paths drawn with the 6 pt flat calligraphic brush Banana leaf scatter brush applied to a path
Slide 25 of 136 Paintbrush Tool From page 459 Flying beetles scatter brush applied to a path Type, converted to outlines, with the Charcoal art brush applied to it Rectangle with Polynesian pattern brush applied to it
Slide 26 of 136 Paintbrush Tool n To remove a brushstroke: –Select the path. –Click the Remove Brush Stroke button or –Display the Brushes palette Options menu and choose Remove Brush Stroke or –Click the stroke box in the Color palette or on the Toolbox, then click the None button. From page 459
Slide 27 of 136 Create or Modify Brushes n To create a new brush, you have to choose the type of brush you want to create. n You can’t create a new brush by modifying an existing brush, renaming it, and saving it into the Brushes palette or you will lose the existing brush. From page 461
Slide 28 of 136 n To create a new brush, display the New Brush dialog box and: –Click the New Brush button at the bottom of the Brushes palette or –Display the Brushes palette Options menu and choose New Brush or –Drag selected objects onto the Brushes palette. –Click the radio button for the new brush you want to create, and click OK or press return/enter. From page 461 Create or Modify Brushes
Slide 29 of 136From page 461 Create or Modify Brushes Choose the type of brush you want to create in the New Brush dialog box
Slide 30 of 136 Create or Modify Brushes n To modify an existing brush, display the Brush Options dialog box for that brush type and: –Double-click the brush in the Brushes palette or –Display the Brushes palette Options menu and choose Brush Options. –Make the appropriate changes in the options in the dialog box, then click OK or press return/enter. From page 461
Slide 31 of 136 Create or Modify Brushes n If you modify an existing brush that has been applied to objects in the current document, an alert displays and you must decide what you want to do: –Apply to Strokes: Applies the modified brush to existing paths that have the original brush applied to them. –Leave Strokes: Leaves existing paths untouched. A new brush thumbnail displays in the Brushes palette. –Cancel: Cancels changes made to the brush. From page 461
Slide 32 of 136 Create or Modify Brushes From page 461 Determine what action to take when deleting a brush that’s been applied to paths in the document
Slide 33 of 136 Create or Modify a Calligraphic Brush n Strokes created with Calligraphic brushes vary in thickness as you draw them or as they wrap around existing paths. n You can change the angle, roundness, and diameter of calligraphic brushstrokes. n When modifying an existing brush, if you want to keep the original brush intact, duplicate the brush first, then alter the copy. n The stroke color in the document determines the color of the brushstrokes. From page 462
Slide 34 of 136 Create or Modify a Calligraphic Brush n To create a new calligraphic brush: –Choose New Calligraphic brush in the New Brush dialog box to display the Calligraphic Brush Options dialog box. n To modify an existing calligraphic brush: –Double-click the brush to display the Calligraphic Brush Options dialog box. n Then, for both: –Enter a new name or change the existing name in the Name field. continued From page 462
Slide 35 of 136 Create or Modify a Calligraphic Brush n To create or modify a calligraphic brush: (con’t) –The Preview window shows how the brushstroke is affected by changes you make to the options. The black center image in the Preview window shows the shape of the brushstroke without any Variation value applied. The gray image on the left shows the shape of the brushstroke when the minimum Variation values are applied to it. The gray image on the right shows the shape of the brushstroke when the maximum Variation values are applied. When you modify an existing Calligraphic brush, a Preview Checkbox displays in the Options dialog box. –When checked, paths to which the brushstroke has been applied are updated immediately. continued From page 462
Slide 36 of 136 Create or Modify a Calligraphic Brush n To create or modify a calligraphic brush: (con’t) –Each of the three options (Angle, Roundness, Diameter) has a pop-up menu containing the same three options: Fixed: The attribute is always the same throughout the stroke. Random: The attribute can vary; the amount of variation is set by the value in the Variation field. Pressure: This option is available only when you’re using a pressure-sensitive drawing tablet. –Enter a value in the Angle field or click in the lefthand preview window to control how thick or thin the brushstroke gets on vertical or horizontal paths. continued From page 463
Slide 37 of 136 Create or Modify a Calligraphic Brush n To create or modify a calligraphic brush: (con’t) –Enter a value from 0 –1296 in the Roundness field or click and drag one of the bullets in the image in the lefthand preview window. –Enter a value in the Variation field to set the minimum and maximum amount the brushstroke can change shapes as it flows along a path. –The Diameter option controls how thick the brushstroke is before any variation value is applied. –Click OK or press return/enter. From page 463
Slide 38 of 136 Create or Modify a Scatter Brush n An object(s) must be selected to make a Scatter brush out of it. n You can make a Scatter brush from an open path or a closed path, compound paths, blend objects, text objects, or text that’s been converted to outlines. n A scatter brush is used when you want multiple copies of objects to follow a path in a random pattern. From page 465
Slide 39 of 136 n To create a new Scatter brush: –Select the object(s) with the Selection tool. –Display the New Brush dialog box. –Choose New Scatter Brush to display the Scatter Brush Options dialog box. n To modify an existing Scatter brush: –Deselect all paths and double-click the brush to display the Scatter Brush Options dialog box or –Click the brush in the Brushes palette and choose Brush Options from the Brushes palette Options menu. continued From page 465 Create or Modify a Scatter Brush
Slide 40 of 136 Create or Modify a Scatter Brush n To modify an existing Scatter brush: (con’t) –When the Scatter Brush Options dialog box displays, enter the desired changes. –The options are: Size: Controls the size of the objects in the brushstroke in random fashion in relation to the size of the original object that crated the brush. Spacing: Determines how close together the objects are spaced on the path. Scatter: Specifies how far from the pathline objects can stray. continued From pages 466-467
Slide 41 of 136 Create or Modify a Scatter Brush –The options: (con’t) Rotation: Rotate the objects along the path by the value specified. Rotation relative to: Using the two options available in the pop-up menu, determine whether the rotation values are calculated from the bottom of the page or from the orientation of the path. Colorization: Controls how the Scatter brush is affected by changes in stroke color. –Click OK or press return/enter. From page 467
Slide 42 of 136 Colorization Options n Colorization Tips dialog box –Method: Offers four ways to color Scatter brush objects after they’ve been applied to a path. None: Color of the original brush object is used, regardless of stroke color in the Color palette. Tints: Used for black and white, grayscale, or spot color brushes. –Black areas in brushstroke are changed to 100% black. –White areas remain white. –Non-black and non-white areas become tints of the stroke color. continued From page 469
Slide 43 of 136 Colorization Options n Colorization Tips dialog box : (con’t) Tints and Shades: Used for black and white and grayscale brushes. –The darkest color in the brush object is converted to 100% black. –White areas remain white. –Other areas become shades of the stroke color in the Color palette. Hue Shift: Used for process color brushes or multi-colored spot colors. –Applies the stroke color in the Color palette to the areas of the brush object that are designated as the Key Color. continued From page 469
Slide 44 of 136 Colorization Options n Colorization Tips dialog box: (con’t) –Key Color: The most prominent color in the brush object. –To change Key Color: Click the Key Color eyedropper. In the Preview window, sample the desired color in the brush object to select it and display it in the Key Color box. Deselect the eyedropper by clicking it again. From pages 469-470
Slide 45 of 136 Colorization Options From page 469 Determine how color is applied to scatter, art, and pattern brushes in the Colorization section of the Brush Options dialog box Options available in the Method pop-up submenu in the Colorization section of the Brush Options dialog boxes
Slide 46 of 136 Colorization Options From page 470 Colorization Tips
Slide 47 of 136 Create or Modify an Art Brush n Artwork containing one or more objects or compound paths can be used to create art brushes. n You can’t use objects containing gradients, gradient meshes, or clipping masks. n An art brush stretches along a path and has a front and a back. n You can change the size and direction of the object or flip it across the path. From page 471
Slide 48 of 136 Create or Modify an Art Brush From page 471 Art Brush Options dialog box
Slide 49 of 136 Create or Modify an Art Brush n To create an art brush: –With the Selection tool, select the object or objects to be used as an art brush. –To create a new art brush: Drag the selected object(s) onto the Brushes palette or Click the New Brush button at the bottom of the Brushes palette to display the New Brush dialog box; click the New Art Brush button, then click OK or press return/enter or From page 471
Slide 50 of 136 Create or Modify an Art Brush –To create a new art brush: (con’t) Display the Brushes palette Options menu and choose New Brush to display the New Brush dialog box; click the New Art Brush button, then click OK or press return/enter or –To modify an existing art brush, double-click its thumbnail in the Brushes palette. –Enter a new name in the Name field, or leave the existing name to replace an existing brush. From page 472
Slide 51 of 136 Create or Modify an Art Brush n To create an art brush: (con’t) –If you’re modifying an existing brush, the Preview box appears in the dialog box. When checked, any paths to which the art brush has been applied update immediately as you make changes, even if they aren’t selected. –To create a custom brush: Choose Direction, Size, and Flip options. Apply the desired Colorization options. Click OK or press return/enter. From page 472
Slide 52 of 136 Create or Modify a Pattern Brush n Pattern brushes were devised so brushes applied to shapes with square corners (rectangles, triangles, and so on) flow smoothly around the corners. n Pattern brushes have “tiles” that make up the pattern, then you designate them as a Pattern brush. –As many as five tiles might be required to create a smoothly flowing pattern. Side: Defines the sides of the path. Outer corner: Defines the outer edge of corners. continued From page 474
Slide 53 of 136 Create or Modify a Pattern Brush –Five tiles: (con’t) Inner corner: Defines the inner edge of corners in the path. Start: Defines the beginning of the path. End: Defines the end of the path. n To store tiles in the Swatches palette: –With the selection tool, select the artwork for the tile and drag it onto the Swatches palette. –Double-click the pattern swatch to display the Swatch Options dialog box. continued From page 474
Slide 54 of 136 Create or Modify a Pattern Brush n To store tiles in the Swatches palette: (con’t) –Enter a name for the swatch in the Swatch Name field. –Click OK or press return/enter. –Deselect the tile objects on the document page. From page 474
Slide 55 of 136 Create or Modify a Pattern Brush From page 474 SideOuterInnerStartEnd
Slide 56 of 136 Create or Modify a Pattern Brush n Guidelines for creating pattern tiles –Draw artwork for pattern tiles the same way you draw other objects in Illustrator. Separate shapes may have to be drawn for corner, side, start, and end tiles. Tiles should be drawn large enough to work with easily; they can be scaled later in the Pattern Options dialog box. Side tiles should be horizontally rectangular in shape. Corner tiles should be square, exactly the same height as the side tile. Tiles must align precisely. continued From page 475
Slide 57 of 136 Create or Modify a Pattern Brush n Guidelines for creating pattern tiles: (con’t) –If you apply global process color swatches to pattern tiles, colors can be changed easily by modifying the global process color. From page 475
Slide 58 of 136 Create or Modify a Pattern Brush n To define the pattern brush: –Display the New Brush dialog box and click the New Pattern brush button to display the Pattern Brush Options dialog box. –Enter a name for the new brush in the Name field. –Click one of the tile buttons at the top of the dialog box to select the part of the pattern to define. –Click the name of a pattern swatch that’s stored in the Swatches palette. continued From page 475
Slide 59 of 136 Create or Modify a Pattern Brush n To define the pattern brush: (con’t) –Repeat the previous two steps until all necessary tiles for the pattern are defined. –Click OK or press return/enter. From pages 476-477
Slide 60 of 136 Create or Modify a Pattern Brush From pages 476-477 Pattern Brush Options dialog box
Slide 61 of 136 Create or Modify a Pattern Brush n To modify an existing pattern brush: –Select an existing path or draw a new one. –Display the Pattern Brush Options dialog box and double-click the pattern brush you want to change or –Display the Brushes palette Options menu and choose Brush Options. continued From pages 476-477
Slide 62 of 136 Create or Modify a Pattern Brush n To modify an existing pattern brush: (con’t) –Check the Preview checkbox to turn it on. –Click a tile button to replace the current tile with another, then choose a new tile from the list in the scroll window. –Specify settings for the following options: Size: –Scale: Determines the size of the tiles. –Spacing: Adds space between tiles. Flip Along: Reverses the direction of pattern tiles. Flip Across: Flips pattern tiles across the path’s axis. continued From page 477
Slide 63 of 136 Create or Modify a Pattern Brush n To modify an existing pattern brush: –Specify settings for the following options: (con’t) Fit: –Stretch to fit: Shorten or lengthen pattern tiles, where necessary, to fit on the path. –Add space to fit: Add space between tiles, where necessary, so the pattern fits on the path. –Approximate path: Adjust position of the tiles on the path to fit the tiles on the path without changing their shape or spacing. To return a selected tile to the state it was in when the dialog box was opened, click Original in the list. –Specify the appropriate changes in the Colorization section, then click OK or press return/enter. From page 477
Slide 64 of 136 Edit Existing Scatter, Art, or Pattern Brushes n To change the shape or color of the original object: –Drag the brush onto the document page of the artboard to display the original object that created the brush. –Select the objects or parts of the objects using the same selection tools you would use for any other object drawn in Illustrator, including selecting it in the Layers palette. –Make the desired changes to the object, then save it as a new brush. From page 480
Slide 65 of 136 Edit Existing Scatter, Art, or Pattern Brushes n To replace an existing Scatter or Art brush: –With the Selection tool, select the object(s), then drag to the Brushes palette until it’s over the thumbnail for the original object. –Hold down the Option/Alt key until a thumbnail displays for the original object, then release the mouse. –When the Brush Option dialog box displays, enter a new name or leave it as is. From page 480
Slide 66 of 136 Edit Existing Scatter, Art, or Pattern Brushes n To replace an existing Pattern brush: –Drag modified pattern tiles onto the Swatches palette and change its name in the Swatch Options dialog box. –Double-click the original Pattern brush in the Brushes palette and redefine the pattern tiles. Then click OK or press return/enter or –Drag the new pattern tile over the tile it’s replacing in the Brushes palette, and hold down the Option/Alt key before you release the mouse to drop the tile. Click OK or press return/enter. continued From page 480
Slide 67 of 136 Edit Existing Scatter, Art, or Pattern Brushes n To replace an existing Pattern brush: (con’t) –If the brush is applied to a path in the current document, an alert dialog box displays. Click Apply to Strokes to apply the new pattern to brushstrokes in the current document. Click Leave Strokes to leave brushstrokes in the current document unchanged. From page 481
Slide 68 of 136 Change Brushstrokes on a Selected Object n You can change a brushstroke that’s been applied to a path without affecting other paths to which that brush has been applied and without changing the brush itself. n To change only the color of most brushstrokes that have been applied to a path: –Highlight the path. –Change the stroke color. continued From page 481
Slide 69 of 136 Change Brushstrokes on a Selected Object n To change brushstroke options other than color on a single path: –Select a single path or multiple paths having the same brushstrokes applied. –Click the Options of Selected Object button at the bottom of the Brushes palette to display the Stroke Options dialog box for the type of brush being changed. –Make the desired changes in the dialog box. –Click OK or press return/enter. From page 481
Slide 70 of 136 Convert Brushstrokes into Separate Objects n You can convert a brushstroke on a path into its individual objects by selecting the brushstroked path and choosing Object > Expand Appearance. n You can edit the paths, but you can’t edit the original brush and reapply it to the path to change its appearance. n The separate objects are no longer a brushstroke. From page 482
Slide 71 of 136 Pattern Fills n A pattern fill is a design created in Illustrator that repeats again and again to fill an object. n When a design is designated as a pattern fill, it’s called a pattern tile. n Only one tile makes up a pattern fill. n When you define a design as a pattern, it must be stored as a swatch in the Swatches palette or in a library palette. From page 483
Slide 72 of 136 Pattern Fills n All paths you create in Illustrator, except paths in a graph, can be used as a pattern, including compound paths, brushstrokes, and type converted to outlines. n Placed images or bitmap images cannot be converted for use as a pattern. n Fill attributes must be a solid color fill, including white, or no fill. n You cannot define an object as a pattern fill that is filled with a gradient, a blend, a gradient mesh, or a different pattern fill. From page 483
Slide 73 of 136 Pattern Fills n Applying pattern fills to a path –You apply pattern fills to a path by clicking its swatch in the palette in which it’s stored. –When a pattern fill is applied to a path, the pattern tile fills the path from left to right and from bottom to top according to placement of the Ruler Origin. n To move the pattern within the path: –Hold down the ~ key and press the arrow key corresponding to the direction you want to move the pattern. or From page 483
Slide 74 of 136 Pattern Fills n To move the pattern within the path: (con’t) –Hold down the ~ key and, with the Selection tool selected, drag inside the object. n Guidelines for creating pattern fills: –Complex patterns can choke a printer. –The size of a pattern tile should be 1/2" to 1" square. –Objects aligned in a straight horizontal or vertical manner tend to be boring. continued From page 484
Slide 75 of 136 Pattern Fills n Guidelines for creating pattern fills: (con’t) –A pattern tile should be designed in such a way that you can’t see the individual pattern tiles. –A pattern fill can’t be enlarged or reduced once it’s been applied to a path. From page 484
Slide 76 of 136 Pattern Fills n To create a pattern fill and place its swatch into the Swatches palette: –Draw, position, and scale one or more objects that you want to define as a pattern fill. –Select all the objects. continued From pages 484-485
Slide 77 of 136 Pattern Fills n To create a pattern fill and place its swatch into the Swatches palette: (con’t) –To create a pattern swatch and place it into the Swatches palette: Choose Edit > Define Pattern or Drag the selected items onto a blank area of the Swatches palette. –Deselect all the objects. From pages 484-485
Slide 78 of 136 Pattern Fills n To define the boundaries of your pattern fill: –Draw a 1/2 " to 1 " rectangle around the objects or the portions of the objects you want to designate as a pattern tile. –Apply a fill and stroke of None. –Send the rectangle to the back of the Stack (Object > Arrange > Send to Back). –If you want a background color behind the pattern, draw another rectangle that’s slightly larger than the boundary rectangle and apply a fill color. continued From page 485
Slide 79 of 136 Pattern Fills n To define the boundaries of your pattern fill: (con’t) –Arrange the colored rectangle in the stacking order to fall just in front of the boundary rectangle. –Select all the objects, including the rectangle, and create a pattern swatch by performing the Define Pattern command (Edit > Define Pattern) or by dragging the objects onto a blank area of the Swatches palette. From page 485
Slide 80 of 136 Pattern Fills n To create uniformly spaced patterns: –Create an object for your pattern that’s about 1/2 " high. –Verify that Snap to Point is checked in the View menu, and turn on Smart Guides. –Draw a rectangle around your object to set the size of your pattern tile. Apply a fill and stroke of None and send it to the back of the stack. Align the center points of the rectangle and your object. continued From page 487
Slide 81 of 136 Pattern Fills n To create uniformly spaced patterns: (con’t) –Option/Alt drag the object to make a copy of it and position it in the upper left corner of the rectangle so the center point of the object snaps to the upper left anchor point. –Drag-copy or copy-and-paste the original object and align one in each of the other three corners of the rectangle. –Deselect all paths. –Select all the objects and drag them to the Swatches palette to create a pattern swatch. continued From page 488
Slide 82 of 136 Pattern Fills n To create uniformly spaced patterns: (con’t) –If you want a background color behind the objects, draw a rectangle that’s slightly larger than the boundary-defining rectangle and apply a fill color. –Place it in the stacking order just in front of the boundary-defining rectangle. –Display the Swatch Options dialog box and name the new pattern swatch. continued From page 488
Slide 83 of 136 Pattern Fills n To create irregular pattern fills: –Make sure the Snap to Point and Smart Guides options are checked in the View menu. –Draw a boundary-defining rectangle around your object, apply a fill and stroke of None, and send it to the back of the stack. –Draw the paths of your pattern so they intersect the left side of the boundary rectangle, with part of each element extending beyond its border. Assign fill and stroke attributes to the paths. continued From page 489
Slide 84 of 136 Pattern Fills n To create irregular pattern fills: (con’t) –With the Selection tool, select all paths, including the rectangle. –Click the lower left anchor point of the rectangle, drag to the right, hold down the Option/Alt key, and snap it to the lower right anchor point. Release the mouse before releasing the Option/Alt key –Deselect all paths, then delete the rightmost rectangle. –Draw and position paths of the pattern so they intersect only the top side of the rectangle. continued From page 489
Slide 85 of 136 Pattern Fills n To create irregular pattern fills: (con’t) –With the selection tool, select only the paths that intersect the rectangle and the rectangle itself. –Click the upper left anchor point of the rectangle, drag downward, hold down the Option/Alt key, and snap it to the lower left anchor point. Release the mouse before releasing the Option/Alt key –Deselect all paths, then select and delete the bottom rectangle. –Fill in the rectangle with the pattern element, varying the size, shape, rotation, and so on. continued From page 489
Slide 86 of 136 Pattern Fills n To create irregular pattern fills: (con’t) –Select all elements with the Selection tool and drag onto the Swatches palette to create a new pattern swatch. –Assign a name to the new pattern. From page 489
Slide 87 of 136 Pattern Fills n To modify pattern fills: –Drag a pattern swatch onto a blank area of your document page. –Make any changes to the objects. –With the Selection tool, select all the objects that create the pattern, then drag them back onto the Swatches palette. From page 491
Slide 88 of 136 Pattern Fills n To transform pattern fills: –To transform the pattern fill applied to an object without changing the object, check the Patterns checkbox. –To transform the pattern fill applied to an object and the object, too, check both checkboxes or –You can transform the pattern fill and the object when you apply the command using a transform tool by checking the Transform Pattern Tiles checkbox (Edit > Preferences > General > Transform Pattern Tiles). From page 491
Slide 89 of 136 Pattern Fills n To convert a pattern fill into individual objects: –Select an object that contains a pattern fill. –Choose Object > Expand –Verify that the Fill and Stroke checkboxes are checked. –Click OK or press return/enter. From page 493
Slide 90 of 136 Symbols n A symbol is artwork that can be used many times in a document but is stored in the file only once, which keeps the file size smaller. n Symbols can be created from almost any artwork you can create in Illustrator, including gradient meshes, compound paths, type, and embedded raster images. n You can’t make linked images or graphs into symbols, though. From page 494
Slide 91 of 136 Symbols n You can’t select or edit individual paths in symbol instances placed on a document page; you have to edit the original symbol artwork. n When you change the artwork of a symbol, all instances placed in the document are updated automatically. n Each time a symbol is placed on the document page, it’s called an instance, and it’s linked to the original in the Symbols palette. From page 494
Slide 92 of 136 Symbols n A symbol set consists of multiple symbol instances, connected by a bounding box, that are treated as a single object. n You can alter symbol instances or symbol sets without affecting the original artwork by dragging its bounding box handles, applying Transform commands, changing its opacity or blending mode, or applying styles or effects to it. From page 494
Slide 93 of 136 Symbols n Symbols palette –Symbols are stored on the Symbols palette in the same way that swatches, brushes, and patterns are stored on their respective palettes. –Display the Symbols palette by choosing Window > Symbols. From page 494
Slide 94 of 136 Symbols From page 495 Default Symbols palette
Slide 95 of 136 Symbols n To change palette display, choose: –Thumbnail View: Displays symbols as swatches. –Small List View : Displays small swatches and the symbol name. –Large List View: Displays large swatches and the symbol name. –Sort by Name: Sorts symbols alphabetically by name. From page 494 A dark line displays between two symbols where the moved symbol will be placed
Slide 96 of 136 Symbols n To rearrange symbols in the Symbols palette: –Drag the symbol to a new place in the palette and release the mouse to drop the thumbnail when a dark line displays between two swatches. n To rename a symbol: –Display the Symbol Options dialog box. –In the Name field, enter a new name or change the existing name. –Click OK or press return/enter. From page 495
Slide 97 of 136 Symbols n To duplicate a symbol: –Drag and drop a symbol swatch on the New Symbol button at the bottom of the palette or –Click a symbol swatch to select it, display the Symbols palette Options menu, and choose Duplicate Symbol or –Drag one symbol over another symbol, then hold down the Option/Alt key and drop it. The first symbol is copied and the second symbol is deleted. From page 496
Slide 98 of 136 Symbols n To select unused symbols: –Display the Symbols palette Options menu and choose Select All Unused. n To delete a symbol: –Drag and drop a symbol swatch on the Delete Symbol button at the bottom of the palette or –Click a symbol swatch to select it, then click the Delete Symbol button at the bottom of the palette or From page 496
Slide 99 of 136 Symbols n To delete a symbol: (con’t) –Click a symbol swatch to select it, display the Symbols palette Options menu, and choose Delete Symbol. –An alert displays so you can be certain you really want to delete the symbols. –If you attempt to delete a symbol that’s linked to symbol instances in the document, an alert displays with three options: Expand Instances: Converts instances into regular objects whose paths can be edited. Delete Instances: Deletes all linked instances. Cancel: Forgets you mentioned it. From page 496
Slide 100 of 136 Symbols n To display the Symbol Libraries menu (Window > Symbol Libraries): –Click a symbol in the library palette to add it to the current document’s Symbols palette or –Drag a symbol from a library palette onto the document page to add it to the document’s Symbols palette. From page 497
Slide 101 of 136 Symbols n To replace a symbol: –With the Selection tool, select an instance in your document. –Click a different symbol swatch in the Symbols palette. –Click the Replace Symbol button at the bottom of the palette or –Display the Symbols palette Options menu and choose Replace Symbol. From page 498
Slide 102 of 136 Symbols n To break the link of a symbol instance to its original symbol: –Select an instance of the symbol in the document. –Click the Break Link to Symbol button at the bottom of the Symbols palette or –Display the Symbols palette Options menu and choose Break Link to Symbol. From page 498
Slide 103 of 136 Symbols n To create a new symbol: –Draw a new object and scale it to the desired one, leaving it selected or –With the Selection tool, select an existing object in your document. –With the Selection tool active, drag the selected object onto a blank area of the Symbols palette. Rename the new symbol. or From page 498
Slide 104 of 136 Symbols n To create a new symbol: (con’t) –Click the New Symbol button at the bottom of the Symbols palette. Rename the new symbol or –Display the Symbols palette Options menu and choose New Symbol. Type a new name for the symbol in the Name field. From page 498
Slide 105 of 136 Symbols n Redefining a symbol: –You can change an existing symbol and change all instances of the symbol in the document, or you can create a new symbol. –It’s a good idea to work on a duplicate of a symbol in the event you decide you want to keep the original, too. –You can always delete the original symbol. From page 499
Slide 106 of 136 Symbols n To redefine a symbol: –In the Symbols palette, make a duplicate of the symbol you’re going to edit. –In the document, select a symbol instance. –Break the link of the symbol instance with its original symbol in the Symbols palette. –Edit the object the same way you would any object created in Illustrator. –To redefine an existing symbol, thereby changing any instances of that object that exist in the document, then Option/Alt-drag the object over its original symbol in the Symbols palette. continued From page 499
Slide 107 of 136 Symbols n To redefine a symbol: (con’t) or –Click the original symbol on the Symbols palette, display the Symbols palette Options menu, and choose Redefine Symbol. n Expanding a symbol instance or symbol set –The Expand command can be applied to a symbol set to disconnect the symbols from the set, making them individual instances. –The individual instances are still linked to the original object in the Symbols palette. From page 499
Slide 108 of 136 Symbols n To expand a symbol instance or a symbol set: –Select a single instance, multiple instances, or a symbol set. –Choose Object > Expand to display the Expand dialog box. –Check the Object checkbox or the Fill checkbox, or both. –Click OK or press return/enter. From page 499
Slide 109 of 136 Symbols n When the Expand command is applied to a single symbol instance, the link to the original symbol is broken. n The paths become a group, and the individual paths of the symbol are displayed in the Layers palette as individual object layers nested under the layer. From page 500
Slide 110 of 136 Symbolism Tools n In the Toolbox are eight Symbolism tools that you can use to manipulate symbol instances or symbol sets on a document page: change size, location, rotation, stacking order, and more. n Each Symbolism tool applies different characteristics to a symbol instance or to a symbol set. n A predefined round circle “brush” displays when applying characteristics of a Symbolism tool to a selected symbol instance or a symbol set. From page 502
Slide 111 of 136 Symbolism Tools n Except for the Symbol Sprayer tool, symbolism tools are used to change the position, stacking order, size, orientation, colorization, transparency, and applied styles. n Symbol Tool Options –The Symbol Tool Option/Alts dialog box is displayed by double-clicking a Symbolism tool in the Toolbox. The top section contains settings that apply to all the tools. The bottom section contains settings that apply to only the selected tool. From page 502
Slide 112 of 136 Symbolism Tools From page 502 Symbolism Tool Options dialog box
Slide 113 of 136 Symbolism Tools n Global settings that affect all symbolism tools –Diameter: Sets the size of the active area covered by the brush. –Intensity: Adjusts the rate at which symbol instances are changed. Higher intensity = faster application of a characteristic –Use Pressure Pen: Controls the intensity with a drawing tablet when one is connected to your computer. –Symbol Set Density: Controls how close together symbol instances in a symbol set are to each other. From page 503
Slide 114 of 136 Symbolism Tools n Global settings that affect all symbolism tools –Show Brush Size and Intensity: When checked, the circle delineating the size of the “brush” is visible. –When you’re finished changing values, click OK or press return/enter. From page 503
Slide 115 of 136 Symbolism Tools n Symbol Sprayer –The Symbol Sprayer tool is used to spray multiple symbol instances on a document page. To place a single instance on the page, click once. Drag across the page to spread symbol instances as you move the mouse. n To add symbol instances to an existing symbol set: –Select the existing set and spray a symbol with the Symbol Sprayer. From page 504
Slide 116 of 136 Symbolism Tools From page 504 Symbol instances sprayed with the Symbol Sprayer are enclosed within a bounding box
Slide 117 of 136 Symbolism Tools n To delete symbol instances from an existing symbol set: –Select the symbol set. –Choose the Symbol Sprayer. –Select the symbol in the Symbols palette that matches the symbol instance you want to delete or make sure no symbols in the Symbols palette are selected. To remove a single symbol instance, hold down the Option/Alt key, position the icon over the symbol instance you want to delete, and click. Click and hold to eliminate several symbol instances, or click and drag over symbol instances to select the symbol instances to delete. From page 504
Slide 118 of 136 Symbolism Tools n Specific Symbol Sprayer tool options –Options determine how the other tools, except Symbol Shifter, behave when sprayed. –Average: Symbol instances are added to a new or existing symbol set based on the average value of existing symbol instances within the brush circle. –User-Defined: Symbol instances are added to a new or existing symbol set based on specific preset values. Scrunch: (Density) Based on the size of the original symbol. Size: Based on the size of the original symbol. Spin: Based on the direction the mouse moves. continued From pages 504-505
Slide 119 of 136 Symbolism Tools n Specific Symbol Sprayer tool options –User-Defined: (con’t) Screen: Based on 100% opacity. Stain: Based on 100% opacity. Styler: Based on the style currently selected in the Styles palette. From page 505
Slide 120 of 136 Symbolism Tools n Symbol Shifter –The Symbol Shifter tool adjusts the location of symbol instances within a symbol set, and you can use it to change the stacking order of symbol instances. –Select a symbol set in the document with a Selection tool. –Choose the Symbol Shifter tool. –Position the brush over the symbol instances you want to move, then click and drag in the direction you want the symbol instances to move. From page 505
Slide 121 of 136 Symbolism Tools n To change stacking order of symbol instances: –To bring it in front of other symbol instances in the symbol set, shift-click on a symbol instance. –To send it behind other symbol instances in the symbol set, hold down the Option/Alt key and Shift-click on a symbol instance. From page 505
Slide 122 of 136 Symbolism Tools From page 505 Symbol instances sprayed with the Symbol Sprayer tool Stacking of symbol instances rearranged using the Symbol Shifter tool
Slide 123 of 136 Symbolism Tools n Specific Symbol Shifter tool options –Diameter: Determines how big the brush circle is. –Intensity: Determines how much the spacing of symbol instances is adjusted. –Symbol Set Density: Specifies how closely packed the symbol instances remain. –Click OK or press return/enter to exit the dialog box. From page 505
Slide 124 of 136 Symbolism Tools n Method choices –Average: Applies changes uniformly. –User Defined: Applies the effects of the specific tool according to the options specified for that tool. –Random: Applies the effects of the specific tool randomly to symbol instances. n Symbol Scruncher –The Symbol Scruncher tool draws symbol instances together or pushes them apart. continued From page 506
Slide 125 of 136 Symbolism Tools n Symbol Scruncher: (con’t) –Select a symbol set in the document with a Selection tool. –Choose the symbol Scruncher tool in the Toolbox. To draw symbol instances closer together, click and hold in one spot or click and drag the brush inside the symbol set. To push symbol instances apart, hold down the Option/Alt key while you click and hold or click and drag. From page 506
Slide 126 of 136 Symbolism Tools n Symbol Sizer –The Symbol Sizer tool is used to reduce or enlarge symbol instances in a symbol set. –Select a symbol set in the document with a Selection tool. –Choose the Symbol Sizer tool in the Toolbox. Click or drag over symbol instances to make them larger. Option/Alt-click or Option/Alt-drag over symbol instances to make them smaller. From page 506
Slide 127 of 136 Symbolism Tools n Specific Symbol Sizer Tool options –Proportional Resizing: When checked, symbol instances are resized uniformly. When unchecked, symbol instances are distorted according to how you move the mouse. –Resizing Affects Density: When checked, symbol instances move apart proportionally when enlarged and move closer together when symbol instances are reduced. When unchecked, instances don’t move, which may cause overlapping. From pages 506-507
Slide 128 of 136 Symbolism Tools From pages 506-507 Symbol instances resized using the Random Method
Slide 129 of 136 Symbolism Tools n Symbol Spinner –The Symbol Spinner rotates symbol instances within a symbol set. –Select a symbol set in the document with the Selection tool. –Choose the Symbol Spinner tool in the Toolbox. –Drag over symbol instances to rotate them in the direction you move the mouse. From page 507
Slide 130 of 136 Symbolism Tools n Symbol Stainer –The Symbol Stainer tool functions like the colorization method of tinting brushes; it applies varied tints of the current fill color. –It applies tints of the current fill color to solid-fill colors while its gradients and patterns are unaffected. –Select a symbol set with a Selection tool. –Choose the Symbol sprayer tool. –Click on a single symbol instance to apply a tint of the current fill color. Additional clicks with the Symbol Stainer tool increase the tinting. continued From page 507
Slide 131 of 136 Symbolism Tools n Symbol Stainer: (con’t) or –Drag across multiple symbol instances to apply the tint to all of them that fall within the brush circle. To decrease the amount of colorization, hold down the Option/Alt key when you click or drag across symbol instances. To apply to only those symbol instances that have been “stained” without affecting those symbol instance that haven’t been stained, hold the Shift key down while clicking or dragging. From pages 507-508
Slide 132 of 136 Symbolism Tools From page 508 Individual trees in a grove stained to various shades using the Symbol Stainer tool
Slide 133 of 136 Symbolism Tools n Symbol Screener –Symbol Screener changes the opacity of symbol instances; it makes them look more transparent. –Select a symbol set in the document. –Choose the Symbol Screener tool. To make symbol instances more transparent, click or drag over them. To make symbol instances more opaque, Option/Alt-click or Option/Alt-drag over them. From page 508
Slide 134 of 136 Symbolism Tools From page 508 The Symbol Screener tool was used on the butterfly to make its wings more transparent, which lets the grass below it to show through
Slide 135 of 136 Symbolism Tools n Symbol Styler –Symbol Styler applies a style selected in the Styles palette to symbol instances in the symbol set. –Select a symbol set in the document. –Choose the Symbol Styler tool. –Display the Styles palette and click on a thumbnail to select it. –To apply the selected style to symbol instances, click- and-hold or drag over symbol instances. The longer the Symbol Style tool is over a symbol instance, the more the intensity of the style is applied. continued From page 508
Slide 136 of 136 Symbolism Tools n Symbol Styler: (con’t) Sometimes it takes a while for the screen to refresh after a style has been applied, so be patient. or –To remove the effect of the style, Option/Alt-click or Option/Alt-drag over symbol instance. The longer you pause over a symbol instance, the more the intensity of the style is lessened. –Shift-click or Shift-drag over symbol instances to apply the selected style to those symbol instances that already have the style applied to them, leaving any unused symbol instances in the symbol set unchanged. From page 509
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