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Published byMervin Fleming Modified over 8 years ago
SFI Expenditure on R&D 2000 - 2012
What SFI actually does Makes grants to Higher Education Institutes in Ireland Based on competitive, international merit review for scientific excellence and impact Trains people Builds infrastructure Produces scientific results and technology Significant industrial linkages attracting, anchoring and starting companies Leverages other research funding e.g. Industrial / EU / Charitable / Philanthropic People & technology transfer to Industry & Society Industry more competitive, better public services Higher value products/services Higher living standards
What do we currently get for our annual €150m? A research ‘engine’ of 3000 people, led by 500 leading scientists 28 clusters/centres of scale 5740 scientific publications 80 patent filings, 27 patents awarded 39 licensed technologies 10 spin out companies formed 583 companies partaking in 1,035 collaborations €156m in leveraged non-SFI funding
What has Ireland achieved on this platform? Building on the emerging technical foundation the Industrial base is transforming Value of Exports* 2000 2009 €38b€87b €44b €18b R&D Firms Non R&D Firms Year Major growth in commercialisation outputs R&D projects now represent half of all multinational investments (up from 10% just 5 years ago) * Similar trend in value-added & employment
Job Links to SFI SFI is a key part of the enterprise ecosystem From 1 January – 17 August 2012 61% of the companies who announced new jobs have some links to SFI funded researchers SFI has connections to 3,975 of the 5,701 jobs announced by the IDA during this period
Key Government Reports
Public Expenditure on R&D (2011) by Funder Total: €919 million
SFI Agenda 2020 Excellence and Impact 4 Strategic Objectives: (A)To be the best science funding agency in the world at creating impact from excellent research and demonstrating clear value for money invested (B)To be the exemplar in building partnerships that fund excellent science and drive it out into the market and society (C)To have the most engaged and scientifically informed public (D)To represent the ideal modern public service organisation, staffed in a lean and flexible manner, with efficient and effective management.
Annual Plan 2013 Draft Will finalise Plan 2013 when budget known Summarises all current SFI schemes/calls Clarifies research prioritisation criteria for each scheme Indicates those open for 2013
PROGRAMMEBRIEF DESCRIPTIONREMIT AREA* SFI Research Centres Programme SFI Research Centres link scientists and engineers in partnerships across academia and industry to address crucial research questions, foster the development of new and existing Ireland-based technology companies, attract industry that could make an important contribution to Ireland and its economy, and expand educational and career opportunities in Ireland in science and engineering. They are structured on a hub & spoke model consisting of a number of targeted projects undertaken in partnership with industry that connect into a central hub containing the platform research and core operations. 14 NRPE areas OR Any area under SFI’s legal remit where strong evidence can be provided of significant industrial relevance and strong economic impact (e.g. a sustained track record of major industrial funding, significant international funding and/or spin out activities)
PROGRAMMEBRIEF DESCRIPTIONREMIT AREA SFI Research Centres: Spokes To promote the further development of SFI Research Centres to incorporate new areas of research, new industrial and academic collaborators. Proposals will be accepted at any time (rolling call) if 50% or more of the costs are paid for in cash by the industry partners. Otherwise an annual call is envisaged commencing 2014. 14 NRPE areas OR Any area under SFI’s legal remit where strong evidence can be provided of significant industrial relevance and strong economic impact (e.g. a sustained track record of major industrial funding, significant international funding and/or spin out activities)
PROGRAMMEBRIEF DESCRIPTIONREMIT AREA* SFI Investigators Programme SFI’s Investigator Programme supports the development of world class research capability and human capital in areas of science, engineering and mathematics that demonstrably support and underpin enterprise competitiveness and societal development in Ireland. To this end, SFI funds outstanding people with innovative ideas and strategic partnerships, recognising that excellence remains a paramount criterion in the research it funds. A proportion of funds under the Investigator Programme calls will be distributed under Themed Calls. 14 NRPE areas AND the underpinning research areas outlined in the NRPE report Also open to Investigators, working in fields covered by SFI’s legal remit, who have been successful at obtaining European Research Council Funding.
IvP 2013 Eligibility 14 NRPE areas and / or the platform areas outlined in the NRPE report which are undertaken in direct support for the priority areas. Also open to investigators working in fields covered by SFI’s legal remit, who have been successful at obtaining European Research Council Funding. Open Call, plus limited themes – likely ‘Smart Agriculture’ joint with Teagasc
IvP 2014 No Open Call Only themes, one of which will be ‘(emerging) areas of demonstrable potential economic impact for Ireland’ IvP 2015 Open Call – SFI will consider allowing broader criteria around NRPE, as the report will be 4 years old at that point Future years IvP will operate open calls and themed calls in alternate years from 2013. Investigators will be able to apply up to 2 years before the end of a current IvP award
PROGRAMMEBRIEF DESCRIPTIONREMIT AREA* SFI / EI Technology Innovation Development Award (TIDA) Feasibility Study The TIDA Feasibility Study award is designed to enable researchers to focus on the first steps of an applied research project which may have a commercial benefit if further developed. Researchers who have the scientific and technical capability to produce novel technologies and who are keen to develop a better understanding of the commercialisation process are especially encouraged to apply for this award. Convergent applications from researchers within different disciplines are also encouraged. All areas covered by SFI’s legal remit
PROGRAMMEBRIEF DESCRIPTIONREMIT AREA* SFI Starting Investigator Research Grant (SIRG) Programme The SFI Starting Investigator Research Grant (SIRG) Programme provides an opportunity for excellent early-career-stage investigators to carry out independent research and gain important experience, including the supervision of the postgraduate student supported by the award All areas covered by SFI’s legal remit
PROGRAMMEBRIEF DESCRIPTIONREMIT AREA* SFI Industry Fellowship To promote the exchange of people at all levels between academia and industry (both SME and MNC). Fellowship funding is provided across the entire academic salary scale for up to 1 year awards.. 14 NRPE areas Any area under SFI’s legal remit where strong evidence can be provided of significant industrial relevance and strong economic impact (e.g. a sustained track record of major industrial funding, significant international funding and/or spin out activities)
PROGRAMMEBRIEF DESCRIPTIONREMIT AREA* SFI Partnerships Programme Science Foundation Ireland will engage with partners to co-support outstanding initiatives which will build research strength in Ireland. The programme will fund projects or people (for a limited time) to aid development and retention of talented researchers, foster industrial collaborations and develop capacity in areas of emerging importance. All areas covered by SFI’s legal remit
PROGRAMMEBRIEF DESCRIPTIONREMIT AREA* SFI Research Professorship Programme The recruitment of iconic scientists and engineers will build the national research and enterprise base, and enhance Ireland’s reputation as a centre of excellence for research. The SFI Research Professorship Programme is intended to support national strategic priorities by assisting research bodies in their recruitment of world-leading researchers for Professorial Chairs, or similar research leadership positions in targeted scientific areas within the Biotechnology, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) & Sustainable Energy and Energy Efficiency (Energy) sectors. The programme may also act as a mechanism to support the recruitment of individuals that possess a strong industry background, as well as directorship roles in established research centres within Ireland. 14 NRPE areas Any area under SFI’s legal remit where strong evidence can be provided of significant industrial relevance and strong economic impact (e.g. a sustained track record of major industrial funding, significant international funding and/or spin out activities)
PROGRAMMEBRIEF DESCRIPTIONREMIT AREA* President of Ireland Young Researcher Award The President of Ireland Young Researcher Award (PIYRA) is Science Foundation Ireland's most prestigious award to recruit outstanding young researchers based anywhere around the world to carry out their research in third level institutions in Ireland. This programme emphasises the importance that Science Foundation Ireland places on the early development of research careers. The award recognises outstanding engineers and scientists who, early in their careers, have already demonstrated or shown exceptional potential for leadership at the frontiers of knowledge. All areas covered by SFI’s legal remit
PROGRAMMEBRIEF DESCRIPTIONREMIT AREA* SFI ERC Support Programme The SFI ERC support programme supports the Irish host institutions of awardees of the ERC Starting and Advanced Grant schemes. This programme will assist Irish host institutions in providing the appropriate support to ERC awardees. Awards may also be made when an ERC awardee moves to an Irish institution during the course of their ERC award. This programme will increase the benefits for institutions and applicants of applying to the ERC Starting and Advanced Grants, increase Irish participation in the ERC programmes, increase institutional support of ERC awardees and increase Ireland’s success rate in the ERC Starting and Advanced Grants All areas covered by SFI’s legal remit
PROGRAMMEBRIEF DESCRIPTIONREMIT AREA* SFI ERC Resubmission Incentivisation Programme This programme supports researchers based in Ireland who have submitted a proposal to the ERC, been deemed fundable, but not funded due to a lack of programme budget. The objectives of the ERC Resubmission Support Programme are to encourage unsuccessful ERC applicants to resubmit to the ERC in a future call, to encourage new submissions to the ERC from Irish-based investigators, and to increase success in obtaining funding through ERC award schemes. All areas covered by SFI’s legal remit
PROGRAMMEBRIEF DESCRIPTIONREMIT AREA* SFI Research Infrastructures Call The overall goal of the SFI Research Infrastructure Call is to support the research community in building and sustaining the required infrastructural capacity to accomplish high quality, high impact and innovative research in areas of science and engineering that demonstrably enhance and underpin enterprise competitiveness and development in Ireland in a timely manner. 14 NRPE areas Any area under SFI’s legal remit where strong evidence can be provided of significant industrial relevance and strong economic impact (e.g. a sustained track record of major industrial funding, significant international funding and/or spin out activities)
PROGRAMMEBRIEF DESCRIPTIONREMIT AREA* SFI International Strategic Cooperation Award The International Strategic Cooperation Award (ISCA) programme supports new and existing research-based collaborations between Ireland’s Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and partner organisations in partner countries. The award will provide, for a period of 12 months, the funding to coordinate and carry out a range of activities designed to initiate and/or strengthen academic and associated linkages between one or more of SFI’s eligible research bodies and one or more organisations in the partner countries. All areas covered by SFI’s legal remit
PROGRAMMEBRIEF DESCRIPTIONREMIT AREA* US-Ireland R&D Partnership Programme The Governments of the United States of America, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland have come together for a unique initiative to advance scientific progress in fields that will have a significant impact on the health, well-being and economic prosperity of all their citizens. Under the US-Ireland R&D Partnership, a ‘single- proposal, single-review’ mechanism is facilitated by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) who accept submissions from tri-jurisdictional teams to a number of their existing funding programmes. The “US-Ireland R&D Partnership” links scientists and engineers in partnerships across academia and industry to address crucial research questions; fosters new and existing industrial research activity that could make an important contribution to the respective economies: and expands educational and research career opportunities in science & engineering. Nanoscale Science & Engineering Sensors & Sensor Networks Telecommunications Energy & Sustainability Health (Areas covered by the 14 NRPE areas)
PROGRAMMEBRIEF DESCRIPTIONREMIT AREA* SFI Short Term Travel Fellowship The Short Term Travel Fellowship (STTF) is designed to enable Irish-based researchers to collaborate on research projects in academic and industrial laboratories outside the Republic of Ireland for a period of 1 month minimum to a maximum of 6 calendar months. 14 NRPE areas AND the underpinning research areas outlined in the NRPE report Also open to Investigators, working in fields covered by SFI’s legal remit, who have been successful at obtaining European Research Council Funding
PROGRAMMEBRIEF DESCRIPTIONREMIT AREA* E.T.S. Walton Visitor Awards Programme The E.T.S. Walton Visitor Awards programme enables international academic and industrial researchers to visit and collaborate with Irish research groups. The programme involves bringing high- calibre international individuals to Ireland to work with researchers in Ireland to carry out research for a fixed period of time. E.T.S. Walton Visitor Awards are offered on a worldwide competitive basis. Prominent international researchers from academia and industry may be nominated by a public research body in the Republic of Ireland. Applications may be submitted for research stays of between three and twelve continuous months. 14 NRPE areas AND the underpinning research areas outlined in the NRPE report Also open to Investigators, working in fields covered by SFI’s legal remit, who have been successful at obtaining European Research Council Funding
PROGRAMMEBRIEF DESCRIPTIONREMIT AREA* SFI-HRB- Wellcome Trust Biomedical Research Partnership The Wellcome Trust, in partnership with SFI and the HRB, will fund biomedical and clinical research in the Republic of Ireland under the auspices of the SFI- HRB-Wellcome Trust Biomedical Research Partnership. In line with their strategic research agendas, SFI and the HRB will co-fund with the Wellcome Trust successful biomedical and clinical science applications under the following Trust funding schemes: Investigator Awards, Fellowships, including Principal Research Fellowships (PRFs) and Strategic Awards The Wellcome Trust will be responsible for the administration of grant applications and awards made under this Partnership. Please see the Wellcome Trust website for details
PROGRAMMEBRIEF DESCRIPTIONREMIT AREA* HRB-SFI Translational Research Award The Translational Research Award (TRA) joint initiative aims to support the research funding strategy of both the HRB and SFI (HRB-SFI). The initiative focuses resources in areas which offer the greatest potential for translation into impacts and benefits for health and long term economic development, as well as for more efficient and effective collaboration between researchers based in an academic setting and those working in a service delivery/clinical setting who are engaged in translational research. This is a joint programme which encompasses the funding remits of both SFI and HRB. SFI will direct funds to areas covered by its legal remit. HRB funding will support aspects of clinical research.
PROGRAMMEBRIEF DESCRIPTIONREMIT AREA* European Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Through HRB and SFI Ireland is currently participating in a member- states led initiative called Joint Programming on Neurodegenerative diseases (JPND). SFI also represents Ireland on the Urban Europe and A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life Joint Programming Initiatives. All areas covered by SFI’s legal remit
PROGRAMMEBRIEF DESCRIPTIONREMIT AREA* SFI Conferences and Workshops Science Foundation Ireland’s Conferences and Workshops Programme provides support for the organisation of national and international meetings that enable Irish research bodies to contribute to international scientific debate, encourage industry-informed research, and foster academic-industrial collaborations to build a competitive advantage for Ireland. Events should focus on topics of timely importance in the broad areas of science, mathematics and engineering. There are six different award types within the Conference and Workshop Programme, namely Conferences, Exceptional Conferences, Workshops, Academic-Industrial Workshops, Events Raising Public Awareness of Science, Mathematics and Engineering, and Conference Bids. All areas covered by SFI’s legal remit
Programmes open in 2013 i.e. calls running SFI Research Centres SFI Investigators Programme SFI Research Centres – Spokes (Rolling Call) SFI / EI Technology Innovation Development Award (TIDA) Feasibility Study SFI Starting Investigator Research Grant (SIRG) Programme SFI Industry Fellowship SFI Research Professorship Programme President of Ireland Young Researcher Award SFI ERC Support Programme SFI ERC Resubmission Incentivistation Programme SFI International Strategic Cooperation Award US-Ireland R&D Partnership Programme SFI-HRB-Wellcome Trust Biomedical Research Partnership European Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) SFI Conferences and Workshops SFI Partnerships Programme
Support & retain excellent newly appointed research staff Broaden SIRG eligibility criteria, in consultation with SVP’s Research, to include newly appointed junior staff, e.g. Lecturers, commencing asap Clarify that staff of Irish HEI’s can apply for PIYRA awards as well as staff coming to Ireland from overseas, commencing asap Partnership scheme to fund projects or people (for a limited time) – to aid development and retention of talented researchers, commencing asap
Life Sciences Assist / Encourage An Irish based Research Group to win an outsourced Major Pharma R&D Project More investable, sustainable spin out companies (Irish pension funds invested by EI in several international Life science VC firms all with offices in Ireland) Encourage / Mandate Irish life sciences researchers to apply to the joint SFI / Wellcome Trust / HRB partnership schemes and / or the Wellcome Trust schemes 50/50 funding so SFI funds more research Internationally high merit review standards Follow-on funding for P.O.C and spin out companies
SFI Centres Programme Proposal within at least 1 research priority category Excellence review for science and impact by 2 independent international panels Core support (up to 20%) platform research (up to 30%) Spokes annual call rolling call if >50% cash support from industry Must have overall at least 30% of budget from industry with minimum of 10% overall budget in industry cash and mix of small and large companies Centre structure assists: open evaluation / sustainability / flexibility / evolution with time
SFI Centres Programme – Highly Competitive and Industry Relevant 120 Expressions of Interest 35 pre-proposals Leveraged from industry €92m cash and €163m in kind (total €255m) 466 companies (multinationals and SME) 11 full proposals solicited and submitted Industry cash 13.5% (€54.6m), in kind €93.7m (total industry contribution 36.5%), 247 industrial collaborations. Direct SFI funding sought €258.2m Decision early 2013 SFI currently has budget to fund approximately 5 Centres In the 2013 budget negotiations SFI continues to make a case for increased budget to allow the funding of more Centres
Research for Ireland’s Future email tel +353 1 607 3200
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